If by favourite you mean 'Burn them and the entire show, but them first.'
Then yes |
I liked the fountain.
But what I loved was the way they gave up pretending that they weren't lipsyncing at the end. |
I got Extras season 1 and 2 for £3.70 the other week Ricky Gervais at his best. No doubt the Office is better, though. |
Anyone here watch Game of Thrones? I don't, but a lot of my friends do, and I was wondering if it's really worth watching. It's getting a lot of praise.
When I first watched I thought it was a big dumb pile of incest but recently I've been watching the new episodes every week and find myself liking it more and more. It's a very interesting show and absolutely worth giving a chance or two. The author is a big sweaty perverse old neckbeard, but some of the episodes he's had a direct hand in aren't half bad. Some of the lore (a 5000 year long empire held by one of the houses, for example) can be a little ridick but it's an intriguing fantasy world all the same.
The most recent episode was actually really good, and not just because of all the body parts being hacked off. It was actually just really well made television. It might be the best episode I've seen of the show.
It was really awesome and kept me glued to my seat (or fuming whenever Cersei opened her stupid maw) but I want to know what's going to happen to Theon, dammit. He's done so much stupid shit.
Theon......has some interesting times ahead.
It's an enjoyable show in a sets and politicking and "who dies this week?" kind of way.
I watched Being John Malcovich, The Science of Sleep and Be Kind Rewind. All very artsy films and cult classics in their own right. Worth watching for many reasons. Fantastic actors in all of them. |
I am going to the premiere of Prometheus tomorrow evening and am so excited, woo! I watched Alien and Aliens a few days ago to get prepped for it.
I can't wait for prometheus.
Same. I've got Alien on Blu-ray sitting at home, probably gonna watch it tomorrow. It also came with $10 off Prometheus tickets, so I might go see that this weekend.
Holy shit ive not seen hobo in years hey!
I watched Prometheus!! :o
Im a bit disappointed that the ending didn't stay entirely true to the beginning of Alien. Sooome of the stuff was a bit badly explained and didnt make such good sense. But all in all I enjoyed it ^^ And next movie will probably be better as it seems that it wont be tied to Aliens at all. Edit... Sigh.. i dont feel I spoiled anything x_x as its very vague.. but ok. |
But you spoiled itl
How did she spoil it?
Watching Fawlty Towers. Pretty funny show, though I can't quite understand the mounds of critical acclaim it gets. It's funny and all, but not "laugh-out-loud-oh-my-god-I'm-crying" funny. At least, not yet. I'm only halfway the first series.
In that case, you'll probably have finished by the time you've read this.
Fawlty Towers was fine, but Michael Palin's Ripping Yarns was better.
Nah, I kind of lost interest. I really, really want to lIke it more, but I find the dry british humor just gets lost on me at times. |
So, I went to the premiere of Prometheus.
I understand how it got such mixed reviews, the effects and the actors are pretty great and all but the movie really leaves some huge questions open and doesn't give many answers. Also, the new 'alien' design is really disappointing because it's basically a bigger and stronger human. That can be kind of forgiven though because it's tied to the plot. Also, all of the characters were pretty unlikable, unlike Alien/Aliens' characters. I really hated that Dr. Holloway guy, he was so dumb and cliché. The main character, Elizabeth Shaw, isn't all that interesting either and I found her voice irritating (not sure if it's just that character or is it Noomi Rapace herself). Don't read this if you plan on watching the movie! Also, probably my biggest complaint of it is the ending. The fact that Ridley himself said that they wouldn't use the xenomorph design anymore and yet what was that in the end? A baby xenomorph born from the two alien species... It will definitely split opinions, some will love what they did and some will think it's a slap in the face. Overall, it is a good movie. For me though, it was a bit of a letdown but that was completely my fault since I was so overly hyped up for it that it just couldn't live up to the expectations. Oh and I watched God Bless America. Man, what a movie, I just don't get how it got some bad reviews, it just shows exactly what is wrong with our world. It did get a bit worse near the end though but most of it, especially the beginning, was great. Really good. The actor who played Frank did an awesome job. "I mean, why have a civilization anymore if we no longer are interested in being civilized?" |
Based on the testimony I've read, I think I'll be skipping Prometheus.
Somehow I knew it wouldn't be as good as I hoped it would be. The fact that the Space Jockey from the first movie turns out to just be a giant humanoid in a weird suit really really pisses me off (and consequently, ruins the original "Alien"). |
It's bad for me because I think making aliens humanoid is a creative cop out.
I was actually hoping from day one that Prometheus wouldn't have any humans and it would have been totally about the Space Jockey's race, and the whole thing would have been one big Gigerian wet dream. No such luck though. After "Robin Hood" I lost pretty much all my faith in Mr. Scott. |
Well, it's better to think of Prometheus as a standalone sci-fi movie, that way it is good. If you're a hardcore Alien fan, you probably won't like it as much. Take a look at the IMDb boards for it, that place is full of cynical cunts arguing about it, I think it's funny.
If Prometheus was meant to be a standalone movie, then Ridley Scott should have made it a fucking standalone movie. Everyone knew it was an Alien prequel from day one, and I don't think I - the viewer - should have to be responsible for creating imaginary parameters to make the movie more enjoyable.
It's a prequel, no matter how you slice it, and prequels should stay true to the source material. To make things worse, wiki quotes Damon Lindelof stating "if we’re fortunate enough to do a sequel... it will tangentialize even further away from the original Alien." Meaning it will diverge even further from the original canon. Being the waffle I am, I'll probably see it anyway, because the other themes it deals with intrigue me. I think the inconsistencies between it and Alien are going to forever bug me though. |