It's an enjoyable show in a sets and politicking and "who dies this week?" kind of way.
I watched Being John Malcovich, The Science of Sleep and Be Kind Rewind. All very artsy films and cult classics in their own right. Worth watching for many reasons. Fantastic actors in all of them. |
I am going to the premiere of Prometheus tomorrow evening and am so excited, woo! I watched Alien and Aliens a few days ago to get prepped for it.
I can't wait for prometheus.
Same. I've got Alien on Blu-ray sitting at home, probably gonna watch it tomorrow. It also came with $10 off Prometheus tickets, so I might go see that this weekend.
Holy shit ive not seen hobo in years hey!
I watched Prometheus!! :o
Im a bit disappointed that the ending didn't stay entirely true to the beginning of Alien. Sooome of the stuff was a bit badly explained and didnt make such good sense. But all in all I enjoyed it ^^ And next movie will probably be better as it seems that it wont be tied to Aliens at all. Edit... Sigh.. i dont feel I spoiled anything x_x as its very vague.. but ok. |
But you spoiled itl
How did she spoil it?
Watching Fawlty Towers. Pretty funny show, though I can't quite understand the mounds of critical acclaim it gets. It's funny and all, but not "laugh-out-loud-oh-my-god-I'm-crying" funny. At least, not yet. I'm only halfway the first series.
In that case, you'll probably have finished by the time you've read this.
Fawlty Towers was fine, but Michael Palin's Ripping Yarns was better.
Nah, I kind of lost interest. I really, really want to lIke it more, but I find the dry british humor just gets lost on me at times. |
So, I went to the premiere of Prometheus.
I understand how it got such mixed reviews, the effects and the actors are pretty great and all but the movie really leaves some huge questions open and doesn't give many answers. Also, the new 'alien' design is really disappointing because it's basically a bigger and stronger human. That can be kind of forgiven though because it's tied to the plot. Also, all of the characters were pretty unlikable, unlike Alien/Aliens' characters. I really hated that Dr. Holloway guy, he was so dumb and cliché. The main character, Elizabeth Shaw, isn't all that interesting either and I found her voice irritating (not sure if it's just that character or is it Noomi Rapace herself). Don't read this if you plan on watching the movie! Also, probably my biggest complaint of it is the ending. The fact that Ridley himself said that they wouldn't use the xenomorph design anymore and yet what was that in the end? A baby xenomorph born from the two alien species... It will definitely split opinions, some will love what they did and some will think it's a slap in the face. Overall, it is a good movie. For me though, it was a bit of a letdown but that was completely my fault since I was so overly hyped up for it that it just couldn't live up to the expectations. Oh and I watched God Bless America. Man, what a movie, I just don't get how it got some bad reviews, it just shows exactly what is wrong with our world. It did get a bit worse near the end though but most of it, especially the beginning, was great. Really good. The actor who played Frank did an awesome job. "I mean, why have a civilization anymore if we no longer are interested in being civilized?" |
Based on the testimony I've read, I think I'll be skipping Prometheus.
Somehow I knew it wouldn't be as good as I hoped it would be. The fact that the Space Jockey from the first movie turns out to just be a giant humanoid in a weird suit really really pisses me off (and consequently, ruins the original "Alien"). |
It's bad for me because I think making aliens humanoid is a creative cop out.
I was actually hoping from day one that Prometheus wouldn't have any humans and it would have been totally about the Space Jockey's race, and the whole thing would have been one big Gigerian wet dream. No such luck though. After "Robin Hood" I lost pretty much all my faith in Mr. Scott. |
Well, it's better to think of Prometheus as a standalone sci-fi movie, that way it is good. If you're a hardcore Alien fan, you probably won't like it as much. Take a look at the IMDb boards for it, that place is full of cynical cunts arguing about it, I think it's funny.
If Prometheus was meant to be a standalone movie, then Ridley Scott should have made it a fucking standalone movie. Everyone knew it was an Alien prequel from day one, and I don't think I - the viewer - should have to be responsible for creating imaginary parameters to make the movie more enjoyable.
It's a prequel, no matter how you slice it, and prequels should stay true to the source material. To make things worse, wiki quotes Damon Lindelof stating "if we’re fortunate enough to do a sequel... it will tangentialize even further away from the original Alien." Meaning it will diverge even further from the original canon. Being the waffle I am, I'll probably see it anyway, because the other themes it deals with intrigue me. I think the inconsistencies between it and Alien are going to forever bug me though. |
Huh. I was pretty excited for Prometheus. I'll probably still end up going, I've got this $10 off card that came with Alien, might as well use it.
Don't take my posts (or Sekto's for that matter) as a sign that you shouldn't see it, I recommend it really.
My brother watched it tonight and he thinks it was brilliant.
Is your brother by any chance an idiot?
Trust me, he knows a good film when he sees one.
Big Daddy.
I used to really love this film, but now it's loosing it's appeal on me, but there are still lots of funny parts in it. |
Ok since more have seen the Prometheus movie now....
What really bugs me is that in Alien 1 they find the alien eggs in a very orderly fashion, and in a spot that looks like it was meant for them. And as far as I know, the Alien queen does not care about how she lays the eggs, they just get laid and then they are dormant until something approaches. Now.. In the Prometheus movie, not only does the Space Jockey not die on its canon-seat thingy in the ship(he dies outside, in the human emergency ship), but also.. the alien-baby coming out of him doesn't explain the alien race at all. I feel like Ridley scott did not bother respecting his own original creation, which I thought he would. of all people, he'd be the one respecting his own story to a tee, wouldn't he? But apparently not. I mean I do think it would have been better as just a standalone movie. It wasnt bad, and I certainly enjoyed it. But The ending sort of disappointed me. I do like that that whatever sequels the prequel will have, will most likely have nothing to do with the original aliens. I really had hope though, that the aliens were perhaps a species of their own. A parasite of sort that spreads from ship to ship whenever it can. Edit: Oh yea, that said, unless the ship in question isn't even the same one as in Alien 1.... in which case... i just find the effort silly. Anyway I do like the fact that Ridley kept things reasonable retro. Reasonably... The style didn't deviate too much from the original one. Also I didn't mind the main character. I also like the Android guy.. He's amusing. Sigh.. Ridley Scott is also working on a sequel to Bladerunner now... Given what I saw in Prometheus, I'm a be nervous and skeptic x_x |
So he's making a sequel to a story that wasn't even his?
The guy is starting to piss me off. |
Also, what I found a bit irritating was that it felt like they introduced a whole lot of things in the movie yet only gave everything the tiniest bit of time on the screen. I would have liked to see more of Fifield, that weirdo geologist, or more of the alien that Dr. Shaw cut out of her womb to prevent it from being born/bursting through her stomach. Like everyone else and I have already said, it just creates way too many questions and doesn't give many answers.
Dyna, the alien in the womb is the alien at the end which impregnates the Engineer. It is implied that it just grows in the ship as things progress along.
Yes, but what I meant was that they didn't really explain it well and it was a bit unclear for me what it even... was.
Couldn't it just be a reboot of some kind? That would explain why it doesn't feel like a prequel.
But why would he reboot his own story? I find it odd that a Director would show such little respect to his own creation.
Oh by the way T-nex, did you watch the whole movie, as in, the credits too? Some say that there was an after credits scene but sadly, I only read it after I saw it so I can not confirm that. If someone caught it (if there even was a scene), please tell what happened in it!
I watched The Neverending Story the other day with a friend over Facebook. We enjoyed it, but mocked it and had a great time doing so. Today we watched the sequel and the dreaded third movie, which are both notoriously awful.
The second entry in the series is alright. The plot is weak, the characters are dumb and the ending was some of the most unsatisfying shit ever to grace my eyes, but at least some of the charm of the original carried over to make it bearable. It felt like they'd tried to follow up the first movie but were a tad misguided. I don't understand quite where the wishing for a heart came from, or quite why that made all of the giants explode. Parts of it felt rushed and under-explained, too. Bastian didn't actually meet Atreyu in the first movie, but they still act like old friends. We were also poking fun at the entire cast being played by different people. It ruined the consistency a little, but that works in the favor of the first movie. We really lost it at the scene with his mother, with the line "Don't be afraid, Bastian. We are all a part of a never ending story." The third movie is beyond a joke. It was the worst piece of shit I have ever seen. It was a steaming turd of a film. I hope that the entire production crew have realised what they did and have since committed violent suicide. Everything wrong with this movie is shown in the way Falcor is portrayed. No longer is he an old dragon. He's now a derpy flying dog. He is clumsy and his voice has a goofy tone. Any depth he had as a character was eradicated for a few cheap, silly moments that might have mildly entertained an immature six year old. Most of the characters were like this. The best character was the one Jack Black played, simply because it was a typical Jack Black character - a leather clad school bully. He was 25 when he took on this role and the mature, stubble look was just hilariously perfect. I haven't laughed at a movie so much in a long time, but I would not recommend these. The second is fun to mock if you've seen the first, but the third was almost too bad to be funny. I recommend a friend if you're going to brave them. Even with one they were hardly bearable. |
I'm currently watching Audition' with my cousin. Its a Korean film that I expect none of you have heard of. I recommend it, but it takes patience as it takes a while to start properly, and you have to be watching carefully to understand what is going on.
I just said that because I know its not well known.