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Crashpunk 06-11-2013 01:49 AM

My heart started to race after I saw Lorne on stage. I am so impressed with Just Add Water work and New N Tasty is looking to be my game of the year without question. The game is staying so true to the original and I got goosebumps watching that trailer viewing them screenshots.

I just want to take the time out and say to Just Add water. Thank you so much for reviving a important and childhood favourite franchise. I could not be more happier with New 'N' Tasty and I got goosebumps watching it at E3.



V_O_T 06-11-2013 02:04 AM


My heart started to race after I saw Lorne on stage. I am so impressed with Just Add Water work and New N Tasty is looking to be my game of the year without question. The game is staying so true to the original and I got goosebumps watching that trailer viewing them screenshots.

I just want to take the time out and say to Just Add water. Thank you so much for reviving a important and childhood favourite franchise. I could not be more happier with New 'N' Tasty and I got goosebumps watching it at E3.

Me too. Thank you Jaw, OI and the whole development team. It really is coming together quiet amazingly. I really do like the fact that they take time to see our creative criticism and chat to the fans. Keep it up guys, your efforts are not going unnoticed. I read somewhere that its going to be released in 2014 now, but I have no problem with this :) This just means a better end product. You guys take my highlight for E3 this year :)

p.s. I found it hilarious that when Lorne was on stage, the crowd cheered more to him than any other dev lol.

Nepsotic 06-11-2013 02:31 AM

The lighting is great in some areas, like parts of RF and that cave at the end, but poor in others. There's something off about the animations, but I can't quite work out what it is, it definitely makes the game more cartoony.
It's really promising, but the animations and colour correction needs a lot of work.

MeechMunchie 06-11-2013 02:32 AM

The only thing I really noticed was the bird portal effect that Glitch told me in person was a placeholder.

I think any point before something so glaringly pre-alpha has been replaced is too early to make judgements.

STM 06-11-2013 02:46 AM

I wonder if JAW will announce anything else at E3? Or once they've shown New 'n' Tasty, are they not allowed any more stage time? I dunno how it works.

Connell 06-11-2013 02:58 AM


I wonder if JAW will announce anything else at E3? Or once they've shown New 'n' Tasty, are they not allowed any more stage time? I dunno how it works.

They have an allotted time slot on Stage 1 on Thursday to talk more about the game. I'm pretty sure there will be a live stream of it, and I think it takes place at about 1.20 pm PDT

Indeed, this trailer does look much more promising. Everything I would chip in my 2 cents about has been covered, e.g the placeholders. I certainly hope the UBX's are placeholders... When they shut down they looks extremely bland.

The animations and the lighting etc. all could do with improvement, but overall the trailer has given me high hopes. Despite the awkward run of the Scrab I'd say the standout part of the trailer for me was the background elements in the Scrab chase toward the end. It just made the area look so detailed, despite the somewhat jarring cartoony-ness of it.

It's our (self appointed) job to point out the tiny flaws so someone does something about it. Like people have said before there is a high chance someone from JAW will read these and take into account what the fans are saying. After all, fans are one of the pickiest group of players out there. I don't wish for my comments to be misconstrued as overly negative, after all, this is a lot of our childhoods at stake here.

My appetite has been wet and I can't wait to play. I fully trust JAW to do a good job. All I could think when watching the trailer was 'Oooh I wonder what Necrum Mines would look like in this detail', or 'I wish Feeco Depot. was in Oddysee', or more basically 'Okay, Abe's Exoddus now please.'

EDIT: Oh and what is going on with that 'messy' electricity gate? It looks horrendous.

OANST 06-11-2013 06:24 AM

It's hilarious watching you people critique the art direction.

Xavier 06-11-2013 06:50 AM

This is definitely a good start! You can tell the building blocks are well in place yet. There are of course some tweaks that still need to be done to address the floatiness of some animations and remove some obvious place holders.

Here is hoping OWI is back for good with this one.

V_O_T 06-11-2013 06:51 AM

I posted this in another thread, but just incase ya'll were interested:

The Nintendo conference showed New n Tasty on the Wii U. They also showed a bit of a cut scene from when abe is shocked after he found out about muds being the meat. Looked pretty good Glad to see its going to other consoles too.

Got a screen shot of it.


The animation is all quick and jumpy. It reminded me of cartoon slapstick kinda.

Xavier 06-11-2013 07:05 AM

Wow, that was unexpected! This is great news!

Hulaabeo 06-11-2013 07:14 AM

I was completely thrown off by Oddworld on Nintendo, it's the last company I'd expect Oddworld to work with. Then again, I think it's a good idea especially since they want MOAR FUNDS for newer games. Hopefully?

Crashpunk 06-11-2013 07:18 AM

Jordan 06-11-2013 07:44 AM

I totally did not expect to see Oddworld on a Nintendo console, what a surprise!

Hulaabeo 06-11-2013 08:05 AM

Whenever I look at Abe's stitches on his upper lip, I see mustaches.

Xavier 06-11-2013 08:19 AM

Seriously I can't wait to see the full opening movie of AO remade in real time.

Bullet Magnet 06-11-2013 08:29 AM

Do the scrabs seem smaller than they used to to anyone else?

Hulaabeo 06-11-2013 08:54 AM

... Depends how you look at it. ._.

Slog Bait 06-11-2013 09:18 AM

Elum looks pretty tiny, too.

Also, I don't like how the mud at the end says Abe's name when he was greeted. This is something that's been bugging me since MO. The natives in MO I can understand greeting Abe by name because by then word about him has probably gotten out, but the scrubs have probably never heard of him, and in NNT he's just starting his journey so how does anyone know him by name what the heck

Other than really minor complaints I'm still looking forward to it though

Manco 06-11-2013 09:30 AM

I’m in agreement with the critiques posted above. I’ll add my own too: from what we’ve seen so far, things are always a little too zoomed-in – it lessens the sense of scale the environments have compared to the original.


This is definitely a good start! You can tell the building blocks are well in place yet. There are of course some tweaks that still need to be done to address the floatiness of some animations and remove some obvious place holders.

Here is hoping OWI is back for good with this one.

Also just wanted to echo this point. There’s been a fair few critical posts over the past couple pages, but none of them seem negative or mean-spirited, which is great.

OANST 06-11-2013 09:37 AM


Elum looks pretty tiny, too.

Also, I don't like how the mud at the end says Abe's name when he was greeted. This is something that's been bugging me since MO. The natives in MO I can understand greeting Abe by name because by then word about him has probably gotten out, but the scrubs have probably never heard of him, and in NNT he's just starting his journey so how does anyone know him by name what the heck

Other than really minor complaints I'm still looking forward to it though

Have you considered that they are coworkers, and probably see each other every day?

You know you fags are being way too nitpicky when I actually defend Oddworld.

Varrok 06-11-2013 10:09 AM

Rapture Farms is kinda big, OANST. What you're saying might be true with mudokons working close to Abe, but I get a feeling that every mud will greet Abe by name. I'm guessing that because I've yet to see JAW paying attention to such details.

OANST 06-11-2013 10:16 AM

You've yet to see anything beyond a 15 second trailer.

Holy christ, people. It's a video game.

Varrok 06-11-2013 10:20 AM

I still don't understand why you're defending Oddworld, OANST. Do you have a bad day today?

Slog Bait 06-11-2013 10:23 AM

I don't know man, that mud I was talking about in the trailer looked an awful lot like one of the native muds that give you the red ring and not a coworker of Abe. The odds of that mud knowing Abe by name are so incredibly slim they might as well be non-existent.

And yes, it's a video game. A video game we will most likely be playing that is also a remake of the game responsible for pretty much bringing us all together here right now on this forum that probably wouldn't exist had it never been made. I don't think it's unreasonable to critique it as it goes along.

E- dang Varrok you speedy shit

Varrok 06-11-2013 10:36 AM

Have you just given me an E-? I deserve more!

leocrow 06-11-2013 10:54 AM

No matter what, i'm buying this, even if JAW does a bad job with animations and details like the ones you're all talking about. I will get it on pc and IF i still have a job by the time the PS4 get released and i'm able to buy it, i will get it for the PS4 as well.

Anyway, I was half asleep while watching a replay of the PS4 conference this noon, without knowing they had showed NnT. When Lorne's name came up, my ears twitched and I immediately woke up. And I did notice the more intense applaud and cheering for Oddworld than other games. I also loved his introduction. Not to mention all the DRM free thingie for the PS4 but this belongs in a different thread (or even a different forum)

OANST 06-11-2013 12:55 PM


I don't know man, that mud I was talking about in the trailer looked an awful lot like one of the native muds that give you the red ring and not a coworker of Abe. The odds of that mud knowing Abe by name are so incredibly slim they might as well be non-existent.

Oh my god shut up nerd

Slog Bait 06-11-2013 01:20 PM

I'm sorry I can't help it

OddYouko 06-11-2013 02:48 PM

That Elum! Can I please have it, please!?

It looks very good so far, I'm not even at all bothered by the little details that need finishing or how the voices sound. I'm dying to have this for my ps3 now. Its a lot better than I expected, wow. Sure, the Scrab looks a tad smaller, but just look at the detail on it; that makes up for it, for me at least.

In the 6second video posted: Haha, Abe zooms off doesn't he. He looks good, too. Cannot wait to see more!

Jbot123 06-11-2013 05:17 PM


Rapture Farms is kinda big, OANST.

There are 99 mudokon workers in Rupturefarms. The rest is operated by machines or sligs. Considering Abe has worked with the others since infancy and never went anywhere else, he'd probably know everyone.