When the fuck did I talk about a fox and a dog?
Also, I think the names would fit best just as they are there, except directly under the avatar. |
I still think an app like Tapatalk would make this entire project 10 times easier. |
There are a lot of things that would make this easier. Trouble is getting them.
I’m not entirely convinced having hidden elements that only reveal themselves when you tap in certain spots is a good idea, though – in fact it’s decidedly mystery meat, which is almost never a good idea. |
Manco's right.
OWF's new skin should consist entirely of flying Abe heads. |
There's just the profile picture and the 'post bubbles' that are touchables. Is your mystery meat point about if someone chooses the skin and hasn't heard anything about it, and wonders how the hell you reply, or rep, or report?
I think the less clutter the better. And as long as the user knows how to access the posting options from having read this thread (for example), then I think they'd find the interface easy to use. |
The problem with "mystery meat" is simple - buttons are there to do something as quickly and intuitively as possible. Anything that makes buttons take longer and more confusing to use is therefore stupid.
I've been here for years, but if the text was taken off of the Edit/Quote/MQ/QR buttons, it would still take me a couple of seconds longer to post such enlightening diatribe as you are currently reading. By my calculations, that would make a conservative total of five hours spent searching for buttons since joining. Do you realise how much wanking I could do in five hours!? |
BTW: Don't forget that you're going to have to include the moderator options. On each post that would be an Infraction button and a checkbox, as well as two dropdowns for each thread. And don't get me started on the forum display page.
If I can get a working demo of VBulletin then the mod options shouldn't be too much trouble.
I've spent a bit of time playing with Foundation. Here's a couple points:
Mystery Meat sounds like a good forum theme, as long as it doesn't actually live up to it's namesake.
New ‘n’ Mystery
I also came across this article on responsive typography which got me thinking about where the best place to start with layout designs would be. I’m of the opinion that the most important element of a forum is the user posts, so this is a logical place to start. There’s already been discussion on that, so – hooray? |
If so, is that really something we need? Personally I've never had a problem reading text on my phone, it's just the navigation that's a pain in the ass. |
How will images be handled? Will we be able to zoom in on them? (Assuming they'll just be resized)
As for images, I too would like to see some sort of function that auto resizes images to the maximum page width (unlike now where a page can be stretched infinitely) and lets you click on them to see the true size. But that's stuff we need to look at once the basic theme is done. |
Dang dude, that post was forever and a day ago and has already been discussed to death.
Git'Im, the Necrophaggot.
Lighten up guys, Git'Im's obviously new.
Manco, how are things progressing? |
If you really admire my presence that much I'm sure I can send you a self portrait of me to fap at. |
Both you and Steamer aren't funny.
I am still working on a grid framework though; I’m using it in a couple of website projects, which allows me to see it in action and figure out where functionality is still lacking. Right now I have a mobile-first grid which has a separate grid for mobile and desktop, along with some offset classes. I’m going to split the offset classes into separate desktop and mobile sets, and then do some more testing. Once the grid CSS is where I want it to be work can get started on the typographic scale I was droning on about before. |
Steamer and Git'Im, knock it off.
Git'Im, have you never been on a forum before? Existing members always haze the new guy or they're hypercritical of any activity that contravenes the forum's unwritten rules. Just ignore it. |
I'm nice to the ones who don't stumble in spewing insults in every direction.
Whatever. Get back on topic.
Also, stop proving me wrong in front of the new guy, Havoc! |
Thanks for the welcome. :) This place is sure as hell entertaining! |
Git'Im: because you're new, I'll be kind. Be warned from now on that when a moderator posts that a thread should get back on topic, any off-topic posts (even if they're responding to someone who posted earlier) are counted as spam and may receive an infraction.
I feel I need to have some input in this but I cannot contribute massively due to the lack of free time and whatnot but I don't mind doing bit's and pieces or give advice. I remember vaguely bringing this up when I first joined too.
I have heavily modified vBulletin 4 within my own website and I have dabbled with vB3. Graphics for the UI are no problem, plus I'm fluent in PHP, CSS3 and HTML 5 and intermediate with Javascript. In my opinion I would sack off designing for mobile. I have managed to use these styles on my iPhone without any problems and just think it will be effort worth using on graphics and integration. For us to design a theme for vB3, we will need a copy of it. How else can we get the hooks, vB "if else" statements, and other behind the scenes code without Admin giving us all access to the Admin CP? As for design wise, my idea would be to replicate a place from any Oddworld game without just slapping a screenshot in as a banner with "Oddworld Forums" on it. I will elaborate once I have heard others thoughts :), nice to see you all again by the way. |
Hey, I remember you! You're alive!
You can't kill Super Hans.
I'm eager to hear what's with that whole cat+smoking_cigarretes thing I heard so much about.
...Super... who? |
This is bullshit.
Bump. Haven't heard a peep about this project in some time. Anything new to report?
Things are going mega slow, mainly because I’m busy with a lot of other projects.
My previously-mentioned framework is going nicely, so there’s that. I’m thinking for testing purposes I might just go ahead and use an install of some other open source forum software, because I can’t find any way to get the same version of vBulletin to test on. |
I didn't think this was still going on.
With regards to Xenforo and the blog issue, there are two third-party add-ons that have been created:
http://xenforo.com/community/resourc...er-blogs.1055/ http://xenforo.com/community/resources/xi-blog.713/ However, the issue of the forum skinning remains. Alcar... |