Thats cool Arxrly.
Im want to try and make myself as a sprite too. :) |
It's fairly easy to do so. And thank you for your comment!
That animation is funny. It gave me a giggle when I watched. And Big-Face's calm-ness in the situation adds to the humour. Nice one. And you look cool as a sprite. I like it. Thumbs up.
Woot! thank you for your comment. I know that Big Face and I don't move very much, but... New reporters aren't supposed to. :)
haha that was so funny:lol: nice animation Arxryl!:D
Funny animation indeed! :)
Arxryl, you made a great job while I left for a while. Very nice animations and lovely sprites! I like the outlaws too. :)
Keep it up! |
Thank you! Thank you all for your kind comments and I'll see what I can do about a slig depossesion.
Cool. I look forward to it!
Arxryl: that sprite animation was funny. :)
That is awesome-ness, Arxryl. It's cute and funny at the same time. I like it. Thumbs up from me...and a cookie *Hands Arxryl a cookie*
We get cookies now?
And thank you. I think that was the simplest animation I have done in a while. |
I think it's cool! Funny though. That all would make a nice Arxryl-styled game. :D
Years ago I made some cool Slig gifs in this format. How bad that I lost them. |
Hehe, sweet animation! :D
Funny animation, Arxryl! Good Job!:)
Hey, that's cool. Now what about Slig possession?
that wouldn't be too hard. I have a sprite set of Abe chanting, so... :)
I'll see what I can do! |
Hey I made me... mario style!
heh these are awsome
Could you try and make a big bro ? :D |
That's cute, hehe. :) (Your hair is really so long?)
Those sprites of yourself look pretty good! Nice editing job on it!
big bro slig is possible, and I might just try it, but for now, I present you with some area sprites for backgrounds and other items. |
Heh i had a go at making a big bro.... eh kinda turned out crap
oh well it was just a quickie XD |
Good work, guys! I really like them. Pretty Oddworld-like. :)
Cool! I like the BigBro Slig!:)
That big bro slig is pretty good! nice work on it!
Woot, 700th post!
That Big Bro is wicked, well done! ;) |
Arxryl! Those are brilliant! I love them, great work.;)
Hah, The Slig Exploding and the Big Bro looks cool!