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Varrok 12-16-2016 11:26 PM

Don't do it!

LittleLamb 12-17-2016 12:21 PM

Do it!

Phoetux 12-17-2016 12:29 PM


FrustratedAssassin 12-17-2016 04:47 PM

Literally no lives matter I want to die and take the whole world down with me

RoryF 12-17-2016 05:24 PM


Nepsotic 12-17-2016 05:34 PM


RoryF 12-17-2016 06:19 PM


Sybil Ant 12-18-2016 02:33 PM

mfw you get neg-repped for asking what's wrong with women wanting equality.



Nepsotic 12-18-2016 02:35 PM

Me? I don't remember doing that.

But it is a fucking stupid question, unless you're talking about women in Islamic countries.

Sybil Ant 12-18-2016 02:38 PM

Not you, you're a good boy.

Yeah I mean, it's not like women are getting restricted access to healthcare and abortions in first world countries or anything.

Nepsotic 12-18-2016 02:42 PM

Yeah, it's not.

Sybil Ant 12-18-2016 02:45 PM



LittleLamb 12-18-2016 02:45 PM

Fuckin' women.

Phoetux 12-18-2016 04:55 PM


Literally no lives matter I want to die and take the whole world down with me


Guillemot 12-18-2016 06:31 PM


Literally no lives matter I want to die and take the whole world down with me








Nepsotic 12-18-2016 07:42 PM

Yeah, I have to genuinely apologise for that. When I made that post I had just woken up from sleeping through the day and I think my brain was still on my pillow.
However, you'll have to specify what exactly you mean by "restricted health-care", because I can give you plenty of health care restrictions forced on men, too. It's not a gender issue.
Oh, look at this. Turns out women's healthcare received 4 times the funding that men's does despite men dying from it much more often.

As for the abortion thing, it's hardly sexism, it's religion. I don't understand why you'd want a feminist movement to fix issues like this when you could have an egalitarian movement to fix the issues of both sexes.

For example, how men are generally sentenced to, on average 63% longer prison terms than women for the same crime.
Or what about how more men are raped anually than women when counting prison rape?
OR how about how child custody rights are skewed massively in women's favour? (I know this article shows that there's statistics showing this isn't true, but fathers being unable to see their children except over Skype should hardly count in my eyes).

Feminsim doesn't care about these things, despite claiming they do. I've looked.
Notice how I'm not calling myself an MRA about this? Yeah, I wouldn't go around saying "white lives matter too", I'd say "all lives matter". (Not saying I'd ever get anywhere near the shit show of BLM, I'm making a point)

"Feminism is the idea that we can make both sexes equal by focusing solely on the issues of one of them." - TJ Kirk.

Sybil Ant 12-19-2016 01:24 AM


Yeah, I have to genuinely apologise for that. When I made that post I had just woken up from sleeping through the day and I think my brain was still on my pillow.
However, you'll have to specify what exactly you mean by "restricted health-care", because I can give you plenty of health care restrictions forced on men, too. It's not a gender issue.
Oh, look at this. Turns out women's healthcare received 4 times the funding that men's does despite men dying from it much more often.

As for the abortion thing, it's hardly sexism, it's religion. I don't understand why you'd want a feminist movement to fix issues like this when you could have an egalitarian movement to fix the issues of both sexes.

For example, how men are generally sentenced to, on average 63% longer prison terms than women for the same crime.
Or what about how more men are raped anually than women when counting prison rape?
OR how about how child custody rights are skewed massively in women's favour? (I know this article shows that there's statistics showing this isn't true, but fathers being unable to see their children except over Skype should hardly count in my eyes).

Feminsim doesn't care about these things, despite claiming they do. I've looked.
Notice how I'm not calling myself an MRA about this? Yeah, I wouldn't go around saying "white lives matter too", I'd say "all lives matter". (Not saying I'd ever get anywhere near the shit show of BLM, I'm making a point)

"Feminism is the idea that we can make both sexes equal by focusing solely on the issues of one of them." - TJ Kirk.

I would be much more inclined to indulge you regarding men's rights issues if you didn't utilise them when a woman talks about women's issues. It's the same argument that's presented regarding the "All Lives Matter" bull shit where three people are eating dinner at a restaurant, they all order and two dishes arrive, the third friend says, "I want my food please," and his friends reply, "we all want our food," before digging into their dinners. It's daft. It's the same reason why you probably don't call yourself an MRA; it's not a movement that aims to improve men's rights because there are issues (that I don't dispute the existence of), but because it's a reactionary group that spends more time gushing misogyny that actually getting shit done.

Also you're putting forth this idea that we must all drop our individual political and sociological movements to strive towards the greater good, and I can see why you think this is valid, and genuinely I don't believe you're saying it to be a cunt, but you have to see that there are so many disenfranchised groups with so many different problems that we cannot simply address them all with one unified egalitarian front. LGBT+ people need their own groups and spaces, same for women, same for POC, same for disabled people.

Also if you don't think religion and sexism are interrelated, and that religion is somehow separate from the wider issues of sexism in society, you're wrong.

Also also didn't you or Varrok cry about ever using HuffPo for sources due to them being liberal spooks?

Ultimately, what disappoints me is that if you genuinely cared about the issues that men face in society, including funding for healthcare and divorce rights, I would support you in your cause as an ally. If you made a thread talking about these problems, I wouldn't invade your thread and shitpost about how women have it harder, I would look to positively contribute and help where possible. But you haven't, so I can't, and instead of even considering that you could contribute and help women, you just talk shit.

Nepsotic 12-19-2016 02:06 AM

Well, you completely and utterly missed the point, so I guess I'm done here.
Varrok you can have a go if you want but I wouldn't count on it.

Edit: To avoid your HAH U LOST I will quickly reiterate what my point was so you can re-read my post and have another go.

I'm not pulling out these issues as a trump card, I'm pulling them out to demonstrate the fact that there are inequalities on both sides, and feminists refuse to acknowledge that. If something doesn't forward their agenda, it doesn't exist. My point is pretty much the quote that I posted at the end of that post.
It totally went over your head. Not that I'm surprised.


instead of even considering that you could contribute and help women, you just talk shit.
I have no interest in helping anybody because I'm lazy and selfish, but if I wasn't, I'd rather help people than women.

Varrok 12-19-2016 02:22 AM


Also also didn't you or Varrok cry about ever using HuffPo for sources due to them being liberal spooks?

I just ridiculed the narrow-minded idea that the centrists are a branch the rightwingers. It seems obvious you don't know many people bearing different opinions than yours.

Also, I'm pretty sure Nepsotic (in his second-to-last post) didn't mean it as men's problems, but rather than a lack of women's problems.

Nepsotic 12-19-2016 02:25 AM


I don't think Cybil understands that Meninism is a satirical movement.

Also also didn't you or Varrok cry about ever using HuffPo for sources due to them being liberal spooks?
Sure as a joke, but in reality I don't care what news site you post as long as their article cites credible sources and is written well. Most news sites are total shit.

Sybil Ant 12-19-2016 03:10 AM




RoryF 12-19-2016 03:16 AM


mfw you get neg-repped for asking what's wrong with women wanting equality.

if you're on about me, i actually neg-repped because it was a stupid post and you just complained about it in the exact way i neg-repped it for in the first place :goof::goof::goof::goof:

also tfw someone posts legitimate issues but you bin it off anyway because their issues don't count

Varrok 12-19-2016 03:17 AM

Great debate.

RoryF 12-19-2016 03:21 AM

varrok we all know you are super right wing and also an MRA so your opinions double don't count

Nepsotic 12-19-2016 03:36 AM


if you're on about me, i actually neg-repped because it was a stupid post and you just complained about it in the exact way i neg-repped it for in the first place :goof::goof::goof::goof:

also tfw someone posts legitimate issues but you bin it off anyway because their issues don't count

It was more because the issues I posted didn't forward her personal agenda. She used that post as a way to play the victim card.

Again, an unsurprising turn of events.

Sybil Ant 12-19-2016 03:38 AM

It's just embarrassing. You can boil down half the posts on this thread to a formula of entry level opinions, pseudo-intellectualism, smarm, unironic Nihilism and abject dismissal of anything that presents a counter to your closeted worldview. Oh not to mention the genuinely hilarious amount of circle jerking. What's the point?

I mean fuck, I'm being accused of letting arguments fly over my head. W E W.


RoryF 12-19-2016 03:42 AM

MOM THEY DIDN'T LET ME WIN THE DEBATE!!! fucking circlejerkers!! i'll be back!

Sybil Ant 12-19-2016 03:45 AM

Just reiterating a summary of this thread.

Women have problems, and women should probably try and fix them.


RoryF 12-19-2016 03:59 AM

yep, my posts definitely represent this whole thread. it's not like nep or varrok made any valid points that you failed at debating with. :monster::monster:

Sybil Ant 12-19-2016 04:00 AM

Who said anything about you? I'm pretty sure you've literally only shitposted lmao. I see no valid points.