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Disgruntled Intern 03-05-2009 06:30 PM

Oh, you know.

Bullet Magnet 03-05-2009 06:30 PM


There's a trick. Hardcore isn't as hard as it'd seem, and nowhere near as bad as Gears 1.

Insane isn't proving too much of a struggle for me and my co-op companion, that is, other than tearing our selves away from street fighter.

Hardest part of that game was the first part of the Derrick mission on Insane. By yourself. God damn.

Hats are fun, though.

OANST 03-06-2009 08:36 AM

I got Noby Noby Boy and Flower off of PSN. Both are very enjoyable. And as Nate figured, Abbey fucking loves Noby Noby Boy.

That is one weird fucking game.

Nate 03-09-2009 05:44 AM

What's Flower like? I really don't get how it works.

Mac Sirloin 03-09-2009 09:02 AM

I sold Halo 3 and Bioshock. I beat Bioshock and Halo 3 wasn't worth it.

I bought Fallout 3 with the money, I only got to the G.O.A.T. parts, but it seemed...uh...alright.

OANST 03-09-2009 11:58 AM


What's Flower like? I really don't get how it works.

It's one of the most beautiful games I have ever played. Basically, you are a flower petal that is floating on the wind. You need to run into other flowers to make them bloom and add more petals to your trail. It's more fun than it sounds.

OddjobAbe 03-09-2009 02:12 PM

I have been playing Tetris so much that I'm seeing those blocks in my sleep, and whenever I close my eyes.

And even when I see them when not playing it, I'm still fucking losing.

Wil 03-09-2009 02:55 PM

Tetris never did that to me. GTA3 always did, though.

‘Whoa, if I swerve to the left now I can speed perfectly between those bollards!’
*walks in a straight line*

Daxter King 03-10-2009 09:07 PM

Started HL2: Episode 2, just killed the Guardians. I find the game is more enjoyable if you imagine Gordan doing cliched nerdy things as you play.

OANST 03-11-2009 11:04 AM


Started HL2: Episode 2, just killed the Guardians. I find the game is more enjoyable if you imagine Gordan doing cliched nerdy things as you play.

Such as?

Wil 03-11-2009 11:22 AM


Started HL2: Episode 2, just killed the Guardians. I find the game is more enjoyable if you imagine Gordan doing cliched nerdy things as you play.

In the absence of any GameCube memory card to continue playing Beyond Good & Evil, I am going to start playing Half Life 2 on the Xbox when I find the time. Never played it before. Looking forward to it.

OANST 03-11-2009 11:33 AM

360 or original?

Wil 03-11-2009 03:52 PM

Original. Tom doesn’t have a 360.

BlowCo Bonesaw 03-11-2009 05:50 PM

I'm extremely surprised no one is playing the Oddworld games right now. Shame on you, so-called Oddworld fans :p I'm playing the Oddworld games for like the 1000000000000000000th time.

Nate 03-11-2009 06:13 PM

As it happens, I'm playing SW at the moment. I just didn't really think it needed to be mentioned.


In the absence of any GameCube memory card to continue playing Beyond Good & Evil, I am going to start playing Half Life 2 on the Xbox when I find the time. Never played it before. Looking forward to it.

See if you can find an xBox copy of BG&E. Around here they're available in most games stores for all of ten dollars. I imagine the game will be much smoother and easier to play than the PS2 version.

Wil 03-11-2009 06:23 PM



I'm extremely surprised no one is playing the Oddworld games right now. Shame on you, so-called Oddworld fans :p I'm playing the Oddworld games for like the 1000000000000000000th time.

As it happens, I'm playing SW at the moment. I just didn't really think it needed to be mentioned.

Me too, I just finished playing through SW. Took about three days from the point where I realized I had the game disc in Sheffield after all. Fuzzle Guy will attest to how excited I was. Then I tried speedrunning it, but the unskippable cutscenes pissed me off too much.


See if you can find an xBox copy of BG&E. Around here they're available in most games stores for all of ten dollars. I imagine the game will be much smoother and easier to play than the PS2 version.

You mean like Psychonauts and probably most games?

Nate 03-11-2009 06:29 PM

Really? I've never seen Psychonauts in the cheap bin. I barely saw it when it was new; I had to go around to a few stores to search for it. Round here, BG&E is fairly common.

Wil 03-12-2009 06:20 AM

I meant about it being shit buggy on the PS2.

OANST 03-12-2009 09:44 AM

I've been playing Sin and Punishment on my Wii. It's an N64 game that was never released in the U.S. To be honest, if it wasn't so hilariously bad I would have stopped a while ago. The dialogue is just as bad as the old "All your base are belong to us" translation.

shaman 03-12-2009 10:32 AM

Dawn of war 2 on pc, i find it well ... meh.

It's ok but you can't build stuff dammit!

Mac Sirloin 03-12-2009 03:39 PM

Fallout 3 is boring and not worth it. I'm selling that shit to help pay for Resident Evil 5, which is being released tomorrow in North America.

I expect to see some of you online.

Daxter King 03-12-2009 05:05 PM


Fallout 3 is boring and not worth it. I'm selling that shit to help pay for Resident Evil 5, which is being released tomorrow in North America.

I expect to see some of you online.

I've been meaning to sell Fallout 3 for a while now, I need to get on it. I'll be renting RE5, as it is not worth a purchase it seems.

Mac Sirloin 03-12-2009 07:37 PM


I've been meaning to sell Fallout 3 for a while now, I need to get on it. I'll be renting RE5, as it is not worth a purchase it seems.

40$ at Electronics Boutique/Gamestop.
28$ at Microplay.
20$ at most Locally owned game stores.

Daxter King 03-12-2009 07:55 PM


40$ at Electronics Boutique/Gamestop.
28$ at Microplay.
20$ at most Locally owned game stores.

Are those prices for RE5, or trade in values for Fallout 3? Either way, I've never heard of Microplay, and the only locally owned game shop here has prices higher than Gamestop.

Mac Sirloin 03-12-2009 11:09 PM


Are those prices for RE5, or trade in values for Fallout 3? Either way, I've never heard of Microplay, and the only locally owned game shop here has prices higher than Gamestop.

Microplay=Jumbo Video

It might be a Canadian Company. I don't know.
They're trade in values for Fallout 3.

Havoc 03-13-2009 07:28 PM

Has anyone else experienced the gameplay in Gears of War 2 as a bit of adventure/Zelda'ish like? It seems like they tried to drift away from the constant same old combat like in GoW 1 by adding in all kinds of goofy sub quests which require puzzle like solutions. That's fine, but they overdid in my opinion.

Like with the worm, three hearts? First cut two arteries, then three (??) and then you need to cut four. The third heart was overdone.

Same goes for the stupid sea monster. Having to hit it three times, between which it dives back into the water like a poorly worked out boss ending in a 1995 video game you have to hit 3 times. Hitting it twice was bad enough, hitting it three times is overdone, again.

And I haven't gotten much further then this next thing but that also was annoying as hell. Was there an ACTUAL purpose to checking out 5 different Locust terminals before finding the bitch? I mean, gameplay wise, what was the purpose? 1 wrong terminal... fine! 2 wrong ones... okay... but with the third one I would have expected to hit the right one and be done with it but for some reason we had to go to 2 more to finally be found, out of the blue.

Sorry, Epic. You overdid it and killed part of the gameplay! We don't want stupid quests, we want action and cutting 10.000 wretches up with a chainsaw bayonet!

Crashpunk 03-14-2009 01:30 AM

Just bought Starfox 64 on the wii, Its the greatest!

AlexFili 03-14-2009 01:33 AM

I've been playing Abe's Exoddus for the past few weeks. Saved 100% of mudokons so far.
I havent tried Fable 1 yet, I'm waiting for university to finish.

I dont play many 360 or ps3 games because I have a Wii. But I have a DS and PSP that I keep playing every so often.

Crashpunk 03-14-2009 02:30 AM

i want a psp!

Hobo 03-14-2009 09:15 AM


Has anyone else experienced the gameplay in Gears of War 2 as a bit of adventure/Zelda'ish like? It seems like they tried to drift away from the constant same old combat like in GoW 1 by adding in all kinds of goofy sub quests which require puzzle like solutions. That's fine, but they overdid in my opinion.

Like with the worm, three hearts? First cut two arteries, then three (??) and then you need to cut four. The third heart was overdone.

Same goes for the stupid sea monster. Having to hit it three times, between which it dives back into the water like a poorly worked out boss ending in a 1995 video game you have to hit 3 times. Hitting it twice was bad enough, hitting it three times is overdone, again.

And I haven't gotten much further then this next thing but that also was annoying as hell. Was there an ACTUAL purpose to checking out 5 different Locust terminals before finding the bitch? I mean, gameplay wise, what was the purpose? 1 wrong terminal... fine! 2 wrong ones... okay... but with the third one I would have expected to hit the right one and be done with it but for some reason we had to go to 2 more to finally be found, out of the blue.

Sorry, Epic. You overdid it and killed part of the gameplay! We don't want stupid quests, we want action and cutting 10.000 wretches up with a chainsaw bayonet!

Um, you're the only person who's complained about that. Ever. Go play Gears 1 again.