Im really struggling to find anything
I thought maybe the dots and dashes between numbers meant something, or the slashes at the end and start of numbers. Im so discouraged ATM I think they are using a grille cipher Like this But cutting out the squears that are highlighted here The issue is finding what words to write into the grid So I took E=5OUEHRA and put that across the boxes, Filled in the letters and got VIWTRUIUGY which Quippup says is "Atrocities" |
Thought adding the numbers to the grid according to their coordinates would help.
It didn't help me much, was thinking it might be a Sudoku style grid, but obviously not. The numbers in red are from the first line of coordinates, the green are the second line, blue from the third line and black from the last. I assumed coordinate 1,1 would be the top left, even that could be wrong:) |
But the way a grill works is that the piece you place over all the letters singles out certain letter that when rearranged make a word. Sometimes it even has to be rotated apparently. |
Looks like my image in the previous post is sometimes not showing, or is that just me?
Anyway couldn't get further with that so looking at a completely different part now. :
EDIT: Really should be at work but had to test the theory on the second puzzle, this one :
Edited: corrected the answer to the second puzzle |
You probably need to actually solve the puzzle first before you can use it as a grille tool. I.e. shuffle the logo around until it looks right. |
I had another thought, what if the numbers with the . , and : symbols represent time stamps for a audio or video clip Dawlthy, thats amazing, have you tried applying it to the longer string of numbers? |
/\//\\// 5,1 : 4. 1,2 : 8. 1,3 : 2. 3,3 : 2. 4,3 : 3. 7,3 : 3. 1,5 : 3. 4,5 : 9. 5,5 : 2. 7,5 : 4. 7,6 : 6. 3,7 : 3. 12 Coordinates \\\\/\ 2,1 : 2. 3,1 : 2. 6,1 : 4. 1,2 : 4. 3,2 : 2. 3,4 : 4. 5,5 : 2. 6,5 : 3. 7,5 : 3. 4,7 : 8. 5,7 : 3. 7,6 : 4. 12 Coordinates \///\//\ 1,1 : 3. 4,1 : 2. 6,1 : 9. 2,2 : 2. 6,2 : 2. 2,4 : 4. 3,5 : 2. 5,5 : 2. 7,5 : 3. 4,7 : 3. 6,7 : 2. 7,7 : 2. 12 Coordinates \\//\\\/ 4,2 : 6. 6,2 : 4. 7,3 : 3. 2,4 : 8. 3,4 : 2. 4,4 : 2. 7,4 : 3. 2,6 : 2. 4,6 : 3. 6,6 : 2. 1,7 : 4. 3,7 : 2. 12 Coordinates It seems far to coincidental that we have four sets of coordinates and four long lines of letters. I'm thinking we need to make four different grilles using these, and then use the four lines of letters as the grid of letters underneath. Just putting my thoughts out there incase it helps anyone else. And yes i am posting at work:fuzemb: EDIT: :
EDIT2: Another thought, all the numbers after the : that follows the coordinate are either 2,3,4,6,8 or 9 with the higher numbers less frequent. There is no 1,5 or 7. Not sure how this helps, but maybe they show the size/shape of the cutout in the grille. |
: Also the missing numbers, 157 spell AEG. Make that AGE Could be that the letters need be left right every 1 letter Im gonna post my.scrawlings from earlier Also odd posted a new pic, Number 1 really.large inside the 1029 logo, also its really.different. And some weird text down here on the bag Definetly text Another pic on twitter with a new words Theres also some strange effects around the bottom of the Glukkons bottom lip |
Hey guys. Checking in to see if we can help. :)
Looks like there's a 5 and a 7 in the logo And goodmorning! wow you guys got alot of interesting stuff! |
Curious as to the name change of the Oddworld Twitter account.
Hello guys.
I'm new at the forum, and i'm trying to solve those puzzles too. As far as I know, those that had been solved are: • The braile text; • The pigpen cipher; • The morse code. I'm trying to solve the arrow puzzle. This is wat i've got: 1st: Assuming the line to the right of the arrows means a line of text, we can flip the image 90 degrees to the right. 2nd: Using an alphabeth circle, we could find some letters. 3rd: We can get a cryptogram to be solved. https://scontent.fsdu1-1.fna.fbcdn.n...b3&oe=594384C5 https://scontent.fsdu1-1.fna.fbcdn.n...9a&oe=59145179 Solving that cryptogram we get those two options: • VERVE EXECUTIONS • VERVE EXEMPTIONS I dont know if its right or not. This is what ive solved from that puzzle. Sorry for my bad english. :/ |
Hi pulquerio, welcome to the forums.
emmarose has solved the arrow codes as you can see here below :) :
: Is it Elum related? |
As far as we know, we have solved everything (including the grid image puzzle) up until source code for the site.
Press F12 (Chrome) to access it, or revert back to one of the previous comments for the whole thing. I'm pretty sure we haven't solved anything in it yet. Correction: We have *most likely* solved the 'mastermind' puzzle, which is the list of A1234, up to F????. I don't think we know what to do with them yet though. |
: |
: |
We were told to... Know our codes and keep them close? Are these our codes? |
Love how everyone just skipped over everypiece of new evidence I found even when I has proof with photos.
Ill try decoding it then. Sorry, ignore me. I worked hard to bring all that info together. And I stayed up especially. |
Atm, I'm just going over Dalwthy's working out. I've got the same answer for the first F value being F8992. The second F value is definitely F8554. Dawlthy has definitely worked it out. We just need to apply them. |
Actually that second solution you found is ruled out. Y the line
D2558 //\ If your solution was correct it would have to be D2558 /// As there would be three cars there in the right place |
Also: 8992 = HIIB 8554 = HEED (Placement of letters in the alphabet) I thought I was onto something with 'Heed' but then realised the first one doesn't make a word ahah Hiibheed in quipquip gives us the word 'Annually' |
For what it’s worth, I thought the grille cipher you mentioned seems like an idea worth exploring further. |
Sorry GlitterPanther, didn't mean to sound like I was ignoring all you'd done either, I just don't think we've got the step before done yet, and then what you've found will be very helpful. And really the same can be said for what I've done too, I think we're just missing something in between at the moment.
Feel free to prove me wrong though, I'm used to being wrong :) |
Sorry everyone. I wondered if the numbers could be weight measurements and be placed on a measurement chart, but I think thats a bit far |
That means i've almost solved the puzzle :p |