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OANST 05-10-2012 03:43 PM

I didn't like that the fourth book contained so many contradictions, but other than that it stands mountains above the following three.

Edit: I'm so ashamed of myself because I am very tempted to buy the new Dark Tower book that just came out.

Bullet Magnet 05-16-2012 04:50 PM


But again, everyone is bitching about the logic of it not working when clearly it doesn't need to. I didn't accept that the people that set this in motion contained no flaws, and that their logic was supposed to be undeniable. Look at the governments of our world. Do they never make stupid decisions based on faulty logic? Why can't that be the case here?

It can be, disappointing as that is, comparable to what the prequels did to Darth Vader (is it even possible for a civilisation that can't do basic logic to advance computing to the point of godlike AI?). What is especially jarring is that Shepard does not argue with that asshole's stupid logic. There's no option to stick it to the bastard and gamble on the assembled fleets.

Actually seeing all the assets we had gathered in action would have been fantastic. From the Geth fleets covering the Destiny Ascension to Garrus and Wrex holding out against husks together in London. Even if they had lost, and losing was the only possibility, that would have been more satisfying. Having no choice at the end, just hopeless inevitability in the face of impossible odds, would have been harrowing but vastly superior to the insult of three non-choices that don't even make sense. We'd still be ticked off, but the ending was so incompetent that even railroading this way is an improvement.

AlexFili 05-17-2012 10:32 AM


Just like them Dark Tower books. Or any Stephen King book, really. Right?

Love em.

They've made the Premium Spectre Packs and Jumbo Equipment Packs permanent now which is ace.

OANST 05-17-2012 02:49 PM


It can be, disappointing as that is, comparable to what the prequels did to Darth Vader (is it even possible for a civilisation that can't do basic logic to advance computing to the point of godlike AI?). What is especially jarring is that Shepard does not argue with that asshole's stupid logic. There's no option to stick it to the bastard and gamble on the assembled fleets.

Actually seeing all the assets we had gathered in action would have been fantastic. From the Geth fleets covering the Destiny Ascension to Garrus and Wrex holding out against husks together in London. Even if they had lost, and losing was the only possibility, that would have been more satisfying. Having no choice at the end, just hopeless inevitability in the face of impossible odds, would have been harrowing but vastly superior to the insult of three non-choices that don't even make sense. We'd still be ticked off, but the ending was so incompetent that even railroading this way is an improvement.

I don't disagree. It wasn't good. I just don't think it was the worst thing I've ever seen.

Havoc 05-17-2012 03:21 PM

I am actually having a hard time coming up with a worse conclusion to an otherwise good story. Maybe Command & Conquer... but at least we knew that was doomed the second EA took over.

Still, I'm putting my faith in the DLC and giving Bioware a chance to set things straight. I hope they use it.

OANST 05-17-2012 03:30 PM

I wish they wouldn't. I just don't see how changing your story just to placate people, no matter how bad it was, can be a good thing. There is no way that they will change it enough to please anyone, and like WoF said, it's basically artistic prostitution.

Varrok 05-18-2012 01:04 AM

The ending will not be changed, they stated it'll only try to 'explain' things like 'what happened to XXX' in the form of FMVs, afair

Havoc 05-18-2012 02:56 AM

Yes, but that means the Indoctrination Theory is still possible, or something like it. Bioware said at some point that 'if people only knew what we were planning, all this wouldn't be happening'. So I'm putting my faith in that phrase and hope they still blow my mind.

Varrok 05-18-2012 03:58 AM

Bioware said a lot of things, including one that there will not be "A, B or C"-style endings in ME3. And if they wanted to blow your mind, they'd do it in original game (they kinda did, didn't they?)

Havoc 05-18-2012 04:10 AM

Stop messing with my faith :(

Bullet Magnet 05-18-2012 02:44 PM


I don't disagree. It wasn't good. I just don't think it was the worst thing I've ever seen.

It's made worse by the quality of what preceded it and the expert way they invested me in the story, characters and world. And living vicariously through the fiction doesn't help either.

They'll never placate everybody, just as you can't make something so awful that everyone hates it. But there is a good balance to strike, and they hit far too close to the "something so awful" side of the equation.

Dixanadu 05-22-2012 09:35 AM

The ending is bad, but I don't think it ruins the whole game. There's still some brilliant moments in the game, like the Tuchanka campaign.

Damn that was perfectly done.

Bullet Magnet 05-22-2012 03:47 PM

I don't think it ruins the whole game either. But every time I play it now, and the others, it's like taking a fantastic holiday, all the while knowing that at the end of it some mobster is going to break my kneecaps.

OANST 05-22-2012 03:52 PM

I think I must just be more used to life sucking than the rest of you.

Disgruntled Intern 05-22-2012 04:30 PM



Edit: I'm so ashamed of myself because I am very tempted to buy the new Dark Tower book that just came out.

If you don't then you've forgotten the face of your father.

OANST 05-22-2012 04:34 PM


If you don't then you've forgotten the face of your father.

I actually already did. I bought it yesterday so that I would have something to read on the plane.

Edit: Just to make sure eeeeeeeveryone has noticed, and that I'm bragging just enough, when I say plane, I mean the plane to San Francisco. And when I say the plane to San Francisco, I mean the plane to San Francisco that Double Fine paid for so they could fly me out to their studio, and show me their new game.

Just wanted to be clear about that.

Disgruntled Intern 05-22-2012 05:13 PM

Edit: nevermind. read your blog.

Bullet Magnet 05-26-2012 07:52 PM



Hazel-Rah 06-02-2012 02:10 AM


The ending is bad, but I don't think it ruins the whole game. There's still some brilliant moments in the game, like the Tuchanka campaign.

Damn that was perfectly done.

That and Thessia were my favorite missions.

I'd have to pick defending Thessia as one of my favorite moments in the trilogy. It's amazing how increasingly hopeless that entire situation felt and how inspiring the conversation with Anderson felt afterwards. Plus Kai Leng is a badass and I felt like he clashed with the aesthetics of this franchise in a good way.

Also to me it seemed that they ramped up the difficulty in ME3 which I liked; however, ME2 is still my favorite because of loyalty missions.

Bullet Magnet 06-02-2012 10:38 AM


Also to me it seemed that they ramped up the difficulty in ME3 which I liked

Unless you're playing an Adept optimised for power speed and crowd control. Even on Insane it's a chaotic melee of biotic explosions and weightless Cerberus guys flying around.

Dixanadu 06-07-2012 12:50 PM

I preferred Kai Leng in the novels, I thought he was fleshed out really great.

I felt underwhelmed at his appearance in the game, especially how he can god-mode and cry at a gunship when his shields are gone. I know he was there to be some kind of nemesis for Shepard since he's N7 as well, but if he was introduced in the first or even second game, I'd have probably liked him more.

Also, Javik. Damn one of the best characters the series has seen. His wit is legendary.

Havoc 06-23-2012 08:05 AM

The extended cut DLC is set to release in a couple of days. Should be very very interesting.

OANST 06-23-2012 08:42 AM

I'm not even going to download it. I don't want to be involved in the conversation at all anymore (then why are you talking about it blajh blah shut the fuck up). The people against the ending have been such huge entitled fucking crybabies that they have made me ashamed to be a part of the gaming culture.

Varrok 06-23-2012 08:54 AM

I will download that. I like laughing.

Havoc 06-23-2012 09:37 AM


I'm not even going to download it. I don't want to be involved in the conversation at all anymore (then why are you talking about it blajh blah shut the fuck up). The people against the ending have been such huge entitled fucking crybabies that they have made me ashamed to be a part of the gaming culture.

There's demanding more than you got and there's demanding what was promised and advertised in the first place (and even that will probably still not happen with this DLC).

OANST 06-23-2012 09:43 AM


There's demanding more than you got and there's demanding what was promised and advertised in the first place (and even that will probably still not happen with this DLC).

Exactly. You people make me feel shame. Thanks for showing why so willingly.

Havoc 06-24-2012 10:26 AM

I don't think you understand what happened exactly...

Dixanadu 06-25-2012 08:28 AM

We may get pink or orange endings this time. Should be neato.

OANST 06-25-2012 08:34 AM


I don't think you understand what happened exactly...

I already feel enough shame for you over the ponies. Let's not exacerbate the situation.

Disgruntled Intern 06-25-2012 12:59 PM

Has anyone tried the rebellion multiplayer dlc? It looks okay, and I hear/read that the vorcha are pretty fun to play, but...Meh. I dislike how much you have to grind/farm firebase white on geth/gold to really get enough credits to spam the shit out of the resurgence packs enough to actually unlock a new character/class. I'm sort of bored with it. Haven't played in about two months I think.

Dixanadu 06-26-2012 04:22 AM

I downloaded the Extended Cut.

You can shoot the Catalyst! I shit you not.

Pretty much ends in the Crucible rendered useless and the Reapers continue their genocide. I quite liked this ending better. Gonna go 'default', maybe with Destroy next, and see how my decisions influenced the universe.

Strike Witch 06-26-2012 06:50 AM

They're all the same except you get more information on how everybody survived afterwards.

What a shitty, shitty ending.

Havoc 06-26-2012 06:59 AM

Just watched the extended endings on Youtube. They give a sense of closure and explanation for the existing ending, but it does nothing to fill in the massive plot holes the original ending created in the first place. That's a shame, because they had a chance to fix what they screwed up. And I still don't get why the destroy ending is the only one where Shepard appears to survive at the very end.

Varrok 06-26-2012 08:17 AM

And the indoctrination theory is officially wrong. That was the only thing that could really make sense in the endings.

Dixanadu 06-26-2012 10:15 AM

Fuck it. Marauder Shields is canon.

End of discussion.


AlexFili 06-26-2012 10:49 AM

With the EC DLC we're getting just under 2GB worth of content, the majority (if not all) if it will be FMVs that tell you more about what happens to your ME2/ME3 crewmates. I've heard it gives a much better overall ending than the original game.

Wings of Fire 06-26-2012 11:46 AM

So it's an epilogue?

Is it paid DLC? Are they making customers pay for an epilogue?

Dixanadu 06-26-2012 11:51 AM

No, it's free. I'm sure the fanbase would only rage more if it even cost a penny.

Hazel-Rah 06-26-2012 01:10 PM

Yeah, I'm still gonna go with the "Destroy" ending next time. I guess "Refusal" is suggesting that your successors learn from your mistake and choose one of the original three endings.

It seems like, despite not having the Reapers, the status quo can be restored as long as everyone works together which seemed to be the case. I guess it's the most generic ending but I'm not going to choose the endings Saren and the Illusive man wanted.

Also it seems kind of convenient that the Normandy can just fly off that jungle planet at the end without a Reaper carrying it.