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Wings of Fire 06-02-2012 05:17 AM

Where's Hipster Rarity when you need her to tell you how much more cultured her taste is than yours

Nepsotic 06-02-2012 05:24 AM

Shes with Manco. Whats wrong with my tastes?

Manco 06-02-2012 05:34 AM

Please, dahling. Audition is Japanese, not Korean.

Nepsotic 06-02-2012 05:58 AM

Can you please explain it? I've seen it loads of times and I have no idea what the fuck is going on.

Manco 06-02-2012 06:56 AM

I didn’t say that I’d seen it.

Nepsotic 06-02-2012 08:38 AM

But you know it? You should watch it. Its fucking mental.

Dynamithix 06-02-2012 08:58 AM

It's good.

MeechMunchie 06-02-2012 10:57 AM

I watched The Secret Garden. Mocked it mercilessly with my siblings, but it was fairly heart-warming. Plus they think I look like the sickly "Spores, spores!" kid; Colin.

Nepsotic 06-02-2012 11:12 AM

I watched that years ago. Doesn't she find an oversized key?

MeechMunchie 06-02-2012 11:29 AM

It's not oversized. It's a big door.

AlexFili 06-03-2012 10:06 AM

Okay, I've seen Prometheus, here's what I think.

Overall it's a great sci-fi film with fantastic graphics. Plot is a bit so-so, some of the "plot twists" you can see a mile away, while other bits may surprise here and there. In particular I thought the medical machine and some of the technology used was very cool, the alien designs were okay and the tentacly things are great as always (can't go wrong with tentacles).

No major complains. I guess David was a bit bland and Vickers was a bit of an annoying hardass but oh well, they were meant to be like that.

It's a lot better than Resurrection and a million times better than Alien 3. Cast were good, particularly Fassbender.

Also they are considering on making a sequel to this film which may answer some more questions (and no doubt pose many other mysteries left to solve).

Also, two little answered questions: 1) How do the alien eggs in Alien get there? 2) What happens to Mrs Shaw, and does she ever get to give her alien baby a big hug and a glass of milk? :3

Wings of Fire 06-03-2012 10:10 AM

I was with you until the final line.

Ridg3 06-03-2012 12:06 PM

I've been reliving some old memories as a kid so I watched all of Courage the Cowardly Dog (good steam) and I've started watching Dragonball Z again. The cheesiness in DBZ is almost to good to be true but yeah, I miss the roaring and the shouting and the ridiculous amount of filler that I like.

Manco 06-03-2012 12:31 PM

I watched Scott Pilgrim with a bunch of friends, who were split between being enthralled and bewildered.

Personally I enjoyed the sound production in the movie (particularly the guitar motifs), but thought that it was overhyped and trying way too hard to appeal to the geek/hipster culture.

Mr. Bungle 06-03-2012 12:59 PM

Yeah, I didn't really like it at all. The plot was boring and repetetive and I just didn't care about the main character at all.

Manco 06-03-2012 01:29 PM

I’ve really come to hate the character that Michael Cera plays in most movies. He’s always the useless pathetic nerd, which doesn’t make for a good lead role and becomes irritating very quickly.

Nepsotic 06-03-2012 01:52 PM

It was good the first few times, but that ideas been overused a shitload.

AlexFili 06-03-2012 03:11 PM


I watched Scott Pilgrim with a bunch of friends, who were split between being enthralled and bewildered.

Personally I enjoyed the sound production in the movie (particularly the guitar motifs), but thought that it was overhyped and trying way too hard to appeal to the geek/hipster culture.

Thank god it wasn't overhyped for me. I really loved the game references and the kick-ass action sequences. I haven't seen fighting that good since The Matrix and Kung Fu Hustle.

Mac Sirloin 06-04-2012 05:53 AM


Thank god it wasn't overhyped for me. I really loved the game references and the kick-ass action sequences. I haven't seen fighting that good since The Matrix and Kung Fu Hustle.

It was a really fun movie and if it was trying to appeal to hipsters and geeks it was because it's really hard not to when the books are literally a bible for scenester atheist nerd losers to base their behaviour. They took a pretty hackneyed little series and made it a very entertaining film. I don't think I've had as much fun watching a movie as I did with Scott Pilgrim since. Kick-Ass was still loads better though.

As for Micheal Cera, he's got a lot of range and it's not his fault that studios liked typecasting him. I can't find a clip of it but he's done a couple of things with Tim and Eric where he breaks the MC mold and is really, really funny.

Actually, found one. This is the worst example but at least he's not stuttering at his pregnant girlfriend or dropping shit on the ground.

note the car speeding away

I watched Chairman of The Board.

You can see Carrot Top's dick in this movie, no joke. At one point he tries to cover up with a plaster duck or some shit and his mushroom tip is just peering out behind it.

Oh, and the movie was fucking stupid. You want a review? Shut up.

Wings of Fire 06-04-2012 06:10 AM

Scott Pilgrim was the most horrible movie I've seen between the remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still back in 2008 and The Immortals a week ago.

And that's that.

Mac Sirloin 06-04-2012 07:23 AM

Oh Joe, oh Joe Joe Joe.


Pick one

If you didn't have fun watching Scrote Fulcrum then you were trying not to enjoy it.

I watched the season Finale of Game of Thrones.
Medieval zombie army marching with winter so they won't rot fuuuuuuck! Those fucking Ironborn assholes, oooooooh. Tyrion got his nose burnt off in the book, idiots! Wait was who John Snow killed important? And why didn't they explain what in the shit Sansa was going to do? Gawdammit.

Wings of Fire 06-04-2012 07:31 AM


If you didn't have fun watching Scrote Fulcrum then you were trying not to enjoy it.

Nah. I was giving it the benefit of the doubt, I watched it with my flatmates. One loved it, one hated it and I disliked it.

I'm also being maybe a little too harsh. I'm fairly sure I would rather watch Scott Pilgrim again than, say, Redline.

OANST 06-04-2012 07:32 AM

Game of Thrones finale. All in all it was pretty good. I would have said that it was very good if not for two things.

The first. Danyryeissshuusss. I hate her. I hate her, hate her, hate her. I hated her in the books, and hate her even more in the show. The saddest thing about this whole series to me is I am quite sure that she is the only person safe from death. I hate her stupid eyebrows. I hate her stupid dragons. I hate her stupid story.

The second. There is absolutely no context given for why Winterfell was burned down. I mean, I know why it was burned down, but how did they not have old teacher man at least say that he thought it was weird that Rob Stark's own men burned the fucking place down after the Iron Islanders surrendered? How? Were those of you who didn't read the books not confused by this?

Mac Sirloin 06-04-2012 08:01 AM


Game of Thrones finale. All in all it was pretty good. I would have said that it was very good if not for two things.

The first. Danyryeissshuusss. I hate her. I hate her, hate her, hate her. I hated her in the books, and hate her even more in the show. The saddest thing about this whole series to me is I am quite sure that she is the only person safe from death. I hate her stupid eyebrows. I hate her stupid dragons. I hate her stupid story.

The second. There is absolutely no context given for why Winterfell was burned down. I mean, I know why it was burned down, but how did they not have old teacher man at least say that he thought it was weird that Rob Stark's own men burned the fucking place down after the Iron Islanders surrendered? How? Were those of you who didn't read the books not confused by this?

I assumed that the Iron Islanders slinked away through the secret tunnels that the Measter was suggesting after setting it alight, but even that seemed a little oddball, and why exactly did Rob's men just leave?

I liked the early Dany story, where she was tooling around with Drogo and just seemed to be aimlessly gathering supplies or something. Given the ending to her little episode in Carth, it just seemed like nothing was accomplished apart from Jorah mugging at her a bunch. The ending shot was fucking perfect though.


I'm also being maybe a little too harsh. I'm fairly sure I would rather watch Scott Pilgrim again than, say, Redline.

God, Redline. I was so disappointed with it. I shelled out fourty dollars for the Blu-Ray because hey, why not? And it was just the most substanceless hunk of garbage.

Mac Sirloin 06-04-2012 08:03 AM

Dabble past

Wings of Fire 06-04-2012 08:22 AM


The saddest thing about this whole series to me is I am quite sure that she is the only person safe from death.

I reckon Tyrion is about as invulnerable as she is at this point. He did a shit tonne more to earn it though.

OANST 06-04-2012 08:53 AM


I assumed that the Iron Islanders slinked away through the secret tunnels that the Measter was suggesting after setting it alight, but even that seemed a little oddball, and why exactly did Rob's men just leave?

See? That's not what happened at all. And I don't mean that's not what happened in the book. I mean, that's not how it plays out in the show. I'm sure they will visit this in the third season, but it's just sloppy television to leave it how they did. It's not good to leave your audience confused. It's fine to have cliffhangers, or even to have the whole "Oh my god, why did that happen" situation. But this wasn't that. This was a "Wait. Wait. What? But how come.....wait. What?" type of situation.

At any rate, Robb's own men burned Winterfell down. You'll find out why next season, I imagine.


I reckon Tyrion is about as invulnerable as she is at this point. He did a shit tonne more to earn it though.

I agree that he will at the very least live well into the final book, but the only person I am dead certain will survive the series is Dahenerooius. I would have said John too, but that seems very uncertain after the end of the fifth.

Mr. Bungle 06-04-2012 11:14 AM

Is in anyone else as excited as I am to see Brave?

OANST 06-04-2012 11:18 AM

I am. I usually like Pixar films. I absolutely adored Wall-E.

Sekto Springs 06-04-2012 11:26 AM

I think Brave looks poop. But I also don't like Pixar that much, so don't listen to me.

Mr. Bungle 06-04-2012 11:37 AM

Pretty much every Pixar movie is fantastic in my eyes (I haven't seen Cars 1 or 2, nor do I plan on it). Some may be due to nostalgia, but honestly I think Pixar just knows how to tell a fantastic story. And make it look very pretty.

Fluff [: 06-04-2012 01:09 PM

Pixar has always been amazing

also i just saw (even though im a little bit late xD) rambo 1-3
its actually quite nice to watch an old movie, i quite enjoyed it


Nepsotic 06-04-2012 02:10 PM


Pixar has always been amazing

also i just saw (even though im a little bit late xD) rambo 1-3
its actually quite nice to watch an old movie, i quite enjoyed it


Dreamworks shits all over Pixar.

Manco 06-04-2012 02:13 PM


Dreamworks shits all over Pixar.



OANST 06-04-2012 02:14 PM





That's actually laughable.

Wings of Fire 06-04-2012 02:24 PM


Dreamworks shits all over Pixar.


Nepsotic 06-04-2012 02:24 PM

I shuppose because they make their films ina different way, and have a wider audience. Pixar's jokes are too, well, 'for little kids'. For me to laugh at. I suppose its just a matter of taste.

Wings of Fire 06-04-2012 02:27 PM

You're a funny guy.

OANST 06-04-2012 02:35 PM


I shuppose because they make their films ina different way, and have a wider audience. Pixar's jokes are too, well, 'for little kids'. For me to laugh at. I suppose its just a matter of taste.

I love you, man. I really do. But holy shit is what you're saying right now nonsense.

Sekto Springs 06-04-2012 02:56 PM

I'm not even a fan of Pixar, and I can tell you that nothing Dreamworks has ever made has been better than Pixar. "How to Train Your Dragon" and "Antz" to some degree, but they're still only as-good-as, if that.

You can argue that anything is better than Cars and it's sequel. But Cars remains the poorest representation of Pixar's longstanding portfolio.