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Sekto Springs 05-24-2012 11:57 AM

Again, it is still a kid's show. Networks wouldn't be able to legitimize it's syndication if they didn't shoehorn in a moral and make sure the circumstances were "reset" at the end of each episode. Even adult cartoons like Family Guy are required to do that on some level.

Though there is an unresolved quarrel with the new villain that made her debut in the season 2 finale, so there's a lot of speculation that season 3 will have an over arcing storyline involving her. If that's the case, the show's focus will be shifted from "what did we learn today" to "good versus evil".

sheridanm962 05-24-2012 12:00 PM

Oh for fuck sake. The worst part about Bronies existing is when they start quoting from the show itself just to prove a weird and creepy point over which pony they want to fuck the most.

Happy clopping.

T-nex 05-24-2012 12:01 PM

I havent seen anyone here do that.

STM 05-24-2012 12:03 PM

I haven't heard anyone do that at all let alone here...well, two people, but they were doing it as a joke...

sheridanm962 05-24-2012 12:03 PM

Well.. If they do please kill me.

Varrok 05-24-2012 12:03 PM

Spiderman saw that. You should believe him

Manco 05-24-2012 12:03 PM


Oh for fuck sake. The worst part about Bronies existing is when they start quoting from the show itself just to prove a weird and creepy point over which pony they want to fuck the most.

Happy clopping.

And of course we all fall into this stereotype you have created simply because of the pixels in our forum avatars.

e: speedy cunts

Varrok 05-24-2012 12:04 PM

We broke the record of posts made in one minute in one topic

Sekto Springs 05-24-2012 12:08 PM


Well.. If they do please kill me.
See, it's comments like this that convince me that Bronies aren't the problem; it's everyone else.


Crashpunk 05-24-2012 12:13 PM


That’s just a transparent avatar, you poser. Real hipsters use the ‘do not use an avatar’ option.

Wait that's a option? Cheers :D

RoryF 05-24-2012 12:16 PM

You've been here 4 years and never saw that option...

Crashpunk 05-24-2012 12:17 PM


RoryF 05-24-2012 12:18 PM


OddjobAbe 05-24-2012 12:19 PM

Why has Crashpunk been banned?

Varrok 05-24-2012 12:22 PM

Ninja pony just transformed into immaterial pony - that's an original one, you have chances to win this

Crashpunk 05-24-2012 12:23 PM


Why has Crashpunk been banned?

I'm not banned!

...am I?

T-nex 05-24-2012 12:24 PM

Yea you are. GET OUT!

Varrok 05-24-2012 12:24 PM

You are. For not having pony in avatar. You can't post here.

Crashpunk 05-24-2012 12:26 PM

Yes I can. Look! I'm doing it now!


MeechMunchie 05-24-2012 12:26 PM

That's what I was thinking. It just makes you look like a newbie no-one's seen before.

Anyway, I have little to no interest in t3h poniez, but I appreciate funny things to look at regardless of whether it contains ponies or not. I do occasionally wish long-established memes didn't have to be 'updated' by Bronies who feel strangely threatened by that 4% of the internet that still doesn't contain ponies, but I guess I'll just have to...


RoryF 05-24-2012 12:34 PM


You are. For not having pony in avatar. You can't post here.

Someone make my Libretto into a pony, I don't want to be banned. :happy:

Nepsotic 05-24-2012 12:50 PM

Two new pages in 10 minutes... Jesus Christ...

MeechMunchie 05-24-2012 12:55 PM

That's the power of friendship!


Someone make my Libretto into a pony, I don't want to be banned. :happy:


RoryF 05-24-2012 12:55 PM

It's a new record!
Edit: Friendship is magic.

Nepsotic 05-24-2012 12:59 PM



Wow... Fast and quality.
thats wlhat she said

Crashpunk 05-24-2012 12:59 PM

Another fallen member!

sheridanm962 05-24-2012 01:00 PM

You guys are doing it wrong.

To really transform into a Brony you must watch the show with your cock out. :tard:

RoryF 05-24-2012 01:02 PM


Another fallen member!

Yes but it's funny to see it poking out of a 1997 computer, it ain't going to happen again.

Nepsotic 05-24-2012 01:04 PM


You guys are doing it wrong.

To really transform into a Brony you must watch the show with your cock out. :tard:

You make me sick. What a disgrace you are to say something as hurtful and offensive on a public forum. Be ashamed.

RoryF 05-24-2012 01:05 PM

Ohh what a burrn.

Varrok 05-24-2012 01:07 PM

Geez, i thought I'll be the only one who accepts the challenge :/

RoryF 05-24-2012 01:09 PM


Geez, i thought I'll be the only one who accepts the challenge :/

The only pony running on a Pentium 122 MMX.

Varrok 05-24-2012 01:14 PM

The only Pentium 122 MMX computer running... a pony

RoryF 05-24-2012 01:16 PM


The only Pentium 122 MMX computer running... a pony

Windows 98 dual booted with that pony.

That pony is a Linix distro btw.

Wings of Fire 05-24-2012 01:22 PM


MLP is on the same level as Powerpuff Girls or Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends in quality.

Mmmmm nah

It's good, but not that good.

RoryF 05-24-2012 01:28 PM

Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy is where it's at.

Sekto Springs 05-24-2012 01:30 PM

I didn't hold the Powerpuff Girls in very high esteem, honestly, but that's entirely due to personal tastes.

Havoc 05-24-2012 01:32 PM

I'm going to steer this conversation in a completely different direction and possibly stop this entire pony thing right here and now.

^ Why bronies really like MLP...

I went trough way too much trouble to find that after I ran into it a few weeks ago...

Sekto Springs 05-24-2012 01:34 PM

I think you just made it worse, Havoc.

Crashpunk 05-24-2012 01:37 PM

Oh fucking hell!

err... Yeah...That's horrible.

And yet it all makes sense