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mattb150 02-03-2017 07:03 PM

I could be wrong, but I think the isogram thing you guys are talking about in the comments has to do with Google Adsense & not with the puzzle. That is what the <\!--Google Analytics--> tag means. <\!-- is how you open a comment, or text not seen on the page, in HTML, and Google Analytics is the marketing branch of Google. Just my two cents.

\ added so my comment actually shows up... lol

dawlthy 02-03-2017 11:20 PM

I think I've solved the ouehra bit. Well partly at least.

It's the second letters of the days of the week, like this


In this case the question mark at the end is in place of another U, for sUnday

Also my phone really isn't happy typing days of the week without a capital letter at the start, that took way longer to type than it should

Edit: just realised this doesn't explain the e=5 bit, Wednesday isn't the 5th day of the week? But days are another thing that there are 7 of. We now have a 7x7 grid, the numbers without 1, 5 and 7 (leaving just 7numbers in the 1-9 range) and 7 days. We also have 3 strings of 49 letters which is 7 x 7, so I think the 4th string might be missing a letter.

I think there must be some way of assigning numbers to the other days of the week

LIJI 02-04-2017 02:05 AM

The word "isogram" is part of a standard Google Analytics code, they have nothing to do with the ARG. The same codes for everything else in that script tag.

dawlthy 02-04-2017 02:26 AM

I've just been putting numbers in the grid again, using the numbers before the : as the coordinates and then writing the number after the : into the square.

After doing just the first set of numbers, the grid reminded me of a game I had played a long time ago, but I can't remember what it's called now. The game involved drawing lines, starting in each box with a number in, and the number specified how long the line had to be. You had to fill the whole grid without overlapping lines.

Interestingly this first set of numbers seems to have a valid solution. I know my explanation is very bad, but I have attached my solution to the game.

All done in the finest MS paint with the pencil tool:)

The only problem is that the result is not the only possible valid one, although it very nearly is. The only bits that could be changed for another valid result would be the two lines of length 3 in the bottom left. This makes me think it might just be a coincidence and im on the wrong track completely.

Also it doesn't really show much at the moment, not anything helpful anyway. Maybe the other sets of coordinated create lines to overlay on top of these?

I'm now going to try the second set to see what happens there.

Well that idea was a complete failure, doesn't work at all with the second set of numbers.

OWI_Alex 02-04-2017 04:08 AM


The word "isogram" is part of a standard Google Analytics code, they have nothing to do with the ARG. The same codes for everything else in that script tag.


Manco 02-04-2017 04:23 AM


Hey just noticing this hasn't been posted yet (that I can find),

7777338883366899984477733 33

This is a T9 (cellphone numberpad) cipher. The output is:


Note that the output is another two-digit number in all capps, the same way we got 98 in asset98

Edit: This was found by saltybannu over in a Discord (vvv)

Just want to pick up on this to say that 1029.io/repository/asset73 returns a 404 page, which differs from the asset98 directory.

Vince 02-04-2017 04:29 AM


I think I've solved the ouehra bit. Well partly at least.

It's the second letters of the days of the week, like this


In this case the question mark at the end is in place of another U, for sUnday

Perhaps the E=5 bit is telling us the value for the U of sunday?
U=4 (Tuesday?)

You're definitely on to something with the days of the week though, it can't be just a coincidence that it fits.

You might be onto something with the 7x7 grid with the numbers as well. I'm going to have a go at it now.

Manco 02-04-2017 04:38 AM


Perhaps the E=5 bit is telling us the value for the U of sunday?
U=4 (Tuesday?)

You're definitely on to something with the days of the week though, it can't be just a coincidence that it fits.

You might be onto something with the 7x7 grid with the numbers as well. I'm going to have a go at it now.

I’m trying to catch up on this just now, and this happens to sound somewhat like a Bifid cipher?

In terms of a grid being used to transpose a message into numbers.

Vince 02-04-2017 04:47 AM


I’m trying to catch up on this just now, and this happens to sound somewhat like a Bifid cipher?

In terms of a grid being used to transpose a message into numbers.

I think we're onto something, but we're left with only 6 values: '2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9,' which doesn't fit onto our 7x7 grid.

Edit: Never mind, scratch that point.

Here's the first grid:


Using Dawlthy's first set of coordinates:


5,1 : 4.
1,2 : 8.
1,3 : 2.
3,3 : 2.
4,3 : 3.
7,3 : 3.
1,5 : 3.
4,5 : 9.
5,5 : 2.
7,5 : 4.
7,6 : 6.
3,7 : 3.
12 Coordinates

I've attempted to do the first set of Dawlthy's coordinates and got the result:
Edit: Tried all 25 cipher ceaser variants in quipquip and an anagram solver and found nothing.
Will try the other 3 coordinates.

I have not used the second values after the colons.

Out of curiosity, can anyone see any words into this? Crossword puzzle-wise.

Further edit: applied all four coordinates to the grid and got:

Looks like nothing...

F. Further Edit: separated the letters into the their group number after the colon:
6. DF
8. ZUA
9. JO

Still looks like nothing.

dawlthy 02-04-2017 05:20 AM

I don't know why I didn't think of doing that myself. Glad I didn't now though:D Also I want to point out that those might not really be coordinates at all, that just my interpretation. I don't want to be misleading you if it turns out to be wrong

Vince 02-04-2017 05:25 AM


I don't know why I didn't think of doing that myself. Glad I didn't now though:D Also I want to point out that those might not really be coordinates at all, that just my interpretation. I don't want to be misleading you if it turns out to be wrong

Ahah yeah, I think this a wild goose chase.
I'm not going to bother with the other 3 sets of 'coordinates' :goof: and just say I got no results, at the end of this we'll end up with 16 different results -- it can't be the way to go!

Those slashes /\ have got to mean something though...

dawlthy 02-04-2017 05:39 AM


Ahah yeah, I think this a wild goose chase.
I'm not going to bother with the other 3 sets of 'coordinates' :goof: and just say I got no results!

Those slashes /\ have got to mean something though...

I'm sure the slashes are connected to the 'mastermind' cipher. They're telling us that some things are in the right place,and some other things are the right number/letter but in the wrong place.

The slashes could also relate to the grid image and be telling us that some of the squares are in the wrong place, but that's obvious because of the image, so unless it has to be rearranged to form something other than the logo it doesn't help at the moment.

The problems are working out what the slashes apply to and what order to read them in. Do they apply to the text string/coordinate set they appear next to? if so there's not enough information to work out a definite answer unless Ii'm doing it wrong.

In the two puzzles that have been solved, the forward slashes (if there are any) always appear before the backslashes for that line. In the number/letter lines they are mixed up like

That makes me wonder if they are supposed to be separated onto multiple lines somehow. Not sure where to go now but I'll keep looking.

Manco 02-04-2017 06:54 AM

For reference, I went through the numbers in the coordinates and annotated them to the grid.

Red numbers are from the first set of coordinates:

Pink numbers are from the second:

Green numbers are from the third:

Blue are from the fourth:

I hope this is of help to someone, it doesn’t make much immediate sense to me.


Areas where number overlap with the image tiles:
  • 1,1 (3)
  • 2,1 (2)
  • 5,5 (4)
  • 3,2 (2)
  • 6,2 (2/4)
  • 4,4 (2)
  • 6,5 (3)
  • 2,6 (2)
  • 4,6 (3)
  • 7,6 (6/4)
  • 6,7 (2)

Areas with multiple numbers in a single space:
  • 6,1 (9/4)
  • 1,2 (8/4)
  • 6,2 (2/4)
  • 7,3 (3/3)
  • 2,4 (4/8)
  • 3,4 (2/4)
  • 5,5 (2/2/2)
  • 7,5 (4/3/3)
  • 7,6 (6/4)
  • 3,7 (3/2)
  • 4,7 (3/8)

mattb150 02-04-2017 06:59 AM


For reference, I went through the numbers in the coordinates and annotated them to the grid.

Red numbers are from the first set of coordinates:

Pink numbers are from the second:

Green numbers are from the third:

Blue are from the fourth:

I hope this is of help to someone, it doesn’t make much immediate sense to me.


Areas where number overlap with the image tiles:
  • 1,1 (3)
  • 2,1 (2)
  • 5,5 (4)
  • 3,2 (2)
  • 6,2 (2/4)
  • 4,4 (2)
  • 6,5 (3)
  • 2,6 (2)
  • 4,6 (3)
  • 7,6 (6/4)
  • 6,7 (2)

Areas with multiple numbers in a single space:
  • 6,1 (9/4)
  • 1,2 (8/4)
  • 6,2 (2/4)
  • 7,3 (3/3)
  • 2,4 (4/8)
  • 3,4 (2/4)
  • 5,5 (2/2/2)
  • 7,5 (4/3/3)
  • 7,6 (6/4)
  • 3,7 (3/2)
  • 4,7 (3/8)

Do you think this puzzle will involve moving the pieces around with the numbers staying fixed to each piece? I could probably find someone to write up a script to do it online somewhere, if that would be helpful. As in where the grid is there and the pieces can be dragged around with the numbers on them via mouse to rearrange them and see possible combinations. Would take a few hours though. Great graphic regardless!

Vince 02-04-2017 07:10 AM


Do you think this puzzle will involve moving the pieces around with the numbers staying fixed to each piece? I could probably find someone to write up a script to do it online somewhere, if that would be helpful. As in where the grid is there and the pieces can be dragged around with the numbers on them via mouse to rearrange them and see possible combinations. Would take a few hours though. Great graphic regardless!

You could try the plethora of 'Sliding Puzzle Creators' online?
I can't find one that allows you to make a 7x7 puzzle though...

I doubt it's the right direction to go in though... We're definitely drawing at straws now I think :goof:

Manco 02-04-2017 07:39 AM


Do you think this puzzle will involve moving the pieces around with the numbers staying fixed to each piece? I could probably find someone to write up a script to do it online somewhere, if that would be helpful. As in where the grid is there and the pieces can be dragged around with the numbers on them via mouse to rearrange them and see possible combinations. Would take a few hours though. Great graphic regardless!

That’s a possibility, but that would also call into question why there are tiles which contain a section of the graphic but without any numbers in.

There’s 3 sections which have a graphic segment but no number: (2,3), (6,3) and (1,4).

GlitterPanther 02-04-2017 08:04 AM

Hey everyone, I was looking over the slashes again

Is it a concidence that ever number that has two \\ always has two nines in it?
Sure the spacing changes, but the rules stay

A9539 \\
B2919 /\\
A5989 \\

\ = a 7, 3 , 4, 2 or 1

D4627 \
E6758 \
B5176 \
C2863 \

// together = 55

D2558 //\

\ represents the two so 552

/\ always represents 8

So lets translate

A9539 \\ 99

B2919 /\\ 299

C4882 /\ 8, 88 or , 24

D4627 \ = 4, 6, 7 ,or 2, which represents the number mixed

E6758 \ Most likely 7

Notice the slashes are essentialy repeating the same numbers but in code

So lets take



Lets segement into possible variations

\, \, /, /, \, \, \,/ possible 7. Number string
\\,//,\\,\/ 99,55,99,?
\\/, /\, \\/
\, \//,\\,\/ 1625 in roman numerals (but not the code)
\,\//, \, \, \, /
\,\//, \, \\/ 1614 in roman numeral (but not the code)

I hope this is making sense, there are some gaps because certain combinations are multiple or we dont have a reference like what \/ means other that 42 or 25

There is a method, I just cant work it right

Here what I know

\\ = 3 or 9 High change (1 and 4 on other strings)
/\ = 8
/ = 2 or 4
\ = 2, 4, 6 or 7
\/ either 24 or 42 or, 2,4 or 4,2 or 25
// = 5, 55 or maybe 1 and 7 on others

I think they all combied give is reference so while

// might be 55 and one string
It could represent 7 and 1 on another

It either covers both 6 number lots
Or it uses the same method but differs between and thats why I get some mistakes.

Thats the only slightest sense I can make
Any thoughts?

Alternatively the numbers on the grid got me thinking
Number maze?


Alright, im off. Have fun.

Vince 02-04-2017 10:13 AM

I'd just like to say that you guys at Game Detectives are doing an incredible job keeping everything together.


OrangeLightning 02-04-2017 10:18 AM

Finally have some free time! I've been looking forward to working on these clues again! :D


Hey just noticing this hasn't been posted yet (that I can find),

7777338883366899984477733 33

This is a T9 (cellphone numberpad) cipher. The output is:


Note that the output is another two-digit number in all capps, the same way we got 98 in asset98

Edit: This was found by saltybannu over in a Discord (vvv)

You know, this gives me an idea...
I'm thinking the coordinate puzzle might just have two different codes worked into it. I think part of it may be filling up the grid somehow with the letter strings BUT maybe the final number actually doesn't have to do with the letters at all and is another one of those T9 ciphers!
The final numbers after each coordinate are always the numbers 2-9 so it would make sense if they somehow related to the T9 cipher again. It's just a theory, but I'm gonna see if I can investigate this a little more :fuzwink: The only thing is, I'm not sure how the forward and back-slashes come into play on this one...

dawlthy 02-04-2017 11:01 AM

yes i thought it might be t9 too, but the distribution of numbers seems a bit odd. we have the number 2 appearing 19 times, 3 is there 13 times, 4 is there 10 times, there are no 5's at all, 6 is only there twice, no 7's, just four 8's, and only two 9's.

this means on a t9 keyboard the letters a - c and g-f would be there a lot, g-i would be a far less, and anything further through the alphabet than that would be even less still. I think this means that with enough thought we could narrow down some of the words it could be in advance. I tried but it got too complicated for me

Vince 02-04-2017 11:04 AM

Seeing as we have already used days of the week to produce part of the answer for one of the sections, the 12 coordinates may have relevance to the 12 months.

Just my two cents.

GlitterPanther 02-04-2017 11:06 AM

Had a though, what if the numbers are Ratios and not cordinates


5 has a 1:4 chance of being in square 1
Something like that

Ugh, I give up XD

No one likes my opnions and im getting no where.

Goodbye :/

Vince 02-04-2017 01:32 PM


Had a though, what if the numbers are Ratios and not cordinates


5 has a 1:4 chance of being in square 1
Something like that

Ugh, I give up XD

No one likes my opnions and im getting no where.

Goodbye :/

I didn't want to tell you that I thought you were going on a wild goose chase like I was earlier with the 7x7 grid with the Letter Strings ahah

I figured, since we're all drawing at straws here, I might as well let you continue!

The thing is, just like an incorrect hypothesis; methods we try and fail with, still provide us with useful information.

As E = 5
OUEHRAU = 15-21-5-8-18-1-21 (?)

GlitterPanther 02-04-2017 10:58 PM

Just wanted to point out that if you go to Oddworld.com/soulstorm/73 you get directed to an old article

Its even about SoulStorm Brew...

Also, if it is coordinates this may help



if you type any number it redirects there :/

Manco 02-05-2017 01:12 AM

Yeah the redirection is something we found out earlier in the ARG, it's a feature of their site CMS.

For the coordinates: when I made my diagram earlier, I assumed the coordinates started from top left, not the bottom left, so it might be inaccurate...

GlitterPanther 02-05-2017 02:20 AM

Im just thinking, they literaly rold us to "READ" the "NUMBERS" to "KNOW THE TRUTH"
Maybe all the dots and slashes are to be ignore



Which of we take the letters from the finsihed pics location we get HIJKLMUVW

Which ciphered to alphabet returns


QuipQuip Quickest result is "Something"

GlitterPanther 02-05-2017 10:07 AM

I just found out from office software using formula mode, that /\ = And \/ OR
Its also Boolean which, from wiki

"In most computer programming languages, a Boolean data type is a data type with only two possible values: true or false"

Which would kinda go with the whole, true or false scheme from earlier

Xavier 02-05-2017 10:26 AM

Took some time to update the wiki as we were a bit behind compared to the Game Detectives dudes :p



Spent some more time playing with the coordinates, the texts and the grid but couldn't really find anything relevant. I've attached my excel file (in the zip) if you anyone would like to reuse the values but doesn't feel like re-typing everything. :)


OrangeLightning 02-05-2017 11:47 AM

Agh, sorry! I've been trying to get back to work on this all weekend, but life stuff keeps getting in the way xP

That being said, I feel like I'm going in circles on this one lol I have some ideas based on what has already been found but I feel like there's a crucial piece that's missing that would tie things together...

So, right now what I'm thinking is that the four sets of number 'coordinates' and the four strings of letters go together and most likely use the grid from the image (I thought all the letter strings were 49 characters which would fit into the grid evenly, but the third one actually only has 48 so I have no idea what's up with that one...). The T9 puzzle and the two mastermind puzzles I think are clues as to how to figure out the secondary parts to the coordinate and letter strings (ie what to do with the slashes before the strings and how the third number from the coordinate set comes into play) and the numbers those puzzles generate I think could possibly end up being image numbers for the next web address? Then there's the E=5OUEHRA? puzzle and somehow I think that is probably the key to the other puzzles. The key to a cipher we could use on the letters we get from the grid, or a key for a cipher we should use if the T9 cipher does apply to the numbers after the coordinates. Or both lol There's so many variables though... I'm not sure how the letters should be entered in the grid (if that even IS what we should be doing with the numbers) and I don't know how the mastermind puzzle applies to either of them xP They definitely upped the trickiness on this one.

GlitterPanther 02-05-2017 12:07 PM

"Read the numbers, know the truth,
Find a way to show the truth"

That 100% makes me think that the numbers do show something on the grid, and that we need to show the truth of the grid