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-   -   My Custom Oddworld sprites. (Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga styled.) (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=14513)

Arxryl 02-19-2007 07:41 AM

Well, it's not so much the mood, it's the inspiration. I haven't had a creative streak in months. However I edited a sprite to look pretty kick-arse the other day and I might show it to you.

Alf Shall Rise 02-19-2007 08:23 AM

:D Lol ok cant wait to see

moxco 02-19-2007 11:03 AM

Is here a program that you make theese with?

Alf Shall Rise 02-19-2007 11:27 AM

Well you could download the trail of Fireworks like what I did for 30 days, or you could download paint.net.

Arxryl 02-19-2007 03:34 PM

Yeah, if you use the Microsoft paint accessory, then it's fairly easy to make/ edit sprites.

Alf Shall Rise 02-19-2007 07:06 PM

Here's a comic I made with yer sprites. Sorry it's sloppy and short, I rushed. :D

Sorry it's in link form: http://img19.imageshack.us/my.php?image=comic1lf2.png

Arxryl 02-19-2007 07:19 PM

nice job on it! Pretty funny. I like the background. It's very interesting.

Alf Shall Rise 02-19-2007 07:21 PM

Well once you get the hand of Fireworks it's pretty easy to do ;). Especially the backgrounds.

SligStorm 02-19-2007 07:53 PM


Here's a comic I made with yer sprites. Sorry it's sloppy and short, I rushed. :D

Sorry it's in link form: http://img19.imageshack.us/my.php?image=comic1lf2.png

link dont work..

Alf Shall Rise 02-19-2007 07:57 PM

:( hmm...how about this:


scrab queen 02-20-2007 12:20 PM

Much better! I was thinking of making a sprite comic for my fanfic, but I had some trouble finding the right character sprites (being that it was a huge mixy-thingy with lotsa different games/ movies in it). Now all I have to find is some good splinter cell, and halo sprites.

Alf Shall Rise 02-20-2007 12:22 PM

I think Inner Rayg has some good sprites (just look him up on google, you should find a forum with him on it) and he GREAT Halo sprites. As for splinter cell, I can't help you there.

Cullen Heath 02-21-2007 06:28 PM

Alf shall rise, you probably shouldn't post in Arxryl's thread that he has worked hard in. Try the fan corner and make your own thread, please.

Arxryl 02-21-2007 06:41 PM

thank you for saying so but, it's alright. I haven't made anything in a while anyways. ;)

Plus I kinda did this to myself, I said in a previous post that if they wanted to post any sprites or anything they could.

But thanks for sayin' so anyways. ;)

Cullen Heath 02-21-2007 07:15 PM

Oh, okay... Sorry then, Alf, my bad.

Alf Shall Rise 02-22-2007 08:08 AM

Alf shall haunt you for doing that...erm...I mean, it's all good. :D

Matriar 02-23-2007 08:04 AM

Funny comic by the way. :)

E'l Scrabino 03-19-2007 09:55 PM

Now, this probably isn't a good idea bringing this thread back because it hasn't been posted in for a month, but i recently edited the head of Arxryl's sprite of himself and turned it into a fuzzle ^.^

Now, because the fuzzle only bounces when it moves, you could just move it around the screen to make it look like it was bouncing. But i added a shadow because i felt like it ^.^

Arxryl 03-21-2007 09:39 PM

That's pretty cool! I like it. the only thing I'd change is probably how "fuzzy" he looks, and if we were going by SW looks, (which we probably aren't,) I'd make it look meaner. And I've been playing with the idea of opening an "art Thread" for all the drawing and pixel stuffs I do so... BEWARE!

scrab queen 03-22-2007 12:28 PM

Hmm, Arxryl? For a better scrab sprite, maybe you could edit that big one on that huge sprite sheet you made. It was awesome...

E'l Scrabino 03-27-2007 02:21 AM

Methinks oi'll woik on an Intoin sproit... Hmmm yeeeeees...


Lol @ Scrab Queens sig.

Ramonsk8 03-27-2007 09:02 AM

I really love them. I loved Mario/Luigi Superstar Saga (it was hard at the end), amnd I used to make alot of games with programs like gamemaker and stuff... It's a shame Lanning gave up on making games, I would have loved to work for him as a Concept Designer:P

E'l Scrabino 03-29-2007 01:02 AM

EXTREMELY hard at the end *grimaces because i couldn't complete it*

Well, anyways, i've gotton really pizzled off on how crap my sprites of me look, so i FINALLY edited luigi (seeing as he's my favourite MLSS character) into me. Soooo... Hooray!


Arxryl 03-30-2007 11:03 AM

Pretty cool! Can't believe I forgot to check this thread earlier.... ;)

Luigi's my fav too. Mario sucks...;)

Jordan 03-30-2007 11:18 AM

Luigi's silver... :) I feel sorry for him, Mario gets all the attention.

E'l Scrabino 03-30-2007 06:55 PM

I also removed his moustache and added freckles ^.^


Alf Shall Rise 03-30-2007 07:37 PM

Silver Luigi? Boy, Luigi loves money! First he was green like a dollar, and now he's silver like a coin! Very cool!

E'l Scrabino 03-30-2007 10:22 PM

'Tis not luigi, tis me... Sort of...

Matriar 03-31-2007 06:48 AM

I guess, I like Luigi more than Mario. Mario is kinda boring to me.

Anyway, nice work! :)

Love the different expressions.

Alf Shall Rise 03-31-2007 08:13 AM


'Tis not luigi, tis me... Sort of...

Yes, I know that, just making a little joke :D...thanx for reminding though!

E'l Scrabino 03-31-2007 08:18 PM

*feels better*

Intern sprites are hard to make. And i'm not a good drawer either... Smeh.

scrab queen 04-01-2007 09:48 PM

Maybe I can make a little somthin'. the parts for the computer upgrade are here, so maybe it will tolerate more than one paint window...

snuzi 04-02-2007 02:10 AM


And i'm not a good drawer either... Smeh

Please please please never say "drawer" again! If anything, say that you can't draw well. Jesus, does it annoy me when people say that...

[/pointless pet-peevish post]

E'l Scrabino 04-02-2007 05:08 PM

Ok then, i'm not very good at drawing... Smeh.

Feel better? I know i do.

snuzi 04-02-2007 10:39 PM

Yes, thank you :). Sorry for bitching, it's just that I've had to endure hearing other people say that for years, and it's driven me insane in the past.

OddjobAbe 04-04-2007 01:06 PM

I know how you feel Snuzi - when someone says 'I not a very good drawer', I always think of a draw that can't open.

Also, I haven't congratulated Arxyl on the quality of his sprites. Well done! I think they're great!

snuzi 04-04-2007 01:58 PM


I know how you feel Snuzi - when someone says 'I not a very good drawer', I always think of a draw that can't open.

That's precisely what I think of! At least someone understands me :lol:.

Paramite of War 04-04-2007 05:16 PM

Other stuff aside... if you give me individual pictures of the character moving I can make a movie for you :)

Arxryl 04-04-2007 05:20 PM

Well, I don't really have the time to do that, but I do have an update!

okay, I know it doesn't have more than one pose as of right now, but... meh. I might work on it sometime later. If you feel brave enough to make a set, go ahead!

And thank you for you comment Oddjob, I always feel good when someone says that. :)

snuzi 04-04-2007 05:24 PM

Yay! An intern! Awesome job on it, Arxryl! :D