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Manco 06-16-2013 01:30 AM


With regards to Xenforo and the blog issue, there are two third-party add-ons that have been created:


However, the issue of the forum skinning remains.


Well it looks like XenForo has much more robust styling documentation than vBulletin: http://xenforo.com/help/style-reference/

So is a move to XenForo something you’re seriously considering now? Should we focus on that rather than try and build a skin around the current forum software?

Nate 06-16-2013 02:22 AM

Forum skin project

Well it looks like XenForo has much more robust styling documentation than vBulletin: http://xenforo.com/help/style-reference/

So is a move to XenForo something you’re seriously considering now? Should we focus on that rather than try and build a skin around the current forum software?

Yes, he's seriously considering it. Just as seriously as he's been considering it for the last four years.

I think you should give up on the idea that Peter is still involved in the running of the forums.

Havoc 08-01-2013 05:12 AM

How's this coming then?

My two cents on the Xenforo thing; I've had the opportunity to play around with Xenforo a bit and while there are some areas that are significantly better thought out than vBulletin, it doesn't hold a candle to vBulletin 3.8 or 4.2. Some of the most basic functionality is missing from Xenforo, either being added by third party addons or planned 'somewhere down the line'. It will take a couple of versions before Xenforo is on the same level as vBulletin and changing to it right now would be a step backwards.

Don't fix what isn't broken. vBulletin isn't the easiest to work with when it comes to templates and such but it is the easiest in any other department (user management, forum management) except the CMS. Holy shit the CMS... whoever designed that should be shot, I kid you not.

Manco 08-02-2013 03:28 AM


How's this coming then?

Nothing new to report. I’ve been bogged down with a bunch of other stuff, including IRL projects.