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Jordan 04-03-2009 12:01 PM

At the moment I'm playing Tekken 5. Just unlocked all characters on Tekken 4. Plan on finishing Tekken 2 and 3 some time soon. :p

OANST 04-03-2009 02:28 PM

I'm back to playing Banjo Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts. I had stopped for a while to play the original.

AlexFili 04-03-2009 02:30 PM

RE: GTACW; The drug minigame is very compelling. I feel the urge to travel around the map and meet all 80 dealers. There's a truckload of side missions as well.

Wings of Fire 04-03-2009 02:39 PM


At the moment I'm playing Tekken 5. Just unlocked all characters on Tekken 4. Plan on finishing Tekken 2 and 3 some time soon. :p

Always wanted to play T3, I heard it was the best...

Playing Pokemon Platinum as well as revisiting Final Fantasy IV & VI

AlexFili 04-03-2009 02:42 PM

Was that the one with the Volleyball minigame?

Wings of Fire 04-03-2009 04:04 PM

And Gon the dinosaur, and the amazing paraplegic doctor.

Hobo 04-04-2009 04:46 PM


At the moment I'm playing Tekken 5. Just unlocked all characters on Tekken 4. Plan on finishing Tekken 2 and 3 some time soon. :p

I can't wait for tekken 6 console, with my recent fighting game love influx, this should be SWEET. Seen it played down the arcade, looks fine as.

AlexFili 04-05-2009 08:23 AM

For anyone with a DS, FFCC:Echoes of Time is a must buy. The multiplayer is pretty exciting, I especially enjoy picking up other Players and running around with them :D There's a decent text-based chat system and the questing is quite fun... It's a bit like a real game version of D&D :D

Ajiellyn 04-05-2009 11:25 AM

Half-Life 2 and Portal.

Did it take anyone else more than five minutes to incinerate their companion cube? :|

AlexFili 04-05-2009 11:40 AM

I didn't get a chance to play it, but I like the wity comments and the funny ending song :p
Still haven't played much of Half Life 2 either, I have the xbox version.

Mac Sirloin 04-05-2009 11:57 AM


Half-Life 2 and Portal.

Did it take anyone else more than five minutes to incinerate their companion cube? :|

No remorse.

mitsur 04-05-2009 04:03 PM


Half-Life 2 and Portal.

Did it take anyone else more than five minutes to incinerate their companion cube? :|

I felt nothing. It was just a metal box with a heart on it.

Anonyman! 04-05-2009 06:07 PM

Fallout 3 again. Downloaded Content is awesome.

Strike Witch 04-06-2009 02:48 AM

Armored Core: For Answer.

Terrible title, good game.

I read up on it at it was all "Only noobs and losers build mecha with missiles and other noob spam stuff. We follow tiers! check out my blader!"

So I was like Heavy Armour, Gatling Guns, another pair of Gatling Guns, Tank Treads, and chaff.


OANST 04-06-2009 07:31 AM


Half-Life 2 and Portal.

Did it take anyone else more than five minutes to incinerate their companion cube? :|

My heart broke.

Hobo 04-06-2009 12:37 PM


I'd just like to point out that you were given every opportunity to succeed. There was even going to be a party for you. A big party that all your friends were invited to. I invited your best friend the companion cube. Of course, he couldn't come because you murdered him. All your other friends couldn't come either because you don't have any other friends.
Pure fucking genius.

Abe'n'Munch 04-06-2009 03:58 PM

Currently I'm playing...Runescape!

Ajiellyn 04-06-2009 04:08 PM

I spent at least five minutes searching for a way to get around incinerating it. I thought she was joking or something. :( So, I had to come to terms with it as the only solution and it took me a while. I even bought an overpriced shirt relating to said traumatic incident:



Pure fucking genius.

I love GLaDOS quotes!


On another note, HL2 is fucking awesome so far. I can't describe it any other way. I especially love the parts where you fight beside other members of the resistance. ^^ Has anyone else noticed its similarities to George Orwell's 1984?

Anonyman! 04-07-2009 02:29 PM

It's totalitarian. Doesn't mean it's 1984.

Ajiellyn 04-07-2009 02:53 PM

Err, sorry, not that it is 1984 or stole from it, but just that it's similar? Then again, 1984 is one of the many works which deals with the theme of dystopias. The way that guy's face was on every television screen just made me think of it. I'm also pretty sure there was a random guy named 'Winston' somewhere ("Winston's wounded!"). I thought it might be an allusion, but it's probably all coincidence...

On topic: Playing through Silent Hill: Origins for the third time...

Wings of Fire 04-07-2009 04:11 PM


Err, sorry, not that it is 1984 or stole from it, but just that it's similar? Then again, 1984 is one of the many works which deals with the theme of dystopias. The way that guy's face was on every television screen just made me think of it. I'm also pretty sure there was a random guy named 'Winston' somewhere ("Winston's wounded!"). I thought it might be an allusion, but it's probably all coincidence...

You can see references to 1984 in any dysotopian/totalitarian fiction in the same way that you can find Christian symbolism in any Western fantasy.

Because Orwell/Tolkien/Lewis/The Simpsons did it first and did it in its most distilled form.

Ajiellyn 04-07-2009 05:07 PM


You can see references to 1984 in any dysotopian/totalitarian fiction in the same way that you can find Christian symbolism in any Western fantasy.

Because Orwell/Tolkien/Lewis/The Simpsons did it first and did it in its most distilled form.

Yes, as I said, it's probably all just a coincidence; that novel is one of many. :p 1984 is just one of the things Half-Life 2 brought to mind; I have a friend who is telling me it reminded her of Brave New World but I haven't read that.

Mac Sirloin 04-07-2009 06:59 PM

Meteos and Castlevania:PoR

I seriously recommend getting Meteos. It's on the XBLA, and there are 2 versions of the DS game. It's insanely fun.

OANST 04-08-2009 08:20 AM

You bought the Disney version, didn't you? Pussy.

DLC for Banjo Kazooie came out yesterday and it includes new Klungo levels. Which is awesome.

Fuzzle King 04-08-2009 09:19 AM

Kung-fu panda.
No,serious.(it came with my new console).

Mac Sirloin 04-08-2009 02:50 PM


You bought the Disney version, didn't you? Pussy.

DLC for Banjo Kazooie came out yesterday and it includes new Klungo levels. Which is awesome.

No, I bought the original. I swear to god that if I had to play two games for the rest of my life, it would be Meteos and Chrono Trigger. CT does everything right.

Does it include new parts? I should probably buy another copy of Nuts and Bolts.

OANST 04-08-2009 02:52 PM


No, I bought the original. I swear to god that if I had to play two games for the rest of my life, it would be Meteos and Chrono Trigger. CT does everything right.

Does it include new parts? I should probably buy another copy of Nuts and Bolts.

There are new parts to be had.

You never beat Klungo's game. You are a bitch.

Mac Sirloin 04-08-2009 03:14 PM


There are new parts to be had.

You never beat Klungo's game. You are a bitch.

I got to the last level. Unfortunately, since it starts to fucking crash after you lose a variable amount of times, I called it quits. Thus, I got used to the level to a certain point, died, beat that obstacle, died, and so on.

OANST 04-08-2009 03:22 PM

It stops crashing after a while.

Fuzzle King 04-13-2009 07:16 AM

I have now finished kung fu panda 1000/1000.
Now to do lego indiana jones which came with the bundle.