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RoryF 05-23-2012 09:44 PM


he did such a great job or organizing all of our creations, sadly now, most of the links he compiled into lists have expired now.

Actually if you mean the completed levels thread, I organised all of those in the first post.

xXxrenhoekxXx 05-24-2012 12:42 AM


Annex 1 and 2 overview:

I didn't show the two secret areas... You'll have to find them yourself. ^^

Download link if you want to try:


brilliant work so far, felt like I was really back in bone works
I found one secret area but I couldn't find the other.
also the level can be easily broken :p (the point of the first lift lever? lifts don't spawn when I backed tracked. And that secret slig can be avoided by imediatly going back down on the lift)
also just to clarify there's 2 secret areas not one right? because I saw two modokens in the one I found and thought you made a typo.

EDIT: never mind I figured it out

Tadimo 05-24-2012 04:48 AM

Very nice level skychase2rebirth, the problem I found was that the game would crash after going through the bird portal at the beginning. Apart from that can't wait to see more! ;)

xXxrenhoekxXx 05-24-2012 05:18 AM


Very nice level skychase2rebirth, the problem I found was that the game would crash after going through the bird portal at the beginning. Apart from that can't wait to see more! ;)

I assume he left the portal there by accident.

JennyGenesis 05-24-2012 06:32 AM

Is that download file the full version of the level?

Otherwise I'm happy to wait for the final one.

And remember when Paul mentioned adding custom music? How about this? It's from my Let's Play I'm doing.

skychase2rebirth 05-24-2012 07:01 AM


I assume he left the portal there by accident.

This ! ><'


brilliant work so far, felt like I was really back in bone works
I found one secret area but I couldn't find the other.
also the level can be easily broken :p (the point of the first lift lever? lifts don't spawn when I backed tracked. And that secret slig can be avoided by imediatly going back down on the lift)
also just to clarify there's 2 secret areas not one right? because I saw two modokens in the one I found and thought you made a typo.

EDIT: never mind I figured it out

Noted ^^, back to PLE0.6, you made me realise the first lever is really useless, and the last slig can be avoided by slapping the UXB before he falls. Thanks ;P

WolfensteinOdess 05-24-2012 08:52 AM


RoryF 05-24-2012 11:14 AM


And remember when Paul mentioned adding custom music?

I believe he mentioned something along the lines of the files the organise the music playing is arranged much like a MIDI is. I'm not sure but it was something like that. Basically I think the sounds.dat file is limited since it uses small sound bites and editing that perfectly would be difficult, unless he manages to extend the sound bites to be arranged better.

xXxrenhoekxXx 05-24-2012 04:41 PM


Noted ^^, back to PLE0.6, you made me realise the first lever is really useless, and the last slig can be avoided by slapping the UXB before he falls. Thanks ;P

well actually what I did was triggered him and quickly turned around and used the lift before he could even land.
but yeah that to.

EDIT: well it shouldn't be to hard to make the music for 3 options
1.) safe
2.) danger
and 3.) RUN BITCH RUN!

RoryF 05-24-2012 09:41 PM


EDIT: well it shouldn't be to hard to make the music for 3 options
1.) safe
2.) danger
and 3.) RUN BITCH RUN!

It probably would because as I said before, it uses very small sound bites arranged by other files. Unless Paul somehow manages to allow for longer sound bites or just record songs directly into it and organise them straight in, it's not going to be easy.

xXxrenhoekxXx 05-24-2012 10:00 PM

what about importing music from exoddus? or vice versa?

RoryF 05-24-2012 10:08 PM

Depends on how the sound files are arranged I suppose.

xXxrenhoekxXx 05-24-2012 10:20 PM

I actually plan on porting level designs from odyssey into exodus once the editor has exodus support, may even ask people if they'd like to help me.

Andress 05-25-2012 02:16 AM

why not? :)

Andress 05-25-2012 02:21 AM

i will to try help you but now i make a mix of feeco/mines/boneworkz


xXxrenhoekxXx 05-25-2012 02:30 AM

well I can't do it at the moment since the editor can't modify cams only objects. :(
EDIT: just saw the cam and I've got to say it needs a lot more work put into it.
good luck.

JennyGenesis 05-25-2012 02:32 AM


i will to try help you but now i make a mix of feeco/mines/boneworkz


Is an in game screenshot possible?

Viewing the actual CAM files always makes them look terrible.

WolfensteinOdess 05-25-2012 04:02 AM

Strange but why not.

Andress 05-25-2012 04:41 AM

what is stranger wolfensteinoddess my cam or renox´s idea???

xXxrenhoekxXx 05-25-2012 04:50 AM

what idea?

Andress 05-25-2012 04:58 AM

your idea to put cam of oddyse in exoddus

xXxrenhoekxXx 05-25-2012 05:02 AM

... I don't see what my idea has to do with your cam...

RoryF 05-25-2012 07:24 AM


I actually plan on porting level designs from odyssey into exodus once the editor has exodus support, may even ask people if they'd like to help me.

Having a few greeters and flying sligs going around RuptureFarms would be cool. Don't just port it, add some exoddus stuff in to make it better or just different, if you just port it, it'll get boring quick and I don't even think you're allowed to just upload an official level without edits.

xXxrenhoekxXx 05-25-2012 07:47 AM

... I'll think about it...
I know there's some features in oddysee that aren't in exoddus...
well one thing I can get rid of for another puzzle is those god damn slog shooters! (also I'm not touching fleeches those things are insanely creepy!)

RoryF 05-25-2012 08:02 AM

I don't think z-balls are in exoddus.

xXxrenhoekxXx 05-25-2012 08:06 AM

or time bombs and other things,
but like I said It's in planning stages at the moment.

xXxrenhoekxXx 05-27-2012 12:05 AM

feeco deepo tribute.
one of my favorite levels would have to be feeco deepo,
so I decided to make a tribute for it,

level: feeco deepo tribute
level replacement: Rupture farms part 1
game: abes oddysee
difficulty: the original feeco deepo
(ddcheat is recomended)

this level's more of a base level, feel free to edit to your liking.

enjoy :fuzgrin:

RoryF 05-27-2012 01:58 AM

Was a pretty good remake in AO actually. Well done.

One thing I would change would be this though:
Instead of having some random thing fall out of nowhere and blow up the mine, maybe turn the SoulStorm brew machine into a BOOM machine and get the player to throw a grenade at the mine. I would do the same for the 4 sligs on the end of that other screen as well with the bird portal teleporter.

xXxrenhoekxXx 05-27-2012 02:53 AM

I tried the boom bomb thing but I couldn't get it to work correctly.
so I've improvised... Badly.

RoryF 05-27-2012 02:55 AM


I tried the boom bomb thing but I couldn't get it to work correctly.
so I've improvised... Badly.

Try looking at the settings of an existing BOOM machine in RuptureFarms in one of the secrets and copy it over and set the screen to load in right. Make sure you've aligned it how it was originally as well. I've never had to move a BOOM machine but I assume it works.