Species:BigBro Gender:Male Age:21 Apparence: Normal except for his heads which is encased in armor. Personality: He have a avrage IQ so many beasts try not to annoy him. A bit more simple then Jutt, likes to eat sleep and beat up others, even sligs. Tries to be nice to Muds and has to keep a eye on Jutt as he has a hate for Mudokons. Doesnt like fuzzles. He is very loyal though, to his friends. He and Jutt have been friends ever since that...accident at Vykkers labs 6. Hes more easy going then most BigBros. Exquipment: Machine gun, Blitzpacker. Other: He is twin with Jutt and he and Jutt are always seen together. He came from soul storm brewery (before it blew) as he was drinking too much of it and Cylepso reported him and Jutt. Name:Jutt Species:BigBro Gender:Male Age:21 Apperance: Normal except for his head is encased in armor. Personality: Unlike Jatt he doesnt beat up sligs, though he gets angry at Muds for 'being' slaves. (beats them and often kills them) He is smarter then Jatt so many beasts try not to annoy him. Though he likes to play about machines and is less likely to beat up others then Jatt (sligs thats is as he deeply hates muds, so it's advised not to leave him and a mud alone together). He tends to be better behaved then Jatt. He is actualy a very tormented slig, as a monsterous thing happened to him at Vykkers labs 6. He disguses this by being mean and angry. Equipment:Machine gun, Blitzpacker Other: He is twin with Jatt and he and Jatt are always seen together. He came from soul storm brewery (before it blew) as he was drinking too much of it and Cylepso reported him and Jatt. Sorry 4 posting this again, but the frigging computer wont let me edit this!!!:fuzmad: :fuzmad: |
Okay...parpare to be shocked!
Name: Baby Age: ? Species: ? Personality: She has multi personality’s. Her dominant one, however, is stern, un-trusting, and stubborn. Gender: Female. (duh) Appearance: She is a mutant thing. She has a slogs head, with fleech/fuzzle teeth. She has a sligs torso with a Interns skinny arms. Her hands are mechanical. Her claws are sword-like things welded into her hands. She has a glukkons glowing eyes, with longish legs, ending in sleg feet. She has a skinny tail with a steel pike on the end. She has grey skin and is incredibly boney. She has a second mouth that ends in a paramite like face. Other: She was born in Vykkers Labs. No one knows what she originally was, as her creators were killed in the crash. Her ‘egg’ was injected with numerous DNA, ranging from fuzzle, Mudokon (free (mud archers and whatnot)) and captive(scrubs)), sligs, BBS, Wolvarks, clakkers, slogs, scrabs, to Queen Skillya, Lady Margret, chippunk and zappfly. Every thing the vykkers could get their claws on they injected into the ‘egg’ in a attempt to make a super-smart ultra-freaky monster, which could ‘drain’ a victims mind. She uses her second tongue to do that. When she ‘drains’ a creature/person, she is able to ‘steal’ their mind and store it in her dominant one, So she has many consensuses (?) in her mind, so she knows everything that the host knew, and all of their memories. This meant, that if she latched onto Abe, she would be able to lead the gluks to the Muds ‘hideout’. She was hatched and was obedient, until the labs crashed. She managed to survive and snuck about, leeching the life from any creature unfortunate enough to get near her. Her ‘blind’ animal minds (scrab, sleg etc…) meant she didn’t even have to see or hear the prey to locate it. She has massive mental strength because of all the other ‘minds’ inside hers. She can use her mental strength to hear peoples thoughts, control them (mud shaman DNA) and whatnot. She can use that to her advantage by ‘scratching’ the surface of other creatures minds to get bits and bobs of info, as after the person has be ‘mind sucked’ they usually get eaten by her, or they simply die. It takes her about 10-15 minutes to successfully engulf a creatures mind. She doent do it too often though, and she can 'suck' a persons mind only 'lightly' if she wants, rendering the victum unconisous, and unable to remember what happened. Her weakness is her skin, which is thick, but is easy to penatrat with bullets, and the other minds within her own. They are constantly 'alive' making it hard for her to be fully at peace, and can easily distract her. Also she is ABSOLUTLY terrified of water and fire. If she comes arcross a body of water deeper then her ankle she will freak, because she cannot swim. And fire because it can eaisly burn her skin. She can speak any langue, from native to wildlife to industrial; any langue, she’ll understand.. Her voice was the one problem with the vykkers. It is sweet and cute, and beautiful, like a baby bunnies might be. She managed to hitch a ride on a feeco train (clinged to the side) while escaping a band of BigBros, and found herself at RuptureFarms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Pup. Age: ? Species:? Personality: Stupid, only wants to be loved , happy. Gender: Male Appearance: He has a slogs head, big Gabbit eyes, a meech body (or elums), little elum arms, a stubby tail, slegs legs and clakker feet. He has grey skin and black veins jutting up from all over his body. About the size of a rather large slog. Other: Pup was suppose to be the new ‘slog’ for sligs. One thing was, he wasn’t vicious. He loved everyone and anyone, only wanted pats and love. He was going to be killed, but managed to escape out a window. He ran about, got shot at then hitched a ride to Rupturefarms by hiding in a suitcase. He speaks no langue, only barks. (slogs and that cant understand him either) |
:pDeath, your character Baby could have some problems if she starts to suck other player's brains out...:)Just saying.
she rarely fully sucks a persons mind, usally only having...'snacks'
Maaan, I wanna join an RP so bad... and just a while ago I thought I hated it :lol: well, maybe just because of the 'unscripted' side of it. *shrugs* Anyway... I bring you... Cal!
Name: Cal (full name is Calvin Castro, but if you call him that he will rip your throat out.) Race: Intern Gender: Male Appearance: Rather dishevelled, wears a loud blue button-up long sleeved shirt, faded grey jeans, steel chain with two steel slogtags (as apposed to dogtags, lol) and dull brown eyepatch over his left eye. Has several scars, most notably the one running down his face, and a cross-shaped one on his chest. Has brown bloodshot eyes. A nice, if anatomically incorrect and violent, picture if him can be seen here: [EDIT] Forgot to mention, after he leaves VL, he removes the stitches from hs mouth, so he can talk normally ;) Personality: Surly, violent, contemptable, agressive... Cal is not a happy chappy. Will usually scowl at passers-by, unless it happens to be some good-looking Intern female. Then he gets really sleazy and downright creepy. He does have a bit of a caring side, all hidden away under all that hatred, but you have to dig right down to find it. Age: Appears to be around 25 years of age. Equipment: Always carries around a small but powerful tazer gun, which shoots powerful bolts of electricity at an opponent, and has the capability to stun and kill. Otherwise nothing. Bio: Cal had been working at Vykkers Labs for a good 6 years, living with his roomate Luke 'Pens', whom he utterly and totally detested and wished to be rid of him forever. One morning he experienced what he says was a 'work related accident' (he does not want to talk about it), which took his eye and gave him those scars, after which he quit work and attempted to sue the labs (unsuccessfully). He now works in organised crime, with a small group that call themselves The Black Scrabs. They find him useful for espionage, and also as an emergency doctor for his previous experience in medics. Also has a morbid phobia of fuzzles. Just thought you ought to know. What's he doing in Rupture Farms? Well, only he knows at this point, though I have a hunch it's on some top-secret mission. He enters through Fee.Co.train station. There we go, I hope it'll be alright, this is my first time! O_o;... so scary... {EDIT} New Character! Name: Ricardo Digiuno (calls himself Ricky) Race: Slig Gender: Male Apperance: Taller and slimmer than your average slig, with pale-ish green skin, yellowish stripes along his neck, and small beady eyes which you can see through the goggles of his custom-made mask. He's taller because of his pants, which he made specially suited for running really reall really fast. Made of light yet strong aluminium, with not a speck of rust, these pants can outrun the fastest elum. Also wears black fingerless gloves. You can see a picture of him here. Personality: Polite, respectful, he seems like an absolute gentleman when you first meet him. That is, till your multi-millionare corporate empire comes crashing down because he either took the millions of moolah that you owed him (with interest), or he killed you and your subordinates. Apart from speed, this slig's favourite past-time is money; whether stealing it, borrowing it, spending it, lighting cigs with it, or killing people for it. Currently on the list of Mudos' Top Ten Most Wanted. Age: Around 20, human years. Equipment: He has a compartment in the back of his pants which contains all sorts of weird and whacky gadgets. (They're still realistic, though, none of the 'And then he pulled out a double-barrel bazooka with flamethrower', they're small things, like spy cameras and a first aid kit) Otherwise, nothing. Bio: Spent the first half of his life training in a slig barracks, he showed excellent talent for mechanics and building gadgets. Most of these things he invented, he kept to himself with fierce jealousy. At around the age of 13, however, he did something unthinkable; after getting into a fight with another slig and losing, he went around to that slig's tent that night, and slit his throat. After barely escaping the death sentence, he has been on the run for the rest of his life. After finding some old friends, he founded a small but powerful orginisation- The Black Scrabs. Well respected for his genius inventions, they are pretty much nothing without him. |
Okay...I know I shouldn't do this since I already have five characters ( :pbut I suppose I could always kill off Scarface since he isn't that important... ).....:(But I really want to for no logical reason....:)Oh well, if I really shouldn't add another character, just tell me and I'll stop....Uhhh, adding the character...
Name: Unknown. Known as Shrieks. Gender: Female. Age: Young adult. Species: Steef. Appearence: A brown steef with scruffy brown fur and long hair, scars, her ribs showing, no clothes and a crzed yellow eye and an orange eye with different sized pupils. Her nails are like long claws and her left back leg is missing. Personality: Shrieks is usually off her nut and screaming like a banshee most of the time due to being tortured. Her mind is animal like, she doesn't speak Mudosian, and she constantly feels like she's being tortured, unless she's distracted by something. She can only speak with animals and not intelligent species due to her mentality. She hates clowns and will chase any she sees. Bio: Shrieks was taken from Western Mudos and put into a circus, where she was fought by sligs and annoyed by rodeo clowns in front of a crowd. Being tortured began to drive her insane and her mind went animal-like. She is in a carriage on a train being transported with the circus....And will maybe get off if I add her. - Name: Mosey. Gender: Male. Age: Old adult. Species: Kinto. Appearence: A regular brown(have no idea what colour they are) Kinto. Is bigger from being older. Is stronger from more experience in work. Personality: Mosey is usually calm and a little happy, and peaceful like most Kintos. He's a little naive and dopey too. Bio: Mosey has spent most of his life being a slave and carrying queens. He is partially blind and deaf from old age and slow but is very strong. He is on a train, just not in the same carriage as Shrieks. (Waits for permission to submit characters) (Thinks of killing off Scarface) |
Name: Domino
Race: Intern Gender: Male Age: In Intern terms, Domino is roughly equivalent to a 23 year old human. Appearance: Domino wears a Valet-like checkered suit complete with a tie, spats, and a biking helmet (coloured green and blue) which has an Opod compartment for blasting classical music into domino's ears. He looks quite like a regular Intern except for having slightly lighter eyes, wider nostrils, and a recently unstitched mouth. Personality: Domino is a flamboyant, helpful, quick witted and submissive Intern capable of quickly and efficiently calculating sums in his head and having a snappy comeback to any remark. He is as cool as a cucumber, not being fazed even by a raging Glukkon or creepy Vykker. In essence, he is much like Alfred Pennyworth from Batman in his personality. Equipment: In addition to his normal clothes, as Domino still cannot speak, he carries a Post-It note dispener and paper shredder around his waist in a belt, which he uses to "speak". History: Domino was, for most of his life, a secretary to Praetyre's great uncle Bernie, who, unlike his wife, was not present at the Gabbiar auction. As the servant of a multimillionaire, and a kind one at that, Domino received a decent salary of $3,000 a year and the opportunity to practice a secondary career for his master as a professional mime. However, Bernie could not handle the grief when his wife died and he thought his nephew died, both Inhabitants dear to him, and he forced Domino to help him commit suicide by suffocation with a pillow after recording a suicide message on and the suicide itself, so that his beloved servant would not suffer legal harm. Domino submitted the video to the Oddworldian police, who despite their corruption could not reject this blatant, logical, irrefutable evidence. Domino tried to approach Praetyre for voluntary servitude, but Praetyre had his own financial problems and was searching for a job. Domino then decided to try a career as a mime, but a crueler relative on Praetyre's other side of the family sent one of his henchmen to kidnap Domino at a convention and plant evidence he had killed his own agent in a mad rage. Domino began to prepare himself for harsher servitude to the larger side of Praetyre's family. Under the 3 years he spent, Domino suffered under a harsh, unforgiving, unforgetting and cruel master who had an unusual mental disorder bordering on a fetish involving dominance, leading to Domino once being forced to line up with other servants to be whacked repetitively with a large stick, much to the excessive (even by Vykker standards) joy of that master. Domino escaped, but realised he could no longer practice his career as a mime without the police hunting him as a fugitive. Thankfully, however, he had used the stage name of Mouthy, and only needed to change his appearance. He ditched his ordinary garb of a top hat and thong and bought his current attire. He then got plastic surgery and stored his remaining money in a new bank account, but not before buying a ticket to the two year old new Rupture Farms 1027 to apply for a job. |
And Rupture Farms has been open more than a week. |
Zozo you should try to bring more life to the characters you already have, not bring in new ones.
Isn't Rupture Farms at least two years old?
Anyway, I do not suggest making any more characters. It becomes annoying to simply post as all of them at the same time, being that your posts become harder make, take up more time to do, and are annoying to read. I found that with my time, I cannot make myself type very often. So stick with what you have, since time doesn't like typing very often. When Venks mean more life, bring emotion and story to your characters. Don't just restrain them to situations enclosed to your head, such as interacting mainly with your own characters. Let them roam to other places, and not just follow your own characters. That will get onto your nerves eventually, trust me. |
Also, isn't 1 W@RF equal to 1 day? 7 W@RF's=1 Week, presumably. |
Actually, we jumped through time between v.3 to v.4. About two years, to make a greater effect on how long this place as been around.
Well not really. W@RF 1 stretched over at least three days, but then again that's not what I meant.
Basically because the story of an RPG moves so slowly, it doesn't really make much sense. Like employees staying for one day before leaving again? Characterisation moves much faster than the storyline. As an RPG that's fine and you can just ignore the whole time passing problem but looking at it as a work of fiction it's better to stick extra time in between events. It's like extra time that happens, and should not in any circumstances be interacted with, but looking back you can sort of work out where time ought to pass. Like if you read back over W@RF 1 you can point out moments where events that happened on the same day could happen seperately, or extra days can be slotted in and stuff. If I ever get around to writing this up as a story in fancorner then I'll try to make it clear. For now just assume more time has passed than you think has and be happy. Zozo: CHA-RAC-TER-IS-A-TION!!! CHA-RAC-TER-IS-A-TION!!! CHA-RAC-TER-IS-A-TION!!! Where are the cheerleaders when you need them? |
New character! Whoohoo!
Name: Wic Race: Industrialised Mudokon Age: 4, which would be about equal to an 8 year old human Appearance: Very young, short, greeny-yellow skinned Mudokon with faded black truckie cap, bright red bandanna, large black jacket and "shorts" made from the same material as a lioncloth. Was born with strange dark rings around his eyes. The colour of his skin can dramatically shift very quickly depending on his mood. He's usually very happy, though, bordering on slap-happy. See him in the flesh here. Personality: As he is young, he is innocent, and knows very little of the world. He is caring by nature, and would never want to hurt anyone in any way, no matter who they were. However, due to his (for want of a better phrase) 'mixing with the wrong people', Wic sometimes finds himself doing things considered against the law- small things, such as stealing, pickpocketing, and sometimes made to cause indirect harm, in ways like placing explosives, or letting the air out of people's tyres. Being so young, he does not know for sure whether these acts are good or bad, and is sometimes reluctant to do such things, but will do them with friendly encouragement. History: Wic's history is actually quite unusual. His egg was stolen from a slave nursery a few years ago by an escaped mudokon, who, unfortunately, was killed when he was found by a slig. That egg then somehow found it's way into the hands of a very old Vykker in the city. After hatching, Wic was made to do work around the Vykker's house for him, who in turn, fed him and gave him a little shelter. One night, the old Vykker died in his sleep, unbeknownst to Wic untill the morning. Wondering why his master had not yet risen, Wic went upstairs to find the cold body, still lying peacefully in bed. Wic ran away, panicking, not knowing what to do. Months later, he woke up from his cold, damp cardboard box to face a tall, slim figure looking down on him. It was an Intern; he told Wic to get up and follow him to where he lived. Weak, hungry, freezing cold and desperate for a home, Wic heartily agreed. And that's how Wic found his way into the Black Scrabs. Equipment: His wits. Wic is quite resourceful. Otherwise....... nothin' :p [EDIT] Actually, now that I think of it, he'd probably be carrying a walkie-talkie that he'd use to communicate with Ricky. *If only Cal had done the same....* |
I'm new here so i thought i would post my characters here.
Name: Felch Race: Slig/Paramite (Weird, I know) Gender: Male Age: 22 (In human years) Appearance: Felch his incredibly tall, almost able to look a Big Bro Slig in the eyes, but he his not muscular. He has normal Slig arms, except for the fact that they are quite long, and wears Big Bro Slig mechanical pants due to his height. Instead of the traditional Slig snout, he has the longer claw like snout of a Paratmite. His only weapon his a posion covered dagger. Personality: Felch is very quiet and does not interact with others too frequently. He has extrere patient from the fact that he has had to put up with Brutus for several years. When he does interact with others, he is always cautious and never lets his guard down. He is very inteligent and pretty good at problem solving. History: Felch used to be an assassin for Mulluk when the old Rupture Farms was still running. He cannot stand a gun because of its inacurasy and noise level. He also wears a dark cloak to help blend in with the shadows. He was away from Rupture Farms on a mission when a rather infamous Mudoken destroyed it. This is the main reason Felch survived. Equipment: Flech's poison covered dragon and grey cloak. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Brutus Race: Big Bro Slig Gender: Male Age: 20 (in human years) Appearance: Brutus looks just like a normal Big Bro Slig, except that his cranium appears to be shaped in an odd way and is incredibly muscular. Personality: Brutus is crazy. He changes his mood very often and rather randomly. His mood range from joyful to destrucive and every thing inbetween. He also says random statments, which sometimes even turn out to be useful. History: Brutus was the in the top of his class at the Slig Barraks. He was later sent to Rupture Farms and became a personal guard for Molluk. When Abe ruined the factory, a large metal pole slamed into Brutus' head, causing him to have his mental illness. He has been waiting for Rupture farms to open ever sense. Equipment: Nothing but his Blitz Packer. |
Wow, that's pretty weird. I can change his name to Brute if that helps any.
Name change might be a good idea actually. Two big bros running around called Brutus could be a little too much.
Oh, and Rupture Farms reopened quite some time ago so that doesn't quite make full sense. |
Right I should have this a while ago
Name: Jaws Species: Sloggie Age: 3 human years Appearance: A small sloggie with razor sharp teeth Personality: Jaws is best friends with his owner Slax he loves scrab meat and is a very curious pup. Equipment: Nothing (unless your counting teeth) History: Has known slax since the day he was born and they have been been friends ever since |
Name: Chris
Gender: Hermaphrodite Species:Vykker Age: Adult Appearance: Has light pink skin and wears a yellow dress with white frills on the bottom. Wears a light blue surgical outfit when 'assisting' patients, the surgical outfit is covered in white roses. Equipment: A small case containing medical tools and make-up and various luggage. Personality: Care free, happy, and out going. Biography: Chris is one of the top Surgeons in all of Mudos. Chris is much sought for when a Surgeon is needed for a tough job. Chris, however, wanted to get out in the world and see new places. This is what brings the happy-go-lucky Vykker to camp #7002 as it is one of the exotic border islands. Chris hopes to get a job here and search for exotic flowers which is a hobby of his. |
OT: Patrick Vykkers takes the bid at 1000 posts!
ONT: This is for W@RF profiles, not Along the Border ones. |
What the hell. I'll put up the profiles for my other Black Scabs members, for use in the NEXT version of W@RF (V.8). If anyone's wondering, I'm planning for Ricky and Cal to leave, and then come back again (sort of ;)), while Wic stays to work. If that's alright.
Name: Murphy McSplode Race: Clakker Age: No-one's really sure, but he seems to be around 40-45 years old compared to a human. Appearence: Short, fat, bulging eyes, always has a maniac smile on his face. Plain yellow feathers and beak with the occasional scorch mark here and there. Wears faded blue denim overalls and bandages on his feet. Equipment: Bombs, boomsticks, grenades, gunpowder, pretty much anything that has an explosive force that can fit in his front pocket of his overalls. Oh, and he sometimes uses his highly-flammable feathers to light things up, too. Personality: One word: crazy. Crazy, crazy, craaaazzzzzyyyyyy. Always abnormally happy, high tolerance to pain, uh, keep him away from anything flammable. In fact even if it's not flammable, keep him away from it, because he's likely to find a way to set it alight anyways. Doesn't speak due to his brain injury, but manages to make some babbling noises and the odd evil cackle to express himself. Bio: A mysterious brain injury involving an exploding barn when he was in his teens put him in a mental hospital for several years, during which he has had an unusual and dangerous attraction to fire and explosives. Several cases had been put against him for murder, manslaughter, property damage etc. that had been caused by his pyromania, but each case had resulted in his favour due to his mental condition. After word had gotten round that 'some retarded Clakker was killing inhabitants and getting way with it,' (quoth The Daily Deception), The Black Scrabs sent Cal, disguised as a nurse from the institute, to kidnap Murphy and force him to join the gang. He now has much more freedom to do what he does best, under the watchful (if unwilling) eye of Cal. Name: Barnabus (or 'Barny') Race: Slig, Big Bro Age: Around 20 Appearence: Pretty much your average Big Bro; big, muscle-bound, takes up a lot of room in a lift. Definately wouldn't fit in an air vent ;). Bright green skin with dark green stripes on his neck, arms and along his back. Modified mask, which is black and gives his small glowing red eyes a 360° view of his surroundings. Mask gives his voice a robotic edge to it. Wears black fingerless gloves, spikes along his knuckles for an extra-damaging punch. Otherwise, pretty indiscernable from the next Big Bro. Equipment: His huge machine gun, the BlitzPacker-K5, which is a trimmed, primped and beefed-up modification of the original BlitzPacker machine gun, credits to Ricky. Personality: Despite his killer appearence, it actually takes a lot to piss this guy off. Usually acts reasonably friendly to strangers, and fiercely protective of his friends and work partners. He is, however, very dull and slow-witted, and may take a while to understand some situations. His motto is, 'When all else fails, blast yer way outta there'. Bio: Barnabus is actually an old friend of Ricky's, as they shared the same tent at the Slig Barracks, before Barnabus was promoted and awarded enough steroids to become the monstrosity his is today. He lived an honourable life serving in the Army, helping win many battles and earning many badges, mainly for how many enemies he had killed (that's how it works in there, folks). After reading a newspaper clipping in The Daily Deception ("Sore-Loser Slig Murders His Opponent!") he was shocked to find it was about his old friend Ricky. He fronted up to Ricky's court hearing to try and save him, but the verdict was unavoidable; Public Execution. On his last nerves, he made a final attempt to rescue him by shooting and killing the two guards holding Ricky. Due to his rash actions, they both very nearly died that day, with both of them sustaining some heavy injuries, but thanks to Ricky's fast thinking and Barnabus' brute strength, they somehow made it over the town border and into the thick forest, where it would be impossible to track them. They stayed there for a few weeks, untill it became apparent that they would need professional medical help if they wanted to live. They went to the city on the far side of the forest, and found a doctor who was willing to tend to thier injuries and accepted a bribe to keep quiet. Nowadays, Barnabus is employed in Ricky's gang as security, a body guard, and as a spy agent for undercover missions. |
Name: ZIK
Age: 8 Species: Slig Personality: Scared,you hurt him he hurts you. Appearance: Slig with tux top and top hat. Bio: Zik is a slig that was used and beat by other slig's all his life. He get's very psychotic if angerd and loves anything smaller then him... "aww, look at that fuzzle". |
Name: Zazi
Age: around 16 Species: Mudoken Appearence: A regular, green mudoken. He wears stained, knee length shorts, and has white (again stained) material (similar to bandages) wrapped round his hands. Personality: up-beat as a slave in a meat factory goes. He can get quite frustrated if something doesnt work, and always sticks by his opinions, and gets annoyed when someone disagrees. He loves to talk, but only in a conversation, as he hates it when people don't talk back. Job: Delivery boy/Grinder operator Bio: He used to be a traveller, until one day he stumbled apon Rupture farms. He was swiftly stunned and forced into work. He has been there for about 6 months now and is still getting used to the sights, sounds and experience of Rupture farms. He is obviously upset by having to work there, but he doesnt show it openly. Equipment: His only noticable possesion is a purple bag on a string, which he wears round his neck. He opens and smells it regularily, but no one really knows what is in it. |
I think the only problem with your character is, Shem, is that it assumes that both Sligs are allowed to beat Mudokons and you were there for a long time. There is no beating in Rupture Farms. And I think you need to be a new employee in the factory.
what exactly do you mean? Or how do you suggest i change?
In this RPG, assuming that you have already been hired would mean you would have to have been here for a long time. Which, doesn't qualify here, being that becomes a problem to what is happening here.
Rupture Farms in this RPG has applied a rule that Sligs are not allowed to beat Mudokons, which destroys some of your backstory. So I am saying that you need to changed your character to make it that he hasn't been beaten and has recently gotten into the factory. |
Way too many issues with the my old characters. I'm going to scrap them and start a new one.
Name: Marful Age: 22 (Human years) Species: Slig Gender: Male Appearence: Larger than average slig. His mask his brown instead of the normal black. His skin tone is gray instead of green. Personality: Marful is cruel, backstabbing, and merciless. He is also very intelligent and cunning. He is very stubborn towards others that are the same tank as him or lower, but he is very respectful and loyal to his superiors. History: Marful was a high ranking slig in the the Slig Barraks. After he completed his training in the Slig Barraks, he was sent to Splinterz and worked as a guard for a few months. He was doing well in Splinterz until one day, he beat a Mudoken scrub to death for arguing with him. Marful was sent to Rupture Farms for no pay as punishment for his crime. |
((I completely Re-jigged this guy's bio and stuff! Tell me if this is okay?))
Name: Zazi Age: around 16 Species: Mudoken Appearence: A regular, green mudoken. He wears stained, knee length shorts, and has white (again stained) material (similar to bandages) wrapped round his hands. Personality: up-beat as a slave in a meat factory goes. He can get quite frustrated if something doesnt work, and always sticks by his opinions, and gets annoyed when someone disagrees. He loves to talk, but only in a conversation, as he hates it when people don't talk back. Job: Regular scrub Bio: Zazi used to live in a small village far away from Rupture Farms, where his father was cruel and abusive to him, favouring Zazi's older Brother over Zazi himself. He decided one day to run away from his home, and went travelling across the land. He stumbled upon Rupture Farms, and saw it as an oppertunity to start over. New people, New surroudings, new life... Equipment: His only noticable possesion is a purple bag on a string, which he wears round his neck. He opens and smells it regularily, but no one really knows what it is. The only clue is that there is something very bright and shiney inside. |
name: dennis
gender: male species: glukkon age:19 personality: cruel, money hungry, power hungry, stubborn, cold hearted appearance: wears a red suit because he thinks red is the color of power and status has purple eyes a slight scar on his right eye and is always seen smoking cigars bio: dennis is a cruel calculating glukkon that despises weakness he is currently a big cheese he hates nature and thinks everything should be industrious he also hates poorness, laziness, and thinks mudokens are lazy scum |
Big Cheeses are something that would be equal to RF's current owner, Arnie. I'd advise demoting your character to Chump level, or maybe Wanna-be if Dripik gives you permission.
Name: Ed (Yeah, simply Ed. No last name :P )
Race: Mudokon )A simple, green-skinned, clumsy mudokon) Earth age: 20 years old Equipment: Does farts count? Appearance: Brown loin cloth, green skin, no tattoos. Personnality Ed is a clumsy, brew-loving mudokon who could be considered a little dumb. He looks pretty much like every ordinary mudokon, green skin, red-orange ponytail. Most of the time, he cares about his people, that is, when he finally reasize when his people needs help. He also loves to drink brews of all kind and he drinks rarely anything else. He tried Alf's tea, at Alf's Rehab and Tea but it had a little "old spooce" taste, so he never drank tea again. And wether Alf's tea always tasted like or just this particular one did remains a mystery. Hum, ok, this was probably long so i will just resume Ed in a couple'o'words. Ed is: Clumsy, dumb, gentle, brew-obsessed and slow-minded. Oh! And he loves brew! |
Nibblers the Slog
Name: Nibblers
Species: Slog Gender: Male Personality: Nice, Curious, Careful Age: 1 dog year Equipment: None Biography: Nibblers was born on Slog Hut #138, he almost got sucked into the recycling fan once but got saved by a Slig. And since then, he always started being more careful. He isn't a bad Slog because he wasnt cared about much when he was little, the Sligs never told him to kill any Mudokon he saw or something like that. One day he found a small hole in the wall of the Slog Hut and of course, escaped and found his way to Rupture Farms and ended SOMEHOW, inside a exhaust pipe wich leads to the cafeteria. I decide to quit Charles and make a animal character instead. So i made this completely lost Slog seeking for food and attracted to the building's cafeteria by the smell of Scrab Legs. |
ok, I know it's closed down, but I made this, and decided to post it anyway, just incase it was going to reopen.
Name: Jaka PJ, or simply PJ (informal jaka, formal PJ) Race: Grubb Gender: Female Age: 16 (Grubb years) Equipment: Spear, armour, helmet and (Elum hide) shield handed down to her through generations. Pet Boombat (Blastz) and Elum (Roy) and rod Appearance: Green, with a yellowish hue, and golden eyes. Personality: Kind, caring, gullible and loyal, as well as dwelling and stubborn. Biography: Jaka was born and bred up in a land far, far away. She loved her family, but there were many stresses on her family due to a lack of water. Then there were the raids, right after a mysterious stranger went through her village, and stole a priceless artefact she knew she had had enough. So she packed up and left, with a noble goal of gaining riches to help restore her family and riches to its formal glory and behind. So she left, found an Elum, stumbled upon a Clacker (whom I will introduce later) and rode towards the industrious world. She found it. She was everything in her village, which accounted for nothing. Her intelligence got her nowhere, as, quite frankly, she was a Grubb. But with her best pal Charlie the Clacker by her side, she soon caught a train to Rapture farms, with dreams of earning her way up and one day returning to her home. |
mudling, the pets will ned profiles too, no random characters with no profiles allowed.
well the elum and boombat are mainly props, as in, she will feed them, maybe talk to them, but they wont do that much back, but I see what you mean. After I right the Clakkerz profile I'll choose whether to cut the pets or to make their profiles.