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mlg man 09-13-2012 03:20 PM

Does the retail exe work?

And Well the steam version IS different from the retail version slightly. The text before the game starts that says "insert play cd" is just replaced with spaces. I don't know if that effects anything at all but I'm pretty sure that's the only difference.

Paul 09-15-2012 04:32 AM


Does the retail exe work?

And Well the steam version IS different from the retail version slightly. The text before the game starts that says "insert play cd" is just replaced with spaces. I don't know if that effects anything at all but I'm pretty sure that's the only difference.

Yeah, I think it must be a threading problem or something, the Steam protection must slightly change the timing of stuff.

xXxrenhoekxXx 09-15-2012 04:59 AM

I hope you can fix the steam problems because I don't have the original pc version, (I owned the psone version frowing up) I'm using the steam one :S

Paul 09-17-2012 11:28 AM

Good news everyone! I found the issue with the steam version is also an issue with the retail version and have fixed it.

Turns out the steam version gets confused and thinks that drive C is the CD-ROM resulting in more files be added to the cd emulation list - in turn re-basing the file hashes which then caused the game to think it had no files and then explode in a heap.

Hard coding drive C into the retail version caused the same crash so I could debug it with out needing steam anti anti debugger tricks :).

Hopefully have a beta out some point next week.

Nate 09-17-2012 03:58 PM

You're a god among men.

xXxrenhoekxXx 09-17-2012 08:40 PM


Hopefully have a beta out some point next week.

I'm extatic :D

side note I plan on doing a game port of abes oddysee into abes exoddus once the new editor comes out, anyone care to help?

skychase2rebirth 09-18-2012 06:01 AM

Will you replace Elum with mine cars ? ;P

(ps: If someone's wondering if I'm still working on my hack, I'm just taking a break since I've been hired as a beta tester 3 months ago, less time to edit sadly.)

Paul 09-18-2012 09:35 AM

I'm talking about the beta of the dll here, not the Editor too, don't want to get anyone's hopes up :P

Paul 09-24-2012 11:04 AM

Here is the beta of the DLL. The final version will have any bugs you guys find fixed and some other internal stuff fixed that works with the new yet to be released editor.

The dll will look for mods in any folders created in the root of the game dirs, it must have a mod.ini in there that looks like this:

name=My awesome mod
description=Kill sligs and things

These will then appear in the drop down list in the UI.

Edit: Ran this run all AV scanners at Jotti, one scanner dosen't like it because it uses UPX:


If you use that AV I'd suggest you get a new one since a packed binary could result in you being hacked, winner for an AV :P

WolfensteinOdess 09-25-2012 08:02 AM

It doesn't work for me...

Paul 09-25-2012 09:25 AM


It doesn't work for me...

Not working how exactly? Doesn't give me much to go on :P

mlg man 09-25-2012 09:33 AM

It works great! Absolutely love windowed mode. Makes things so much easier. And the mod launcher works perfectly. Good job!

WolfensteinOdess 09-26-2012 07:57 AM

I have to place this dll in editor folder or exoddus folder ?

And I don't know how it works.

Paul 09-26-2012 09:14 AM


I have to place this dll in editor folder or exoddus folder ?

And I don't know how it works.

Ah yes, in the same folder as exoddus.exe and abewin.exe, each of these exe's will load the dll when you run them :).

WolfensteinOdess 09-26-2012 10:24 AM


Great ! It finally wants to work !

xXxrenhoekxXx 09-27-2012 02:33 AM

Bug report
I tried to play my map in this and when I entered the door the game crashed,

I have no idea what caused this,

the door was in mosaic lines first screen.

EDIT: actually from what I can tell it seems to crash after passing to a screen about 8 or 9 screens to the right?

kapteeni13 09-27-2012 06:30 AM


Here is the beta of the DLL. The final version will have any bugs you guys find fixed and some other internal stuff fixed that works with the new yet to be released editor.

The dll will look for mods in any folders created in the root of the game dirs, it must have a mod.ini in there that looks like this:

name=My awesome mod
description=Kill sligs and things

These will then appear in the drop down list in the UI.

Finally i got time to test this. :D
Added ddraw.dll to my Abe's Oddysee folder. Then i put mod.ini as you gave instructions.
When i opened AbeWin.exe there appeared cool mOdd selector. ;)

But i had issues also: Mod seems not appear in list, and i did that mod.ini
Should it work at this point? Or did i something totally wrong and not seeing it? x) :fuzgrin:

Paul 09-27-2012 09:42 AM


I tried to play my map in this and when I entered the door the game crashed,

I have no idea what caused this,

the door was in mosaic lines first screen.

EDIT: actually from what I can tell it seems to crash after passing to a screen about 8 or 9 screens to the right?

Does it only crash with your mod, or with the retail levels? I've never seen that problem, what version/lang of the game you got?


Finally i got time to test this. :D
Added ddraw.dll to my Abe's Oddysee folder. Then i put mod.ini as you gave instructions.
When i opened AbeWin.exe there appeared cool mOdd selector. ;)

But i had issues also: Mod seems not appear in list, and i did that mod.ini
Should it work at this point? Or did i something totally wrong and not seeing it? x) :fuzgrin:

You need to create a new directory in the same folder as the game exe, then put your mod.ini in there and it should pick it up.

xXxrenhoekxXx 09-27-2012 08:05 PM

the normal one seemed to work fine (the self addvertising made me laugh)

it only seemed to affect my map.

kapteeni13 09-28-2012 04:41 AM


You need to create a new directory in the same folder as the game exe, then put your mod.ini in there and it should pick it up.

Ahaa http://www.oddworldforums.net/images.../icon7_odd.gif
Now i got it what i did wrong. :)

I have set mod.ini to wrong directory.
But, thanks... I will try again with better luck... ;)

Paul 09-28-2012 09:54 AM


the normal one seemed to work fine (the self addvertising made me laugh)

it only seemed to affect my map.

Hmm it might be a bug in your map made worse by the hooking that causes it to crash. You could send me your map if you like and I'll attempt to reproduce the crash.

xXxrenhoekxXx 09-28-2012 03:04 PM

I was testing the first level on the map and it still crashed too,

and here (guess if anyone else wants it they could grab it)


it works when I put it in the normal game though (probably because there's a file missing from the mod or something I'm guessing.)

Andress 09-29-2012 12:00 PM

I missed something that not a remake of Necrum in Exoddus. this dll is compatible with all Exoddus??

Paul 09-30-2012 02:04 AM


I was testing the first level on the map and it still crashed too,

and here (guess if anyone else wants it they could grab it)


it works when I put it in the normal game though (probably because there's a file missing from the mod or something I'm guessing.)

Where are you seeing the crash, near the stockyards part in r1p15?


I missed something that not a remake of Necrum in Exoddus. this dll is compatible with all Exoddus??

Erm.. it works with all AO and AE, in theory :).

WolfensteinOdess 09-30-2012 02:09 AM

Paul, how can I change LCD Screen's messages ?

Paul 09-30-2012 02:17 AM


Paul, how can I change LCD Screen's messages ?

You can't just yet this bit will be added into the Editor UI. I've hard coded all LCD screens, hint flys and number of employees for testing at the moment.

You'll be able to set them per-path though.

xXxrenhoekxXx 09-30-2012 03:16 AM

I haven't tested stockyard yet, but I know it crashes in when you go right in the feeco secret area in rupture farms (about 8 or 9 screens to the right of the path) and if you go anywhere in the mosaic lines.

WolfensteinOdess 10-01-2012 07:54 AM

Ok, and when this future version will be downloadable ?

Paul 10-01-2012 10:29 AM


I haven't tested stockyard yet, but I know it crashes in when you go right in the feeco secret area in rupture farms (about 8 or 9 screens to the right of the path) and if you go anywhere in the mosaic lines.

I think I might know what the problem is now, I'll post an update when I get some time to sort it out.


Ok, and when this future version will be downloadable ?

I would have said a few months ago but I've not had much spare time or I've spent it doing other stuff (and now that I've done this DLL to add paths/resize paths its even more stuff to do in the Editor UI). It's pretty much a "it's done when it's done" since its a spare time thing.

Of course if you've got a few grand to spare you could give me that and I'll take a couple of months off work and bring it out sooner ;)

Admiral Zaarin 10-05-2012 10:33 AM


Is the editor able to edit (not only delete) FG-1 layers in it's current version? Sorry if the question has been already asked and answered but I'm a seldom guest here. I've been thinking of editing a pair of CAMs in my spare time and remembered the fact that it's impossible to edit FG-1.

Paul 10-06-2012 12:43 AM



Is the editor able to edit (not only delete) FG-1 layers in it's current version? Sorry if the question has been already asked and answered but I'm a seldom guest here. I've been thinking of editing a pair of CAMs in my spare time and remembered the fact that it's impossible to edit FG-1.

The current one can only remove FG1 layers unfortunately.

WolfensteinOdess 10-06-2012 02:21 AM

And the next version ?

Shrykull69 11-16-2012 02:58 PM

To change AE backgrounds what i have to do?

xXxrenhoekxXx 11-16-2012 10:06 PM


To change AE backgrounds what i have to do?

you can't currently.

JennyGenesis 11-17-2012 01:26 AM


I've added support for a "real" windowed mode. You can drag the window around without any strange clipping effects, resize the window and run it with your desktop in 32bit colour mode :)

Have you somehow edited the LED messages?

Considering that post it a couple of pages back it's probably something I missed.

Paul 11-17-2012 01:39 AM


Have you somehow edited the LED messages?

Considering that post it a couple of pages back it's probably something I missed.

The new test DLL edits the messages - which means it will be possible to change them in the next editor (if I ever find time/motivation to finish it that is :P).

JennyGenesis 11-17-2012 01:41 AM

Seeing as the messages displayed is determined by simply entering a number into the Message ID box, I hope it's easy to know what number to enter so you can display certain messages.

Paul 11-17-2012 04:29 AM

DLL update
Here is an update of the beta DLL, should fix the crashing issue that was found with the modded LVL not matching the orignal LVLs size.

I also fixed an annoying problem where the mouse cursor sometimes didn't update to the "arrow" when dragged over the game window.

Also again ClamAv is useless, none UPX packed it has no issues with this DLL, with UPX it reports it as:

PUA.Win32.Packer.Upx-53 which it seems to do for almost anything that's been compressed with UPX, what a useless scanner :).

Edit: Seems "PUA" means this:


In other words they report anything that's packed as possibly bad because they can't be arsed making a decent scanning engine that doesn't contain bugs that result in the user being hacked by exploits in their scanning engine.