I had a feeling someone here hadn't seen it. I've known it for a couple years, by the way. I just remembered it recently.
Also I'm not a huge fan of the PONY.MOV series. I've only seen the first 2 or 3 and didn't really find them that amazing. The animation is great, but I just don't find them that funny. Maybe because I'm not a MLP fan. I don't know. And yeah, OANST, it's great. The fanmail episodes are the best. |
The penultimate episode of American Horror Story, SHIT'S GETTING REAL!
my post maybe?
Really? I didn't see you mention it.
Hold on. E: Hey, you did mention it! I didn't actually like them at first, now I do, though. Because shed. |
Yeah, I just watched all the videos and they're actually pretty funny. I think my favourite is Spike. The Seinfeld ending was too great.
Also I thought of you while watching Shed Nep. I totally fucking knew you'd gush over that. Iti s pretty amazing. Confirmed 4 Brawl is the best ever though. |
I'm shocked at how few people knew the song in Shed.MOV was a reference to Fat Albert. I mean, I figured it would be pretty obvious what with Fluttershy saying "Hey hey HEY" all the time.
I've been watching a pantload of Space Ghost: Coast to Coast. It's probably still the funniest show ever put on TV. Probably. |
I don't really see the connection between bad music, VN's about crippled girls, guns and ponies, but apparently there is one. |
Did they all have a horrible stench?
No. Bronies are probably the cleanest clique of anti-social weirdos I've encountered. Certainly smelled nicer than all of us smelly Oddworld fags.
In response to Bungle:
Yes. Like buttcaked cheesies put through a toaster full of vomit and carrion. And that one had just showered. Or maybe his hair just naturally shone that way. Right. :
Again, I can only account for the ones I've met. All sperglord groups generally encompass smelly and/or overweight members.
Honestly I don't even know what we're talking about any more. It's 4 AM and I apparently have more verbs and adjectives and nouns than I can handle so I'm just going to punch the wheat. Good everyb
Wow, you really hate bronies. I mean, they're pretty bad, but you loathe them.
I've never met one in real life so I can't really say anything. |
One of my mates calls himself a brony and he tries so hard to force the show down your throat; Keeps saying it's awesome and your missing out, ect. The annoying part is I can't tell if he's serious or not.
So I understand Mac's loathing of the 'Bronies'. The fact that people call them selves a Brony annoys the fuck outta me. I'm a fan of Star Trek but I would never call my self a Trekky, it's just stupid, Why do you have to make up a name for a fan of a TV show? |
No, actually. I'm closing this thread because it reached its limit. Not because I find brony-bashing so incredibly tiresome.
The new thread is here. |