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Sekto Springs 10-08-2012 04:10 PM


A paradox was created and the universe sort of collapsed on itself, resolving to a version of history without the Angels in that particular place and time, and rendering it inaccessible to the TARDIS.

This is my other issue with Dr. Who. They can stick their dick in the canon all the way want using this kind of convoluted, cosmic bullshit. The show is never at risk of actually developing, so they can keep making it until doomsday and it will still be exactly the same as it was thirty years prior.

"This is the very last Dalek in the universe... Oh wait. Wormhole. Now there's a million Daleks"

*five more seasons*

Bullet Magnet 10-08-2012 04:29 PM

Problem with having so many writers. And recurring villains that need to be threatening even though they lose every time. Also time-travel, which makes development of the universe rather difficult. And a main character whose personality and appearance changes on a regular basis.

The real development happens to the companions. And they either last long enough to grow beyond their need to travel with the Doctor or something horrible takes the choice away from them.

Wings of Fire 10-08-2012 04:52 PM


The show is never at risk of actually developing, so they can keep making it until doomsday and it will still be exactly the same as it was thirty years prior.

That's just not true. I'm hardly a regular watcher of Dr Who, but I'm pretty sure that in the old series the Time Lords were all alive and in the new series the Time Lords are all dead and this is sort of important both plot and characterization-wise.

That being said, did they even try to explain why a Dalek or a Cyberman never looked at a Silent and said 'WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING!?'

Strike Witch 10-08-2012 04:59 PM

Doctor Who changes from writer to writer. Even with the old series there are some snoozefests, some nice thoughtful stuff, some crazy action blockbusters.

If anything the new series is a completely different beast every new season. While you may superficially get daleks or cybermen as recurring dudes, the show still manages to constantly shift with every iteration.

It's certainly not static.

Wings of Fire 10-08-2012 05:01 PM

Also MM is sort of right. A big injustice was that Rory's da' only appeared twice in two below average episodes.

Bullet Magnet 10-08-2012 05:16 PM

He might show up again with the Doctor having to explain to him exactly what happened to his son and daughter-in-law. Wilfred turned up again after Donna was mind-wiped.

Sekto Springs 10-08-2012 05:27 PM

Why don't you guys pull an X-files and just list all the episodes worth watching. I'll get back to you in five years when I've watched them all.

Wings of Fire 10-08-2012 05:54 PM


Why don't you guys pull an X-files and just list all the episodes worth watching. I'll get back to you in five years when I've watched them all.

Off the top of my head I would personally recommend The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit from NS 2 and Amy's Choice from NS 5. Those are the two plots I've seen that I've enjoyed the most. The finale of NS 5 with the Pandorica had a pretty strong first episode, but a much weaker second half.

I would also recommend the latest episode, The Angels Take Manhatten, primarily because I absolutely adore the villain plot in that and I can't believe time travel fiction has gone a hundred years without thinking it up before (Well, it might have but I haven't read it). The conclusion might be lost on you without the development of Amy and Rory though. It was even a little lost on me.

Sekto Springs 10-08-2012 06:10 PM

I remember reading the Satan Pit plot synopsis on the wiki and thinking it sounded awesome. Then I saw how "Satan" was portrayed in the episode and rolled my eyes so hard that they fell onto the keyboard.

I'll give them a shot though. There's so many series I've been meaning to watch that I simply don't have the time/attention span for. There should be a website that just lists all the best/most important episodes of a series without having to sift through episode lists for actual reviews. Is there such a site? That would be pretty tits.

Wings of Fire 10-08-2012 06:14 PM


I'll give them a shot though. There's so many series I've been meaning to watch that I simply don't have the time/attention span for. There should be a website that just lists all the best/most important episodes of a series without having to sift through episode lists for actual reviews. Is there such a site? That would be pretty tits.

I know of one, but probably not for a series you plan to watch anytime soon..

And now we look at one another awkwardly until a doctor who fan comes to tell me the episodes I recommended are utter shit.

any moment now

Sekto Springs 10-08-2012 06:20 PM

Should we... should we touch wieners?
Also, as sad as this is, I've actually seen most of Sailor Moon. The Toonami days, brutha.

Nepsotic 10-08-2012 06:33 PM

Nope, WoF, your episode recommendations were great, but you forgot Blink. The only good episode from series 3.
Also MidnIght from series 4 was really underappreciated, it was an excellent piece of film, especially the acting.
Rise of the Cybermen and the Age of Steel are the best Cybermen episodes, and who could forget Dalek from series 1?

I rather enjoyed Silence in the Library and forest of the dead, too, though there were some bullshit moments.

Don't watch any episodes from season 3, they were all terrible, except Blink and maybe Smith and Jones.

The Unicorn and the Wasp from series 4, was OK, too.
So yeah, watch all those episodes. Plus WoF's recommendations.

Phylum 10-08-2012 11:47 PM

Season 3 wasn't that bad, it just wasn't as good as the surrounding seasons. Human Nature/The Family of Blood was quite good.

Here's your list Sekto.

Season 1:
Aliens of London/World War Three
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

Season 2:
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
Most of this series is alright, but nothing really special.

Season 3:

Season 4:
I liked the entire season because Catherine Tate and Tennant worked so well together, but the standout episode was Midnight.

Specials bridging 4 - 5:
The Waters of Mars

Season 5:
The Beast Below
Amy's Choice

Season 6:
The God Complex

Sekto Springs 10-08-2012 11:53 PM

Cool. I'll give these a watch.

Daxter King 10-08-2012 11:59 PM

All the reasons people are listing against Doctor Who are pretty much why I hate the majority of comic books.

Nepsotic 10-09-2012 07:54 AM

Oooh, yeah, I forgot about the God Complex and Waters of Mars.

I think I disliked season 3 so much because I hated Martha Jones, but yeah, season 4 is probably my favourite.

Wings of Fire 10-09-2012 07:58 AM

Only really saw bits of season 1, all of season two, bits of season five and the latest half season.

I liked season 2 a lot but Billie Piper made me want to hurl all the time.

Nepsotic 10-09-2012 08:06 AM

How do you mean?
How they milked her ending?
And then brought her back?
And then milked her sendoff again?

Or just her face?

enchilado 10-09-2012 08:10 AM


Season 2:
The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit
Most of this series is alright, but nothing really special.

The Girl in the Fireplace.

Nepsotic 10-09-2012 08:20 AM

The concept was brilliant, but the episode itself became tiresome.
There are some great bits, though, I'd recommend it, too.

Also the Cyberman ones.

Wings of Fire 10-09-2012 08:45 AM


How do you mean?
How they milked her ending?
And then brought her back?
And then milked her sendoff again?

Or just her face?

Her face, her voice, her attitude, her status as the doctor's first TRU LUV companion etc

The fact her and Pond are the only two female companions I've ever had big exposure to might be a big reason why I like the latter a lot.

Crashpunk 10-09-2012 08:51 AM

I loved The Impossible Planet and The Satan Pit, my personal favourite episodes in the entire modern series. Also Blink. The concept of the Weeping Angles are the most creative and horrific yet.

Nepsotic 10-09-2012 08:52 AM

Pond was OK for series 5, but since the latter half of series 6, her new status as "The Badass" caused me to dislike her.

That is also why I despise Martha Jones.

Wings of Fire 10-09-2012 09:03 AM


Pond was OK for series 5, but since the latter half of series 6, her new status as "The Badass" caused me to dislike her.

I've heard that apart from Gaiman's episode and maybe a couple of others, 6 was pretty weak overall and the River Song thing got really annoying.

On the subject of that, I liked her a couple of times, but I had to roll my eyes when she made a Dalek beg for mercy. That pretty much shot The Big Bang down for me a couple of notches just by happening.

Nepsotic 10-09-2012 09:14 AM

Yeah, that was bollocks, Daleks have their fear literally taken out of them.

The only episode I enjoyed out of 6 was The God Complex.

OANST 10-09-2012 09:20 AM

What the fuck have I done?

Varrok 10-09-2012 09:47 AM

I take the credit, I started this

Sekto Springs 10-09-2012 11:51 AM

Season 3 of Face Off is on all day today. I watched the first challenge of the first episode and kind of tuned out. As usual, the only guy on the show with original ideas and clever execution is the one who always winds up on the bottom. With each new season of that show, I smell more and more executive meddling. Plus, they've yet to bring on anyone as talented as the contestants in season 1.

Nepsotic 10-09-2012 11:59 AM

E: Oh, wait, never mind.

Just watched the new CGI Resident Evil film. I actually really liked it, it was better than the previous one and much better than any of that live-action shit.

Mr. Bungle 10-13-2012 01:28 AM

The new episode of It's Always Sunny was pretty great.