Spam spam spam egg and spam without the egg! Eugghhhh
I do not like green eggs and spam, I do not like them Sam I Am.
Another one of my guilty pleasures is taking to fucking half-wits who live in my estate ;) |
Similar here except I just like to outwit them, there very hard to understand and I made some interesting conclusions about them, It is apparent some have constructed a basic language of grunting and moaning, status seems to derive from the way one conducts himself through stance, language and his attitude towards others.
I made a basic language of grunting and moaning too.
Ngh: Oh lord, what could it be? Uhh...: Let me think this through for a moment. Meh: I disagree. Ugh: I think that would be appropriate. Mmm: I can't possibly fathom the aftermath of such an event. Grrghnnghagh!: Yes. thats u: Fuck up. Agh: Agh. |
Oh dear no more like:
Ugh: CHIPS OVER THERE Urrrgh: Stop / leave me alone (in developed cases only) Hmphhh ha: I scrounge of the benefits system! |
Actually I was referring to fornication.
I 'greened out' for the first time yesterday. I was smoking a bowl with a friend, inhaled too much without tipping it so the water would filter it out and basically filled my lungs with smoke. The cloud I exhaled was big enough for my friend to take a deep breath from like four feet away and get a hit from it. Then we watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and about halfway through I was just gone. I remember going upstairs to go to bed at like 4 AM, and that's IT. I woke up at 10AM kind of freaked out.
That's just not healthy.
Salvia's started to make me paranoid as shit everytime. I think at one stage I believed the world ended.
I had the opportunity to buy some Salvia from a Head Shop in Kingston (Ontario, fuck) yesterday, but passed it up. Instead I bought a grinder (FINALLY).
Smoked a few joints with my sister and my friend, named my Grinder Sand Clams and watched Fear and Loathing all the way through last night. I really don't like getting high late at night. I mean, I do, but my preference is either mid afternoon to nine or ten PM, since you have sufficient time to do shit and still go to bed at a somewhat reasonable time (two or three AM) |
What happens if you make Salvia tea? I see it in the stores often, and wonder why it's sold at all.
Are there more types of Salvia that can be ingested? |
Lady Gaga.
Good luck with that girl, bucko.
Justin Bieber isn't a guilty pleasure. You're going straight to hell for liking him.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHzN80iC59I |
I don't think I understood any of that.
I don't blame him for being jealous, wish i had his spooky powers
I have spooky powers.