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Jbot123 03-04-2013 02:59 PM

All right, I'll tell you my idea! I give you the Oddworld monorail! I've sold monorails to Zynga, Insomniac, Naughty Dog and Rareware! And by gum, it put them on the map! Well sir, there's nothing on Oddworld like a genuine-bona-fide-electrified-six car monorail! What'd I say?

Nate 03-04-2013 04:24 PM


As much as this amuses me, and gives me pleasurable flashbacks to Disneyland, let's get back on topic.

Manco 03-04-2013 11:04 PM

Recently I've been a massive nerd and bought a couple little figurines from various games to sit on my desk.

I wouldn't mind seeing some little Oddworld figurines for such a purpose. Hell, JAW could probably make them themselves with a cheap 3D printer.

Wil 03-05-2013 12:51 AM

Initiate Operation Cheap Stuff!

Nate 03-05-2013 01:27 AM

Hey Wil, how much would it be in breach of your contract if you were to send me the CG models of all the characters so that I could 3d print them myself?

Second question: How much would it be worth it?!

Jbot123 03-05-2013 02:40 AM



As much as this amuses me, and gives me pleasurable flashbacks to Disneyland, let's get back on topic.

Damnit! There was a musical number and everything!

Michael 03-05-2013 05:49 AM


Hey Wil, how much would it be in breach of your contract if you were to send me the CG models of all the characters so that I could 3d print them myself?

Second question: How much would it be worth it?!

Don't the people who make mods have access to the source character models? A website such as www.shapeways.com could print them if they were uploaded I'd imagine, fully coloured from the game textures and in whatever pose you wanted.

I have no idea if that would be legal or not :p

Nate 03-05-2013 09:49 PM


Don't the people who make mods have access to the source character models? A website such as www.shapeways.com could print them if they were uploaded I'd imagine, fully coloured from the game textures and in whatever pose you wanted.

I have no idea if that would be legal or not :p

The people who make the AO mods only have access to the game's sprites.

Now that you mention it, there was someone who ripped some of the character models from MO. Using them would probably be breach of copyright and would definitely be grounds for suing me if I sold the models. But for my private usage it would be a legal grey area.

Also, bugger Shapeways. I have direct access to 3d printers I can use.

V_O_T 03-06-2013 03:37 AM


Initiate Operation Cheap Stuff!

Throwable Oddworld rock aint lookin to bad now huh!

However, if it were a real thing, i'd love to see it come in either a sack I can hang from my ceiling, or in a glass box that says "Break in case of Elum eating honey. -Strictly for bee hive purposes only."

also, happy birthday Nate, Hope you had a good one :)

Bullet Magnet 03-06-2013 05:12 AM


The people who make the AO mods only have access to the game's sprites.

Now that you mention it, there was someone who ripped some of the character models from MO. Using them would probably be breach of copyright and would definitely be grounds for suing me if I sold the models. But for my private usage it would be a legal grey area.

Isn't there a EULA that says you can't use parts of the software, only the whole?

Xavier 03-06-2013 05:46 AM


Initiate Operation Cheap Stuff!

Yeah, who cares about quality anyway?

Michael 03-06-2013 06:29 AM


Now that you mention it, there was someone who ripped some of the character models from MO.

That's what I was thinking of. Usually if it's for personal use, it'd be fine (the same as making fan art I'd imagine), it's the distribution and profiting that's the issue as you said.

If a company like shapeways printed the models, perhaps they would get sued since they are the ones profiting and distributing?

If you have direct access to a 3D printer (which is awesome), I can't see it being a problem for purely personal use.

Jbot123 03-06-2013 11:22 AM

Alf wacky wobblers please.

Nate 03-07-2013 12:31 AM


Isn't there a EULA that says you can't use parts of the software, only the whole?

Yeah, but there are EULAs that say that consoles can't be modded and the various courts in Australia have not supported that rule either.

Like I said, a grey area. And even if it was a legal black area, they're not likely to sue one man who used the models for his own purposes and didn't sell them.

Xavier 03-07-2013 04:15 AM

And even less if you are pals with LL.

sy4090 03-08-2013 02:33 PM

i have one remote control paramite or scrab real size and attacks

Jbot123 03-09-2013 03:05 AM


i have one remote control paramite or scrab real size and attacks

Yeah sure, I'll believe that when... OH GOD OH GOD IT GOT ME! HELP! HELP ME!

Pilot 03-09-2013 05:23 PM


Yeah, who cares about quality anyway?

I'd like to see some OW merchandise containing lead... It would symbolize the contamination and molestation of the pristine natural world and be true to the message that Lorne intends to communicate. Hopefully something small enough for a youngster to ingest.

When can I get China on the horn?

STM 03-10-2013 01:44 AM

Lead stuffed with asbestos right?

Jbot123 03-10-2013 04:19 AM

I would like a life sized, fully operational version of the Clakker fortune teller machine.

Vyrien 03-10-2013 10:10 AM


Lead stuffed with asbestos right?

In a limited collector's case made entirely from Anthrax.

STM 03-10-2013 10:12 AM

I don't know about you but I want one...

Scrabaniac 03-15-2013 06:03 AM

Wouldn't it be awesome to have a Slig/Glukkon voicelock for your door?! Program it to recognise your voice, so when others try it, access is denied :P

Crashpunk 03-15-2013 06:26 AM

That would be hilarious but I don't know how it would work.

Xavier 03-15-2013 06:29 AM

You better not get a cold or any other disease that messes up or voice then.

Jbot123 03-15-2013 01:28 PM

A chant suppressor. For all your chant suppressing needs.

Steamer_KING 03-15-2013 01:31 PM


A chant suppressor. For all your chant suppressing needs.

Actually, that would be a nice idea.

V_O_T 03-16-2013 12:00 AM


Actually, that would be a nice idea.

That is actually a rad idea. A floating suppressor with a fading in and out red LED. Genius!

Steamer_KING 03-16-2013 02:45 PM

It can be done right.

Jbot123 03-16-2013 05:31 PM

A zappfly nightlight.