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seniormeatbox 08-26-2016 11:06 PM

I swear to odd, if they are going to just throw us a video of outtakes from the recording of the 3 weirdo voices, and have THAT be the spirits of the past, I'm gonna be disappointed.

Connell 08-28-2016 12:44 AM


FrustratedAssassin 08-28-2016 03:38 AM

Why are we pirates? Because we just ARG.

GouStoulos 08-28-2016 10:00 AM


Xavier 08-29-2016 02:15 AM

Okay guys... we get it, you're bored... cut it out.

seniormeatbox 08-29-2016 02:58 PM


FrustratedAssassin 08-29-2016 03:14 PM



omg i can't even reported for transphobia and sexism

Gunnr 08-29-2016 07:29 PM

I was cool with it.

Also didn't see any clues in Ed or lorne or spirit of 1029.io twitter..today but will keep checking...every..day.

Nate 08-29-2016 11:43 PM


omg i can't even reported for transphobia and sexism

Read a dictionary, FA. Also, try to be funny when you're joking.

FrustratedAssassin 08-30-2016 01:24 AM


Read a dictionary, FA. Also, try to be funny when you're joking.

I can't be funny at 1AM.

Connell 08-30-2016 03:01 AM

Didn't expect my meme to completely de-rail this thread. Apologies everyone :p

Nepsotic 08-30-2016 04:34 AM


I can't be funny.


FrustratedAssassin 08-30-2016 09:28 AM



Half of me was expecting this, and the other half was hoping you just disappeared completely.

Nepsotic 08-30-2016 10:05 AM

Was that the man half or the woman half

x3Julle 08-30-2016 11:20 AM

just wanted to check the 1029.io page again, but it's offline or something like that. are they working on it?

Connell 08-30-2016 11:43 AM


just wanted to check the 1029.io page again, but it's offline or something like that. are they working on it?

Also offline for me. This is exciting! Hopefully means they're getting ready to add content in. I believe the Soulstorm site itself did the same thing at one point during the ARG. Screenshots / trailer here we come*

*we can all dream.

Gunnr 08-30-2016 04:06 PM

so we're all waiting for the so1029 site to come back online.

Gunnr 08-30-2016 04:15 PM

So we're all waiting for the site to come back online, ok.

Edit: well, given what informations been gathered anyone want to make a guess at what sort of change the Spirit of 1029.up will undergo? And if Ed's role in this is done or will we see a new tweet from him?

Connell 08-30-2016 04:47 PM

It looks like it's back up, with seemingly no changes. Hopefully we'll get some more info during the week.

Shrykull43 08-30-2016 05:18 PM

Just saw this under inspect element. If we look at the capital letters in the inspector we get: WEEWETEEDEE

probably nothing but why not right?

Gunnr 08-30-2016 05:46 PM


Just saw this under inspect element. If we look at the capital letters in the inspector we get: WEEWETEEDEE

probably nothing but why not right?

No nothing new to add that message was already on the site nothing different so far but can keep checcking

EDIT: it looks like the sites it's back up for me!

Connell 08-31-2016 12:24 AM


Just saw this under inspect element. If we look at the capital letters in the inspector we get: WEEWETEEDEE

probably nothing but why not right?

Every "E" and "D" is capitalised in the source code (Spelling "ED") I think they just put that in to show Ed's involvement. The other letters are just capital ones at the start of sentences. Good spot though!

Gunnr 08-31-2016 03:56 AM

[QUOTE=Manco;622957]So right now the clues we have found in the new videos are as follows:
  • “hold this way” [x]
  • “spirit” [x]
  • An unclear message that could be “remains we will not be” [x]
  • An unclear message that could be “help” or something similar [x]
  • “8291” [x]
  • “elikedete” [x]

We also have the following hints:
  • The tweet “Listen to the spirit of the past. Rise with us.” [x]
  • The page 1029.io/8291 which to my knowledge hasn’t been linked to any other puzzles yet.

We also have the numbers 8291 the letters e l i k e d e t

Also there are 21 EDs (23 if you count where you enter your email and the @edmudokon link but i doubt that counts)if that means anything.

HE HAS LIT A FIRE IN OUR HEARTS and "join us" is still highlighted- I don't notice any real changes with the page or in the source code(which still has "well i rescued mudokons but who's gonna rescue me?)

(Thought I'd quote and recap after the..derail.) :p

Maybe do something with the highlighted section of the pages symbol?

Nate 08-31-2016 08:55 AM

Enjoy your infraction, Nepsotic.

Nepsotic 08-31-2016 10:07 AM

Smh Nate you're not supposed to openly discuss infractions.

Connell 08-31-2016 10:09 AM

This ARG is the equivalent of driving down a motorway at full speed and then stamping on the brakes and staying there for 4 days. Don't get me wrong, I'm having so much fun solving it, but the spirits are leaving us hanging all the time ;)

seniormeatbox 08-31-2016 01:39 PM

Well, at our rate they may as well drop soulstorm and focus on the ARG if they wanna keep up.

Lets wait.

EDIT: While we wait, does anyone remember this thing?

Silver angel 09-01-2016 06:34 AM

Can this - 33 74 72 83 51 - be as nombers which deciphered 9 Pieces code? First refers to the piece and second to the character.

Connell 09-01-2016 08:03 AM


Can this - 33 74 72 83 51 - be as nombers which deciphered 9 Pieces code? First refers to the piece and second to the character.

This was thrown out there as a suggestion when we first discovered that number string, but as of now I don't believe anyone knows of any 8 word phrase that the string applies to. Things like "He has lit a fire in our hearts" return gibberish or the words don't have enough characters to correspond with the numbers. Perhaps it will come into use later on.

Nate 09-01-2016 10:49 PM


Smh Nate you're not supposed to openly discuss infractions.

Ah, now I understand your behaviour. You never read the rules!


In order to do their job effectively, moderators are exempt from certain rules (most obviously, posting about moderation and infractions); you cannot use their posting behaviour, or that of any other member, to excuse your own rule breaking.

And the good thing about that clause is that my post is allowable and any response you may have will be spam. Send me a PM if you've got problems. Rephrase: I know you've got problems. Send me a PM if you've got objections.