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Crashpunk 05-12-2013 07:22 AM

That's pretty cool. You should use that chart, go back to different episodes and see what the TARDIS has written on the screen. Perhaps we'll find some secret messages?

Wings of Fire 05-12-2013 07:26 AM

STM 05-12-2013 07:29 AM

Cute, he got those two the wrong way around.

Wings of Fire 05-12-2013 07:31 AM

That's probably because he was browsing twitter, not OWF.

Crashpunk 05-12-2013 01:29 PM

Good job.

We understand that a small number of US fans have received in error their DVD edition of Series 7 Part 2 early. We respectfully ask those fans not to divulge information or post content publicly so that fellow fans who have yet to see the episodes do not have their viewing pleasure ruined.

If everyone keeps the secrets safe until next Saturday we will release a special new clip featuring material of the Tenth AND Eleventh Doctor!

To be honest, I wouldn't mind finding out what happens. I'm not expecting much anyway.

Nepsotic 05-12-2013 03:03 PM

I laughed when I read that on Facebook. Maybe I'll watch the episode tonight.

Wings of Fire 05-12-2013 03:32 PM

You can consider spoilers for episodes that haven't aired yet to be ultra super taboo.

Remember your spoiler tags.

Wil 05-12-2013 04:11 PM

Bullet Magnet 05-12-2013 07:01 PM



He totally does.

Wil 05-13-2013 01:35 AM

It's pretty basic; all the circles are cut from the same size, and I know I made a few mistakes. For anyone that's interested, creator Loren Sherman explains it with more detail and clarity that the image MM posted:


Nate 05-13-2013 02:05 AM

Is this actually canonical, or something that this guy made up for his own entertainment? And if the former, has anyone translated the text on the Doctor's cot yet?

Wil 05-13-2013 03:34 AM

It's fan-made.


What does the Gallifreyan in this episode translate to?
Nothing, unfortunately. In Doctor Who, they just draw random cool-looking circles for

Nate 05-13-2013 04:20 AM

Ah, gotcha.

I'm actually glad about that. I'd be disappointed if they translated his cot and it turned out to be a recipe for chicken tikka masala.

Wil 05-13-2013 04:59 AM

If it were canon, most of the writing on his cot would just be numbers.

Nate 05-13-2013 05:35 AM


If it were canon, most of the writing on his cot would just be numbers.

Why's that?

Wil 05-13-2013 05:41 AM

Because that's what the most prominant of the circles on the cotscript look like according to this fan script.

Nepsotic 05-18-2013 10:46 AM

Well, that wasn't really a conclusion.

Crashpunk 05-18-2013 10:57 AM

I found the whole episode to be pretty interesting. We're still left guessing though.

I thought they did a great job implementing the characters into older scenes and vise-versa. Editing can only do so much after all.

STM 05-18-2013 10:58 AM

At least it was interesting, on a whole I'd say that as the best episode of the year.

Nepsotic 05-18-2013 11:10 AM

I enjoyed the inclusion of previous doctors. When I first heard the thing about The Doctor's forgotten incarnation, I despised the idea, but it seems it's been executed rather well. What with him not truly being "The Doctor" and what have you.

Wil 05-18-2013 01:38 PM

So despite doing everything in their power across time and space to stop the Doctor or River from ever reaching Trenzalore and speaking the Doctor's name, the actual event itself happened to fall on a Sunday or something and the Silence were too busy getting a manicure to bother saving all of existence.

Instead, the ones trying to grab the Doctor before he could reach his tomb were the Whispermen... even though their goal was to get him there in the first place. Then River let the Great Intelligence in because ????. Then there was a sort of portal thing to the Doctor's timeline because ????. Then the Doctor didn't want Clara to save all of existence because ????. Then the Doctor revealed he always could see River because ????.

The the Doctor's secret was revealed: At some point in the future he does something he pregrets. That's it. He already seems to know it, and that it was done for benevolent reasons. That could be interesting. I'm not holding my breath.

This is what Moffat has been leading towards this whole time? This is the epic conclusion to more than three years of story threading and world building?

I honestly can't begin to think how to close this post. I could try something interesting or well-crafted, but if Moffat can't be bothered why the fuck should I? I'll just keep rambling incoherent bullshit and wait for my BAFTAs.

Nepsotic 05-18-2013 04:40 PM

I don't know what the fuck happened, to be honest, and I dont think I care anymore.

Nate 05-18-2013 07:57 PM

Pretty much what Wil said.

My first thought at the end of the episode was that they've got a fantastic actor and an intruiging premise; I'm excited for the next series.

But then, they'd probably bugger it up like all the other intruiging premises in recent years.

Phylum 05-19-2013 02:53 AM


The episode was kind of interesting I guess, even if it jumped all over the place and was stupid. I wanted to shoot myself every time there was a forced scene to remind us that the lizard is a lesbian.

Everything Wil said.

Also, if Clara only knows 11 Doctors can we assume that Moffat is going to attempt to kill him off Once and For All?

Crashpunk 05-19-2013 03:26 AM

So I've heard a lot of rumours that Doctor at the end.

He is a in-between incarnation between the 8th and 9th or he could be the actual ninth Doctor making Eccleston the tenth. In other words, he's the doctor that fought in the Time War.

Personally, I don't know what to believe. The Doctor did something awful in any case, so maybe he's been keeping this incarnation a secret for a reason.

STM 05-19-2013 03:29 AM

I don't remembered the Doctor 'thwarting the intelligence at every oppurtunity', in fact I'm pretty sure I've only heard of it in one episode so I just wonder why he's such an influential and important antagonist.

Nepsotic 05-19-2013 03:48 AM

I couldn't even remember who he was. Just a pisspoor forgettable villain.

Nate 05-19-2013 05:34 AM



He is a in-between incarnation between the 8th and 9th or he could be the actual ninth Doctor making Eccleston the tenth. In other words, he's the doctor that fought in the Time War.

Yeah, that was my thought. Seems too obvious, though. And while the Doctor isn't proud of what he did in the Time War, he's never really been so ashamed as to disassociate himself from it.


I don't remembered the Doctor 'thwarting the intelligence at every oppurtunity', in fact I'm pretty sure I've only heard of it in one episode so I just wonder why he's such an influential and important antagonist.

Twice in the last season and, if memory serves me correctly, twice in the original series run.

Nepsotic 05-19-2013 08:44 AM

I don't recall. Can you refresh my memory?

STM 05-19-2013 08:59 AM

Google probably could.