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Abe's son 02-05-2004 02:40 PM

I stopped caring about Halo 2 for X-Box. Farcry is going to beat the shit out of everything. Even Half-Life 2 (Though it pains me to say it). Also its PC only.

SeaRex 02-05-2004 02:42 PM


Crouch and Prone???
You can crouch in Halo. You just hold down the left thumbstick. It isn't very convenient, but it works.

Al the Vykker 02-05-2004 05:51 PM

Yeah I love in multiplayer when my friend tries to run me over in like sidewinder or in blood gulch with his ghost, I run over to a rock and duck and he flies over head and I either shoot him and kill him or as he passes I try to time a grenade, occasionally I will get lucky to stick them. :fuzsmile:

Codek 02-06-2004 12:33 AM


Yeah I love in multiplayer when my friend tries to run me over in like sidewinder or in blood gulch with his ghost, I run over to a rock and duck and he flies over head and I either shoot him and kill him or as he passes I try to time a grenade, occasionally I will get lucky to stick them. :fuzsmile:

If you stay one step ahead of your opponent you shouldn't have to do all that. Kill him before he even gets into a vehicle.

Fez 02-06-2004 08:02 AM

being able to go prone would'nt be to bad, but there was alot of CQB (close quarters battle) in Halo 1. It is a huge mistake to go prone in a CQB area.

oddguy 02-06-2004 10:28 AM

I'm in the middle of the first Halo right now. I borrowed it from a friend, but as of yesterday I actually own it!:D Now I understand mostly what you guys are talking about. Give me a hug, I've converted to Haloism!:fuzgrin:

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Fez 02-06-2004 11:09 AM

good for you!......Hobo can hug you. And it'll be a really big hug...you'll see.

Bungies halo 2 weekly updtaes

those are the weekly updates that have been released.

Al the Vykker 02-06-2004 07:07 PM


If you stay one step ahead of your opponent you shouldn't have to do all that. Kill him before he even gets into a vehicle.

Well sometimes I like to screw around with them because they know Im allready going to kill them, and that they dont have a chance, I like to give myself a rush at dodging a ghost at the last second and taking out the driver and having them curse at me afterwards. Can be quite funny.

But yeah I know what you mean, when I am in a serious mood they are dead before they even reached the ghost.

Codek 02-07-2004 01:48 AM


Well sometimes I like to screw around with them because they know Im allready going to kill them, and that they dont have a chance, I like to give myself a rush at dodging a ghost at the last second and taking out the driver and having them curse at me afterwards. Can be quite funny.

But yeah I know what you mean, when I am in a serious mood they are dead before they even reached the ghost.

That's not very smart. Toying with your opponent is how you get yourself killed in really stupid ways. Beleive me, it hurts, even more so when your opponent knows that you really kick ass at HALO - they rub it in as much as they can.

In blood Gulch it's easy as piss, because you can just run to grab the sniper rifle, get the ammo, walk through the teleport, then from where you are standing you shoot the guy as he gets in his warthog/ghost/tank/banshee. If he actually gets in the vehicle before you get a chance to shoot him, you pick up the rocket launcher and shoot him as he approaches. Or shoot him while he is trying to find you with the sniper rifle scope, that's a pretty funny one.

Fez 02-07-2004 02:33 AM

i dont have much tactics in multiplayer. Just shoot them with a Plasma rifle, and when they get close shotty em. I sometimes use the sniper rifle depending on the map.

Hobo uses the AR, what an idiot.

Lucipher 02-07-2004 06:24 AM

Don't cuss the AR it's better than your plasma pistol and pistol tactic.

oddguy 02-07-2004 07:36 AM

Shotgun gets the job done, but I always keep a rapid fire weapon with me as well.

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Majic 02-07-2004 08:15 AM

Multiplayer doesn't always have to be gung-ho kick ass never die once. It can be be fun, you know, if just just sort of **** around with your friends.

And seriously, if you get hurt because someone rubs in they killed a halo master, then by golly, that's one hell of an ego. Just kill them 5 times more.

oddguy 02-07-2004 08:22 AM

I played with my little sister and let her destroy me. But just to let her think I was actually trying, I killed her a couple times. She got so mad! But, in the end she was happy.

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Hobo 02-07-2004 10:10 AM

He spelt my name wrong dammit!

Hobo uses the AR, what an idiot.

What the fuck? When the hell did I tell you that? Stop making up shit for attention thong boy....

Anyway everyone knows both pistols at once is the best set up. One overcharge to take out shields, one or two headshots with a pistol. Minimum ammo. maximum death.

EDIT: And it's hobo, without a capital letter.

oddguy 02-07-2004 10:26 AM

Hmmm, I'll try that.

Fez 02-07-2004 10:27 AM

just joking Homeless man...

I swear i told you that both pistols tactic.

Lucipher 02-07-2004 10:34 AM

Who here can snipe with a shotgun? I can, thats why I carry a shotgun and rocket laucher, my best veichles are the tank and ghost. and also the two pistols idea? By the time you fired a charged shot and then in the head with the pistol they could have blown the living shite out of you with a AR or shotgun.

Hobo 02-07-2004 10:35 AM


Hmmm, I'll try that.

Other good combinations:

Rocket Launcher and Sniper Rifle

Pros: Amazing damage, great at long and medium range

Cons: Very little Ammo, long reload times, buggered if you're caught up close.

Shotgun + Pistol

Pros: Another powerhouse, Pistol has good range with scope.

Cons: Long range is an issue, small clips on both.

Pistol and (anything)

Pros: Pistol is stupidly overpowered, so use it with anything.

Cons: Small clip, long range is crap

Warthog/Ghosts 1 man
Pros: Instant kill when run over, Ghost has Plasma weaponry aswell, fast, absorbs some damage.

Cons: Warthog Driver's ramming has no range at all (obviously), both prone to rockets, ghost easy to dodge.

And finally:

Sniper Rifle and Pistol

Pros: All ranges covered with great damage and accuracy.

Cons: Small clips, sniper rifle leaves you prone to a 1 hit kill melee from behind.

EDIT: Lucipher, I don't like the tank as much as the warthog it's slower, has a minimum range and though is can fire two guns at once, the turret is slow enough that in any other transport you can strafe it without being hit once.

Fez 02-07-2004 10:38 AM

plasma rifle + shotgun

Pros: able to stun opponents, instant kill up close. Decent range.

Cons: overheating, having to pump after each shot. no scope for decent ranged accuracy.

i was only trying to make you seem important hobo...

EDIT: Lucipher is INCREDIBLE in a tank. He really knows how to use it efficently. Also his "shotgun sniping" is really cool.

Lucipher 02-07-2004 10:42 AM

You can ask ferill how good I am at driving a tank, I can shoot a banshee with its big gun at almost any range!

oddguy 02-07-2004 10:42 AM

I can't wait to play you guys on Halo 2 with Xbox Live! It'll be insane!

Fez 02-07-2004 10:45 AM


I can shoot a banshee with its big gun at almost any range!

i know your good mate, but anyone can do that.

oddguy 02-07-2004 10:52 AM

Just beat Halo. How do you get to see Red vs. Blue? I thought it was at the end.

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Fez 02-07-2004 10:54 AM

nope. Red vs Blue is a online series. Its put together really well, and its very funny.


they only have a few episodes up at the mo as they are starting series 2. But they have some links that let you download episodes 1-19.

Lucipher 02-07-2004 11:21 AM


i know your good mate, but anyone can do that.

I would like to see YOU hit a banshee like that!

Fez 02-07-2004 11:32 AM

your on! AOTCR, me in tank. I'll show you.

Lucipher 02-07-2004 11:44 AM

I bet you wont survive in that thing without me in a ghost.
As we are in the same room when I posted this I could have just told him this.

Fez 02-07-2004 11:57 AM

and miss out on a post! never!

Esus 02-07-2004 12:01 PM


I would like to see YOU hit a banshee like that!
Meh, it's piss-easy.

Lucipher 02-07-2004 12:06 PM


oddguy 02-07-2004 02:36 PM

Red vs. Blue! :lol: Mighty funny stuff. I'd seen episode 1 before...just saw episodes 3-5 since RVB.com had it in their archive.

Oh, Lucipher and feril...what is your guys' relationship? Brothers, friends?

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Fez 02-08-2004 12:29 AM

friends. I've known him as long as i can remeber, and vise versa.

Al the Vykker 02-08-2004 07:37 AM


I can't wait to play you guys on Halo 2 with Xbox Live! It'll be insane!

Oh I cant wait, until fall of next year. I was looking forward for a summer release, so I could get even better with my skills for it, and on Halo 2 maps, new features etc. But I guess I'll just have to start playing the first one a lot more again. :fuzsmile:

Fez 02-08-2004 08:02 AM

we should start organising teams. I call Al, MC and Death for our team!

Hobo 02-08-2004 09:32 AM

I call someone else pays for my XBOX live!

oddguy 02-08-2004 01:04 PM

I don't exactly have Xbox Live...yet. I'm planning on getting it with Halo 2.

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Al the Vykker 02-08-2004 01:31 PM


we should start organising teams. I call Al, MC and Death for our team!

Man that would be an ultimate line up and great group of people. I am trying to be more of a team player, unlike previous times in the past where no one else was trying to work together so I went off to fight the other team alone. Usually beating them, but in the end its a bit unsatisfying when your team mates dont really get to enjoy the win.

oddguy 02-08-2004 04:24 PM

Orginizing teams would be awesome! We could have captains and all that lame stuff. Let's get started! :fuzgrin: Who wants me on their team?


Damn! :fuzmad:

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Esus 02-09-2004 07:16 AM

Clans are good, you're very right, and many clans completely thrash the hell out of team games because they are oraganised, have precise strategies and can thus play brilliantly with each other.