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JennyGenesis 07-09-2012 03:28 AM

Any luck with the font for those storystone cams or have you not looked at them yet?

xXxrenhoekxXx 07-09-2012 03:33 AM

I think I'll just resize the cams to be the size shown in game and then create,
also here's the base I used for the background

JennyGenesis 07-09-2012 03:34 AM

I thought the cams had to be a pre-determined size to be displayed properly in game.

What would happen if I tried to insert one at 1024x768?

xXxrenhoekxXx 07-09-2012 04:10 AM

I'm not sure
that's just how the cams really looks like instead of what they're stretched in game, I've not experimented with them fully :P

Paul 07-09-2012 12:03 PM

The editor will simply resize them to 640x240 is what will happen :). The game will then double the height resulting in the display/final resolution of 640x480.

Edit: Don't forget that these images are only 16 bit colour too, if something uses lots of colours (in the 32bit range) and looks good the chances are it will look bad when sampled down to 16 bit.

johnnyk89 07-13-2012 01:45 AM

i'm i still waiting the download link of the level. but don't worry but this time i'm not trying to be rude or anything i swear.

Paul 07-13-2012 03:29 AM


i'm i still waiting the download link of the level. but don't worry but this time i'm not trying to be rude or anything i swear.

What level?

kapteeni13 07-13-2012 04:26 AM


i'm i still waiting the download link of the level. but don't worry but this time i'm not trying to be rude or anything i swear.


WolfensteinOdess 07-13-2012 06:04 AM


What level?

He want us to make lvls because he don't want to make it himself...

xXxrenhoekxXx 07-13-2012 06:36 AM

*whispers* ignore him it'll just get worse,
let his short term memory loss go do it's thing.

JennyGenesis 07-13-2012 07:24 AM

Yeah guys, haven't you noticed that he buggers off and we all carry on in peace if we ignore him?

He's not like some political issue you can't ignore! Or X Factor.

Paul 07-13-2012 09:25 AM


Yeah guys, haven't you noticed that he buggers off and we all carry on in peace if we ignore him?

He's not like some political issue you can't ignore! Or X Factor.

I know but I wanted to know which level he was talking about since it seems to be specific? At which point I'd tell him it will be posted when its done.

And then link that post to all his future posts of where is THE level :P

JennyGenesis 07-13-2012 10:10 AM


I know but I wanted to know which level he was talking about since it seems to be specific?

No, it's just his awful grammar, he basically wants any level, not just specific one as it's well documented and known that there are multiple levels in production.


At which point I'd tell him it will be posted when its done.

That's what we have been telling him for ages!

The next thing in this routine is for him to have a big whine about us nasty people and that he was not being rude and he only wanted an answer to his question, which he has gotten, but it's not the answer he wants, so he whines!

The sad part being that I was able to make a post about a "routine"

johnnyk89 07-13-2012 03:19 PM

ok guys before i ask what level i want. i spoke to Nate about to apologise what i said it's not kind and polite and i feel sorry to u guys for messing your work stuff but i know i haven't been so like i said kind, polite, and been patient. and i know if u trying to ignore me with all my messages that's fine but i want to make a fresh start where i was at the start from before so it won't like said to nate it won't happen again.

and the level i been waiting is L1 and F2.lvl files

JennyGenesis 07-13-2012 03:24 PM

L1 and F2?

That means nothing, they are just lvl file names, you can make anything out of a lvl file.

Right now there could be 3 levels in production all using the same lvl file, so just giving the file name does not narrow things down.

johnnyk89 07-13-2012 03:36 PM

sorry i'm just trying to remember that.
is any chance to send a download link of the level yet?

JennyGenesis 07-13-2012 03:54 PM

I'd love to be honest, but I don't think it's worth having an infraction...

johnnyk89 07-13-2012 03:57 PM

don't worry about that. i'll have chat with nate to fix that.
i sand a message to nate about uninfraction me so i have to wait to receive it.
now i know a level what i been waiting for so can u guys to know when it's going to be complete? only i'm asking for a reason

Nate 07-13-2012 05:07 PM

It's never going to be complete. Ever.

johnnyk89 07-13-2012 06:04 PM


It's never going to be complete. Ever.

what dose that mean? "It's never going to be complete." i was asking for a reason.

Nate 07-13-2012 07:32 PM

If you assume that the level is never going to be complete, you will be pleasantly suprised when the level designers make an announcement. If you assume that it's going to be finished soon, you will be constantly disappointed. So it's safer if you work on the former assumption.

MeechMunchie 07-13-2012 07:34 PM

What if everyone just refused to finish their levels just to spite you? Then what?

Paul 07-14-2012 01:10 AM


sorry i'm just trying to remember that.
is any chance to send a download link of the level yet?

I guess if somehow you haven't figured out it here is how it works:

1. Person works on a level
2. They post a download link

Or this:
1. Person works on a level
2. They never post a download link because they never end up finishing it

And here is what you're doing:
1. Hey is there a download link?
2. Hey is there a download link?
3. Hey is there a download link?
4. Hey is there a download link?
5. Hey is there a download link?
6. Hey is there a download link?
7. Hey is there a download link?
8. Hey is there a download link?
9. Go to 1

In other words it's done when a link appears. Despite what the others have said I'll keep linking this post every time you ask. If you can't understand this then you should stop posting here.

xXxrenhoekxXx 07-14-2012 01:15 AM

I checked his posts
they're all in this thread (3 pages worth)
all of them are either asking for levels or just bitching.

johnnyk89 07-14-2012 01:42 AM


I guess if somehow you haven't figured out it here is how it works:

1. Person works on a level
2. They post a download link

Or this:
1. Person works on a level
2. They never post a download link because they never end up finishing it

And here is what you're doing:
1. Hey is there a download link?
2. Hey is there a download link?
3. Hey is there a download link?
4. Hey is there a download link?
5. Hey is there a download link?
6. Hey is there a download link?
7. Hey is there a download link?
8. Hey is there a download link?
9. Go to 1

In other words it's done when a link appears. Despite what the others have said I'll keep linking this post every time you ask. If you can't understand this then you should stop posting here.

oh by the way i do understand what u are explaining to me ok? i was asking a level to come not because i'm still wait for it only i'm still been patients to wait for it that's all.

Paul 07-14-2012 01:46 AM


oh by the way i do understand what u are explaining to me ok? i was asking a level to come not because i'm still wait for it only i'm still been patients to wait for it that's all.

WRONG. Try reading it again slowly, you do NOT understand it.

The message is simple:


Phylum 07-14-2012 01:49 AM

Look, he doesn't understand. I can't tell if he's having us on or if he's a really young kid.

Just ignore him. We've tried this and it goes nowhere.

johnnyk89 07-14-2012 01:52 AM


WRONG. Try reading it again slowly, you do NOT understand it.

The message is simple:


and why are u talking to me like that for? only i do understand. so what's the point?


Look, he doesn't understand. I can't tell if he's having us on or if he's a really young kid.

Just ignore him. We've tried this and it goes nowhere.

i'm not are 8 years old ok?
can u please stop call me a young kid?
i don't want the same issue i had from before when i wasn't be kind.

xXxrenhoekxXx 07-14-2012 02:14 AM

if you're 18 or under you're still considered a kid.

I have no idea where you got 8 from...

also asking isn't going to make it come out much faster,
be patient if anything this stuff you're doing delays it even longer.

JennyGenesis 07-14-2012 02:21 AM

Could somebody please just give him an unfinished level so he will shut up for 2 seconds, oh wait actually, that wouldn't work, because then he would whine that the level is not finished and he wants a finished one.