Ugh this is beautiful. Well done everyone for spotting it. So glad it's coming back!
I think the second image is almost definitely "mains we will not be re" and then, when put into order by FrustratedAssassin, reads "We will not be remains". and "Hold this way" in the first one. The question is, is this a new clue that we can do something with, or is it just them saying "Don't worry guys it's not over, stay tuned."? Either way it's exciting. Perhaps the number string that's in the 1029.io URL will fit into a phrase here. "Hold this way" is also an interesting phrase. We have had to flip stuff upside down in the ARG to reveal clues. All cool things to ponder. |
there's one thing that i saw in the ASCII illustration:
If we compare this ASCII image of 1029.io and the Twitter avatar of @spiritof1029, we can see that there's something different. In the first one there's a 1, a 9 and a 2 (probably it's something like 1029 , but 0 is missing). In the second one they were substituted with "(", "@" and another "@". ![]() (full image here : https://s4.postimg.org/yl43d8b3x/Immagine.png ) maybe it means something...or probably not. |
The first ASCII image from the 1029.io page in fact features that number string that pops up everywhere, "8291". Not just 1, 2 and 9. It is kinda hard to spot though.
Here's a picture I posted previously that highlights them: http://i.imgur.com/IA5BJib.png It's worth pointing out that we still don't actually know what 8291 means, or why it's relevant. |
Today I'm not disapointed in the post on this thread. The hunt CONTINUES!
edit: Hm."Endings will not be endings", maybe? The ends of the phrase are hard to make out |
New video new messages:
https://twitter.com/OddworldInc/stat...92395482365952 The world "HELP" Flashes for a frame around the 10th second, it's so hard to get a screengrab of because of the whiteness of the image. |
![]() There's something in this frame, it's text but I can't read it at all. A few frames also have letters appear, but again, they're white on a white background. ![]() This might possibly help. It looks like there might be an "d" and a "y" on the right side of the tower. It matches with the font used on the previous messages, and it's not present in either the previous or the next frames, so it's not just a weird detail on the thing. EDIT: It seems Connel saw the word "Help". That's interesting. |
Heads up guys, OWI posted two concept art videos shortly before the SW one that had a glitch.
I hosted them on TOGG here: http://oddworldlibrary.net/archives/...ture.php?/5693 http://oddworldlibrary.net/archives/...ture.php?/5697 Not sure they contain anything but it might be worth a look. |
I saw those videos, but they don't seem to have anything hidden.
I done made a loop of where I think I see the world "HELP". It also makes me think the previous message was "HELP THIS WAY" not "HOLD THIS WAY".
Here's the loop. if anyone has the ability to edit colours on GIFS that might made it easier to read. I also have it in .mp4. It helps if you tilt your screen back to see like those stupid pictures with hidden things. I found a loop was the best way to capture this word appearing, as when you screenshot the frame on it's own the text looks completely lost in the image. With it flickering on and off screen you can separate it from the rest of the picture more. http://im2.ezgif.com/tmp/ezgif-38756676.gif It still could be hold, or held, or hello. It's so hard to tell. Also, does anyone know the origin of the music used in this clip? Is it a new piece? I don't recognise it. |
![]() Maybe this is more visible? How about... ![]() This? The video compression really isn't helping either... |
I personally see "H E L" and then a letter with a circle, like either o, d or p. Still no clue what it means. Is there any other point in the video where there's more words? And does it relate to the previous Stranger's Wrath vid?
For me it seems "held" (?)
There is indeed another frame with words: The picture with the "stiff bridge" sign. Everyone go take a look and we'll see what it says.
There are a few frames with letters popping up, but they're even harder to see. It's one letter at a time too, no words. But yeah, this frame is probably help, or held, or some stuff that makes no sense, like helo or helq.
But if we were to ignore the whole "help/held" theory, the "h" could very well be an "n" too, I think. But nelo/nelp/nelq/neld makes no sense. I think the first letter that pops up in the stiff bridge picture is a "d", by the way. |
Damn, they've got us working hard on this one. Perhaps we need to take the individual frames with letters in and overlay them all so there is a word? Gonna be so challenging considering they're barely visible as it is, and hard to capture in an image.
I've hosted the latest video on TOGG too:
http://oddworldlibrary.net/archives/...ture.php?/5700 Simply right click on it while it's playing to save. |
Wow, that's actually cleaner and higher-res than what they posted. Where did you download it from?
I got it from Facebook. The quality seems to be better than Twitter in general.
Oh. I didn't know Facebook allows downloads.
![]() |
Seriously though, FireFox allows right click save in Facebook, and when it doesn't work you can always look the media files the pages loads. |
I'm questioning that H at the start now. Looks like it could be another letter.
With regards to the "Stiff Bridge" image, I see about 6 or 7 bursts of letters appearing at various locations on the screen. I slowed the video down to 0.25 speed, then slowed that down to 0.25, and they still barely appear and are completely unintelligible. I believe the first letter is a D. |
Can someone make one of those flashy screenshots out of it?
Note that if you are using VLC you can use the "e" key to move frame per frame. |
I think FrustratedAssassin would probably do a better job of it than me, this one is particularly tricky to capture.
Perhaps if we get a flashy screenshot of the sequence appearing, then speed it up so fast that they're constantly appearing on screen? If you get what i mean. Because this one is slightly different than the letters just being there, then not. The letters appear over the course of several frames. |
I use "e" in VLC, but there's no frame backwards key which is really dumb. I'm going to check if MPC-HC has a frame-by-frame option so I don't have to click back to an approximate location every time I miss something.
EDIT: There is. I can go frame by frame both ways with MPC. I'll try to get something from the flashing letters thing. |
I'm afraid I'm struggling to see anything past the initial D. They're just such a similar colour to the rest of the picture my mere human eyes can't distinguish them, even when the frames are repeated.
What we need is some kind of software that highlights the difference between 2 pictures. Like an automatic "spot the 7 differences" game solver.