Also GTFaway from Touhou, you're not in that league yet. |
On topic, here's something for Kastere. http://img262.imageshack.us/img262/553/dsc01837l.jpg Legends Mafuckin Devastatarrr. |
Oh, please. We've had enough neurotic, self-obsessed noobs lately and I can't be fucked putting up with any more. If you want to become liked/respected, just ignore that shit and be less defensive.
Geez, weaboos really are a bunch of elitist pricks. And I thought it was just the few I knew.
Listen to Nate. If you let people here get to you, you won't last a week. Not that there's really anything going on around here lately that you'd be missing out on. |
Oh God not this kind of talk again.
I'm leaving. |
It's a ball bearing maze in a sphere. It has consumed several days of my life.
http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/3523/superplex.jpg It's a plastic bird, weighted so that its centre of gravity is its beak. http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/7353/birdl.jpg It's a Terminator from my small collection of Space Marines. I could tell you about their chapter that I invented, their backstory and all that junk, but then I already told myself I wouldn't post pictures of my 'toy soldiers' on the internet. http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/4763/termi1.jpg |
Uh, duh.
Hrm. |
Not yourrrs!
And now I have to deal with clingy courtesans.
You should post your picture doohicky of Turn A doing that funny pose.
Cutest mecha ever, I'm so jealous.
I should probably mention. I have hundreds of Pokémon plushies from when I was little and some newer ones as well....
Take pictures! I fucking love pokemon plushies.
http://filesmelt.com/dl/Picture0203.jpg (If the link doesn't work, go here -> http://filesmelt.com/dl/Picture0203.jpg ) The weird round thing next to the small Psyduck is a Jigglypuff. It died a little. |
Ribbons Cannon!
http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/8230/dsc01806b.jpg It's also a Gundam, Reborns Gundam! http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/339/dsc01799z.jpg http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/6726/dsc01802j.jpg |
http://i45.tinypic.com/2z7fpmw.jpg More on this story as it develops. |
I thought you were getting the red one?
Yes you did!
I thought I was getting the red one too.
I don't really care. |
I have the blue one?
We should fight them sometimes, mine would win because I've already broken and fixed a part of mine.
Also mine is mine. |
Did you finish it yet! I broke it too, in the chest, but it's not noticeable or anything, and really didn't effect anything? |
No, I was a fucking idiot and was trying to get the parts out of the frame with a kitchen knife because I couldn't find anything better, I got one leg out fine but broke one of the joints on the other. I went straight down the model shop and bought a proper set of crafting tools and some superglue. Then it was time to go to my swordfighting thingy and I've only just started back again.
Also I won by default. |
Noo, I won!
No, it didn't. |