I browse 4chan.
And I'm tired of people confusing 4chan with /b/. The rest of 4chan (for the most part) really isn't that bad. To keep this on-topic, I've been watching a lot of Seinfeld lately. I love that show. |
Not that I don't agree with you. I just browse my boards for news. |
Absolutely. I have done lots of things that aren't good.
I am still browsing /b/
I mostly browse /tv/ and /mu/. The former has been pretty awful lately, though they're both good to browse because they are relevant to my interests and it's easy to find recommendations on them.
I like /vg/ and /sp/.
I don't think I've ever visited 4chan or any of the /boards/, save for being linked there externally by friends, often leading me to a 404.
I am better than all of you. |
/v/ and /tv/ is good stuff. |
/x/ can be interesting every now and then.
I don't think I've been active on 4chan for at least a year. This discussion drove me to visit it, and the 9 years old banner made me feel old as the moon. The ACTUAL moon, not your pretentious corporate moon.
I watched Let Me In. It's a good movie. And then I watched The Troll Hunter. It was also a good movie. They were good movies. |
They wanna remake Troll Hunter, 'merican style. I mean, all remakes are unnecessary, but that's like a wet turd down the throat.
I saw the Troll Hunter with my brother and his girlfriend a while back.
I agree, it was a good movie. |
I don't understand how an American remake would work unless it still took place in Spain/Greenland/Wherever it was filmed since there was the whole troll mythos thrown in there. Ah well, just slap a big 'ol DIRECTED BY MICHEAL BAY PRODUCED BY TIM BURTON on there and you're good to go.
Even if the remake still took place in Norway, the actors would most likely be speaking English with a Norwegian accent, or something stupid like they're American tourists who just happen to be visiting the most miserable part of Norway where they're swept up in the Troll shenanigans. That's exactly the kind of convoluted nonsense they would work in as a pitiful means to assuage that voice in the back of all our heads saying "this didn't need to be remade". By plugging in those shitty little changes, they can argue that it's "a completely new spin on the classic* story!" * According to Hollywood, "classic" can refer to anything made more than a year prior, so pretty much everything is a classic and is grounds for rebootin' |
wait I thought the whole "Spain/Greenland/Wherever" thing was only a joke. you saw the film and didn't know where it took place?
He may have been joking. I usually can't tell with you people.
Seven Psychopaths.
I loved the fuck out of it. |
I watched Rocky Balboa last night. I thought it was pretty good. |
It's the second worst Rocky film.
You're the second worst Rocky film.
Oh snap!
You're the second worst game of Snap I ever had.
Everyone here needs to watch Wacky Game Jokez, 4 Kidz!
I'm posting it here instead of Bits and Pieces because it is a series, and I have been watching it. It's amazing. |
Have you not known it before?
Telling us to watch this is like telling us to watch Homestar Runner. Everyone knows it exists, it's been around forever, and (almost) everyone already likes it.
Personally I prefer his pony.mov series, plus I'm pretty sure he's never going to actually finish WGJ4K. |
Okay. That is actually really stupidly funny.
Edit: I had never heard of this before, so you can all stop berating him now. |
I finished the first season of Louie yesterday, I really like this show.
Eh. I can live with it.