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Fez 02-09-2004 10:00 AM

right. our team is as follows...

Al = leader, i find him the most responsible.
Me = shock, i'm best with shock weapons such as shotgun and plasma rifle
Death = sniper, cause hes good at sniping. He owns a PSG1 for gods sake!
MC = the mad man who gets tons of kills. Need i say more.
Hobo = the old dumbfart in the corner who does nothing, but is good to have on the team for moral.

Al the Vykker 02-09-2004 10:08 AM


right. our team is as follows...

Al = leader, i find him the most responsible.
Me = shock, i'm best with shock weapons such as shotgun and plasma rifle
Death = sniper, cause hes good at sniping. He owns a PSG1 for gods sake!
MC = the mad man who gets tons of kills. Need i say more.
Hobo = the old dumbfart in the corner who does nothing, but is good to have on the team for moral.

That sounds awesome. I guess since we wont be able to play Halo 2 yet on Live, I should get Halo PC to hold me over, and try and get good at that also, while still brushing up on Halo for Xbox. It would be awesome to play with you guys though! :fuzsmile:

oddguy 02-09-2004 10:49 AM



Hobo 02-10-2004 06:00 AM


good to have on the team for moral.

Pfft yeah right....

Fez 02-10-2004 08:03 AM

again just trying to mkae you feel important. Hobo.

SeaRex 02-10-2004 11:17 AM

Don't worry, hobo. You can be on my team. We'll take our lack of skill and go elsewhere!

We can be the be the comic relief duo of the forums. :D

Ah yes. I do look forward to getting owned by all of you. It will be soopah excellent. I'm friggin' goddawful at Halo, but the forum matches will be an absolute blast... whether we're on the same team or not!

Codek 02-10-2004 11:18 AM


again just trying to mkae you feel important. Hobo.

Oh beleive me, you don't need to make Hobo feel important. He gets that automatically from seeing his "moderator" title every time he sees one of his posts. :rolleyes:

I really am going to have to get myself an XBOX and XBOX live. I never even thought about the console until ferill suggested that team idea. I think that would be pretty fun.

Although I consider it camping, I see sniper cover as a very important part of any kind of offensive.

Usually I take up the role of sniper in most co-ops. I get my friend to drive the warthog or tank, and get him to drop me off some 100 to 200 meters away from all the enemies. Then I support him as he drives in. Usually from on top of a hill.

Truth and Reconcilliation is where it usually all goes wrong. Because you both get given sniper rifles. Naturally, my friend usually choses to go off and be a jerk/get killed, so I unfortunately never get the chance to support him with cover fire. My plan is always to use one of the two characters as extra ammo, whereby the active character kills the ammo character to retrieve more rounds. But again, naturally, my friend just gets all silly about it and starts killing me for killing him.

Xavier 02-10-2004 11:22 AM

for your Xbox Live Halo2 Team, count me in... I'm maybe not the best Halo player, but I sure have some skills. I'm more the Sniper Type.

SeaRex 02-10-2004 11:28 AM


Although I consider it camping, I see sniper cover as a very important part of any kind of offensive.

Don't you hate it when people complain about camping too much? I mean, it's one thing if you're most of your team stays locked up in an annoying little niche in a level, but if you're only providing covering fire for a teammate, than I fail to see the problem. It's called "teamwork," not "camping."

Snipers get a bad reputation because of all the spawn-camping (which I DO have a problem with) morons out there. The sniper, especially when he constantly shift positions to help his team, is a crucial element in almost all online FPSs.

End rabble. Anyone know what I mean?

EDIT: Personally, I try to serve as a companion for an equally/more skilled player. You know... watch his backside, branch off in another direction if an ambush is called for, or provide covering fire when he's in a tight spot. I'll only snipe occasionally. I find this method usually results in more kills and less deaths for the both players than if one player went in for CQC, and the other sniped. (unless the sniper is extremely attentive)

Al the Vykker 02-10-2004 11:53 AM


for your Xbox Live Halo2 Team, count me in... I'm maybe not the best Halo player, but I sure have some skills. I'm more the Sniper Type.

Count me in, too. Curse you Bungie for taking your time to make one of the best games ever! :fuzwink:

Codek 02-10-2004 01:48 PM


End rabble. Anyone know what I mean?

(unless the sniper is extremely attentive)

Attentive is extremely my style. I pick off every sucker I can, especially in areas that I think my companion might want to go to.

But, I do know what you mean. I hate it when people moan about sniping as if it is some illegitimate means of killing your foe. I am, for instance, probably the world champion basecamper. On levels with bases, I absolutely own, and get in far more kills than anyone else (usually about 40 - 50 more kills). But people shunn this method as though being good at the game immediately somehow means that you are doing something illegit.

Running around with the rocket launcher at point blank, although extremely cowardly, is just as legitimate as spawn camping. Any good player would be able to knock out a spawn camper, and break the cicle, with the right weapons and movements. And to be honest, if it's possible to do it without entering a cheat code, or using a hack, then it's legit. As much as we all hate spawn campers, because they make the game harder, lets face it, we would just as soon do it to our opponent, as they would do it to us.

I think the only reason we hate these people, is because they are amassing kills and wins, faster than you know you can win back - it's a kind of spoiled brat syndrome suffered only by the most aggressive and driven players. Although we are a very confrontational breed of warrior, we hang onto the phrase "Nice guys come last".

oddguy 02-10-2004 02:03 PM

I carry the shotgun and sniper rifle with me. Shotgun for personal kills, and sniper for long distance.

[Begger mode=on]
I'm getting pretty good and would like to be included in this online team thing. Although, since I'm new to Halo I feel like you guys aren't really wanting me around. But, I'm training and by the time Halo 2 comes out I don't think you guys'll be disapointed with me. Gimmie a chance!
[Begger mode=off]

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Codek 02-10-2004 02:13 PM


I carry the shotgun and sniper rifle with me. Shotgun for personal kills, and sniper for long distance.

[Begger mode=on]
I'm getting pretty good and would like to be included in this online team thing. Although, since I'm new to Halo I feel like you guys aren't really wanting me around. But, I'm training and by the time Halo 2 comes out I don't think you guys'll be disapointed with me. Gimmie a chance!
[Begger mode=off]

-oddguy :fuzcool:

That's what I do. Shotgun = best short range. Sniper = best long range. So you are clearly onto a winning playing style. Keep it up.

I'd hazard a guess that you will very quickly become an expert at HALO. Probably up to competition level. Even if you aren't skilled now, it would be insane to turn you down, for the skills that you will most likely get later.

I say we sign him up.

GrigtheSlig 02-10-2004 02:27 PM

ME TOO! Shotgun=short range--Sniper Rifle= Long range sniping!

Oddguy is pretty good! He just not very confident of himself. I'm training him to get really good!

What about me for your guys team? I'm good at Halo, ask Oddguy! I'm beating the game on Xtra Hard now(Legendary)! I'd like to join your team for Halo 2... too!

Majic 02-10-2004 02:31 PM


Don't worry, hobo. You can be on my team. We'll take our lack of skill and go elsewhere!

We can be the be the comic relief duo of the forums. :D

Ah yes. I do look forward to getting owned by all of you. It will be soopah excellent. I'm friggin' goddawful at Halo, but the forum matches will be an absolute blast... whether we're on the same team or not!

I'll totally be the 3rd for the uber 1337 team. I tried playing Halo over Christmas break against my cousin, and I kept throwing grenades. That's the greatness of Morrowind for you.

That is, of course, assuming I ever bother paying for X Box Live.

So on the topic of snipers. The official declaration stands that I'm quite possibly one of the suckiest people at sniping. In any game. Ever. Back when I always played CS, I was a rusher. T'was always funner to to the largest shootout, shoot up a few people, hopefully live, and then do whatever. Holy shit. I miss my CS.

SeaRex 02-10-2004 03:20 PM


I tried playing Halo over Christmas break against my cousin, and I kept throwing grenades. That's the greatness of Morrowind for you.

Ack! I know EXACTLY what you mean! Try to jump and BLAM! You end up running over your own grenade. :D

I suppose spawn killings are sometimes unavoidable. I mean, if it's a random-spawn DM, you just can't help but squeeze the trigger when someone respawns right in front of you. It's just too damn tempting. I guess I'm just really turned off to the whole practice because Insta-Gib (one hit kill) spawn-killers on Unreal series CTF. There's really nothing you can do... they just sit there and hold the trigger as a team respawns in their base. Little deathmatch flukes or one thing, but I would never do that.

oddguy 02-10-2004 05:25 PM


That's what I do. Shotgun = best short range. Sniper = best long range. So you are clearly onto a winning playing style. Keep it up.

I'd hazard a guess that you will very quickly become an expert at HALO. Probably up to competition level. Even if you aren't skilled now, it would be insane to turn you down, for the skills that you will most likely get later.

I say we sign him up.

Thanks, Death!:D I hope everybody else agrees with you on this.

-oddguy :fuzzle:

Mojo 02-11-2004 05:15 AM

Hey, what about me! Sniper/Rocket Launcher and Needler/Assault Rifle over here!

Though I like to use the Pistol too... BTW, AS + Melee rulez!

Another fun thing I like to do is to stand perfectly still behind a wall, and let the enemy pass, and then smack em on the back of their heads :D:D:D

Codek 02-11-2004 05:21 AM


Ack! I know EXACTLY what you mean! Try to jump and BLAM! You end up running over your own grenade. :D

I suppose spawn killings are sometimes unavoidable. I mean, if it's a random-spawn DM, you just can't help but squeeze the trigger when someone respawns right in front of you. It's just too damn tempting. I guess I'm just really turned off to the whole practice because Insta-Gib (one hit kill) spawn-killers on Unreal series CTF. There's really nothing you can do... they just sit there and hold the trigger as a team respawns in their base. Little deathmatch flukes or one thing, but I would never do that.

The nice, nice people at Bungie have engineered something into their game that allows for random spawning in the event of a spawn camper.

For instance, if player 1 shot player 2 at base 2, then player 2 would respawn at base 1. It automatically spawns you at the base furthest from your enemy, which helps to completely avoid spawn campers. And in 3, 4 or more player games, it randomises spawn points to avoid double base spawn camping.

Hobo 02-11-2004 05:58 AM

Buy me XBOX live and a decent internet connection, and you'll get the joy of laughing at my awfulness... Go on, you know you want to....

Seriously, i doubt I'll every get Live, I'd rather spend what little income I have on 2 CD's a month rather than spend 3/4 of my income on allowing me to get a faster internet connection, so I can confirm how crap I am at games and so I can be taunted by people who assume that as I'm not very good that I'm stupid and need to be taught how to play, that's why I don't play online games on my PC anymore, they're always spoilt by 8 year olds screaming into their microphones, team killing and then claiming you're the crap ones...

Fez 02-11-2004 08:26 AM

i may not get Live, but i hope i do.

Thats good what Death said about his sniping, makes me feel alot safer when storming their base.

i cant believe i forgot about Majic, Xav and Searex! we'll have to put them in the team.

Death should use a shotty and sniper rifle, with a ghost as his vehicle, because of its manuverablility (sp?) Otherwise the rest of us will load up in a 'hog and a troop 'hog. And storm the base with Death covering us. Xav also said he was the sniping type, so he can go as a spotter/second sniper with Death.

Fez 02-11-2004 08:31 AM

aha! weekly Halo 2 updates!

weekly Halo 2 updates archive

oddguy 02-11-2004 08:33 AM

Am I invisible? ferril, do you really not want me on the team or did you just forget to mention me?

Fez 02-11-2004 08:37 AM

ah crap! sorry man, i forgot about you! yeh you can be in. And since you mention being invisible, you can be the "assassin" in our team. The guy who always has Optic Camo and a supressed SMG.





Hobo 02-11-2004 08:45 AM


i may not get Live, but i hope i do.

Thats good what Death said about his sniping, makes me feel alot safer when storming their base.

i cant believe i forgot about Majic, Xav and Searex! we'll have to put them in the team.

Death should use a shotty and sniper rifle, with a ghost as his vehicle, because of its manuverablility (sp?) Otherwise the rest of us will load up in a 'hog and a troop 'hog. And storm the base with Death covering us. Xav also said he was the sniping type, so he can go as a spotter/second sniper with Death.

Ok, you're taking this a little to far now, the game hasn't even been released for fecking sake

oddguy 02-11-2004 08:46 AM


ah crap! sorry man, i forgot about you! yeh you can be in. And since you mention being invisible, you can be the "assassin" in our team. The guy who always has Optic Camo and a supressed SMG.

Great! I knew Death mentioned me being in the team, but I wanted to make sure you guys wanted that before I announced myself. Thanks.

Those pics are awesome! :eek:

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Codek 02-11-2004 09:56 AM

ferill how did you know I preferred the ghost? Did I mention it earlier?

Well anyway I prefer it over all other vehicles. Not for offensive capabilities, but because it's fast, and doesn't "need" roads. But I have to say, my all time favourite vehicle is the banshee. With that thing, I can view the battle from above, then find good spots to snipe from. Also I can support ground troops by bombing.

"OWF Halo 2 Live! Team" yeah, this will be fun. Any ideas on a mascot?

Fez 02-11-2004 09:59 AM

mascot? okay, now were going abit OTT.

The ghost is the choice for most snipers. I suggest Xav uses one too.

Hobo 02-11-2004 10:25 AM

I'll be the mascot! Carry a flag with my face on into battle and stain it with the blood of the foes you slay! And then in CTF, defend my face with honour!

*hmm that's an idea, custom flags, with colour selection a choice of symbols and lettering...*

Al the Vykker 02-11-2004 12:30 PM


mascot? okay, now were going abit OTT.

The ghost is the choice for most snipers. I suggest Xav uses one too.

Im a well rounded player, and can do basically all of the weapons, sniping, close range, etc. Im fairly good with a ghost, but vehicles are not my forte that much in multiplayer (in fire fights) otherwise Im a damn good warthog driver. Flag running defending, team capatain, you name it Im ready to help. :fuzsmile:

oddguy 02-11-2004 12:36 PM

Nice idea, hobo.

So...this online gaming is going to be tough, eh. I usually depend on the screen of my enemy to know where he is and how close he is to me in multiplayer, but with Online Xbox Live, I only have my own view to look at. Somebody could totally sneak behind me and karate chop the back of my neck and I'm out. :eek:

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Al the Vykker 02-11-2004 12:42 PM


Nice idea, hobo.

So...this online gaming is going to be tough, eh. I usually depend on the screen of my enemy to know where he is and how close he is to me in multiplayer, but with Online Xbox Live, I only have my own view to look at. Somebody could totally sneak behind me and karate chop the back of my neck and I'm out. :eek:

-oddguy :fuzcool:

When I was first starting off I did that a bit, and also in the olden days of Goldeneye. Now however, I usually never try and look at someones screen, and I just know the maps, and if we have radar its really easy to know where they are, or a general idea. When we dont its a lot better. I must say Ive gotten better when not looking at the screen and if someone does I usually still can kill them.

My suggestion is play if you are with a bunch of friends and if you hook up two xbox's and each just play a game together on separate screens, with no radars. Its so much more fun. :fuzsmile:

Codek 02-11-2004 01:30 PM

Oh handbags.

We also forgot grig. Bugger. ferill stop being a velcro face and add Oddguy to the list. BUGGER! And grig.

Christ where is my brain today. :dead:

Fez 02-12-2004 08:16 AM

velcro face! what a crappy comeback...

Anyway, i honestly didint know Grig was into Halo.

GrigtheSlig 02-12-2004 10:47 AM

Well, I just recently got into Halo, but now that I'm into it, I can't get enough! 'Tis one of my favorite games now! So if you guys wouldn't mind... I'd love to "Join your Army!"

Codek 02-12-2004 11:06 AM


velcro face! what a crappy comeback...

Oh yeah poop eyes? Bring it on plastic vicar!

Fez 02-12-2004 11:08 PM

c'mon then fishcake! you turnip leaf you!

Fez 02-12-2004 11:23 PM

halo precognition part 2

very interesting...

Hobo 02-13-2004 05:03 AM


Oh yeah poop eyes? Bring it on plastic vicar!

You Quoted Weebl and Bob! You Rule!

Ok, new discussion time. Will Halo beat Half Life 2 on sales?

I say No, as Half Life has a huge fanbase, and is actually a better game than halo.

SeaRex 02-13-2004 06:00 AM

Yay, I say it will beat Half-Life 2 in sales, although I believe Half-Life 2's Single Player game will be a smee bit better. Reason? I've heard about some pretty beefy system requirements that may leave a few fans wishing they had a better comp.

But if HL2 makes it to Xbox, it will be a different story all together.