I can still level edit. The reason I stopped is because I moved to Mac. But the editor runs perfectly under wine. However I doubt I will ever be able to create a level to the same quality that we see these days.
Thanks guys for making me realise that my talents are outdated and I now suck... |
30 minutes of failure, on one level... That's how people know it was your level they were playing. :
And I remember those red arrows. |
Like I said, I probably underestimate it because I made it.
I never judge a level by the cam edit but more on the level design, the puzzles and the challenge.
sky can defiantly say this
that secret area in the mountains he made is a real bitch to complete. |
Secret? What secret?
OMG ! 30 minutes to do this for me !!!
I didn't know how to do ^^ |
The worst thing about this secret is that it's just one mud. That's cruel ;P
Honesty must be admired,
ya bastich! |
Hi, I do a new update to SoulStorm map, this is a CAM wher I do a LCD status board and 2 Electric walls.
http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/376019SS13testowf.png |
it looks good but I keep getting reminded of this every time I see it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oJYK12FbHs&feature=plcp |
Yes, but I will do a whole level, not just 5 CAMs :)
But Blackvenom style inspirated me :) Edit : Part of zulag 1 http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/78...1partially.png |
Here's a suggestion, how about changing the blue backgrounds to green? Like in the beta screenshots for AE.
hey guys can i say i'm still waiting and waiting to post a level download link and let me know u guys still working on something. Can u guys please send a download link? i've been waiting this for so long and patiently for that.
dude man i don't what kind a dam issue u got ok? well yes i was telling the same question i don't care and yes i did see that video. jeez. and why u guys blaming me for what? i did not say anything nasty or mean or whatever.
if you want to play a custom level so bad
GO MAKE ONE! It's not rocket science and it'll keep you occupied until we actually finish these level's. I'm trying to get this mod done but I've got other things other then odd world to do (you can see mari0 and a portal 2 level pack I'm working on.) |
ok i know i get that ok sorry i was saying or those word's what i said it's not fair but only what u guys up to and ok let's just say where and when u guy's able to complete the level experience how long and how it's time to say when it's going to be done? and when i wait 24 hours 7 day's a week to know when it's going to be done so far? i keep saying to myself oh is it done all ready? ok it's good it's done and then the next day after 24 hours it's hasn't done yet. like ok i'll wait till the next 24 hours so yeah. only i can say now maybe i was rushing to fast that's fine with that. any comment's? ok that's true.
Any comments?
Yeah, waiting 24 hours a day is sad, and trying to read and understand your posts is even worse. |
I ought to warn you, Johnny; Outside this thread members will be a lot less tolerant.
No, it'll be done when it's done, feel like just quitting the mod altogether. (I won't but I'm starting to think about it) unless I'm charging you cash or it becomes a ridiculously famous mod there's no release dates. we can't see into the future, but if I can guess I can say my mod will be done in less than 2 years. |
johnny, I think you don't know what is the real level editing (to do levels like sky's, renhoek's or my lvls...)
1st - You have to make CAMs (to do this 4 CAMs for my SS lvl : 6 hours of work) 2nd - You have to program the lvl, place objects correctly, imagine traps, secrets... 3rd - Have a lot of patience (I think you don't have it...) So like renhoek sayd, if you want to play a lvl ,make your level !!! |