Well then you be head chef, miss perfect!
I'd love to come too for a couple of days... I'd just need somewhere to sleep if possible.
Alcar... |
Let me be more precise: I can bake.
Not only that, but I can bake well. My Tea biscuits will stomp your face into the gravel. |
Tea biscuits?
Okay, Kastere's in. He gets age immunity. |
Is America seriously the only English-speaking country that calls university "college," biscuits "cookies," and doesn't pluralize the word "math" when referring to the school subject?
As a brit living among the yanks, I try my best to uphold such mannerisms.
Everyone! Spell "colour" thusly. PS: The VB spellcheck doesn't recognize "colour" or "thusly". |
Thou art verily a diabolical fascist of highest grammar.
Biscuits just sounds better, IMO. |
And for some reason I tought Math was pluralized up there too. |
I'll try to keep my identidy secret. but it would be fun seeing all the members. you should make a video!
Family Guy occasionally mentions trousers.
Topic please.
Don't bother warning me, I'm just trying to brighten everyone's day with repetitive spam. |
So when's good for everyone?
Next year. I'll probably have some money then.
I'm going to keep posting in this thread, though. |
Posts in this thread count towards the cost of the trip.
Oh yea... For those of you who don't have ryanair to fly with, you might wanna check out statravel.com. It's a site for young people(under 26) or students to get cheaper tickets to and from the states I think.
Anyway Yea.. I think next year would be the best, cos we have christmas and such to worry about now, which is probably gonna cost a load of money. I think we should figure out what to do with the living costs though, it's not exactly cheap living in london. If there is a way to share a room, and if people are willing to do that, we can reduce the costs greatly. Of course people like Hobo can house some people from here if they feel like it, and trust these people enough. |
If we're waiting till the new year, then that rules out January, because that's my exam period. I won't necessarily have exams throughout, but I won't know until December.
I say Easter Holidays.
RE: Housing. All find a big hostel and get a big room. Sorted.
Shotgun your floor. Or bed if it's a double.
Obviously depending on when this shindig goes down, I can probably just bring a Cot with me. Or an entire single bed.
I can hang upside-down from the rafters.