Coach is uncle Phil
you're uncle tom
You might be on to something there DI.
nigga you racist
It's okay because my wife is half black.
It's okay because I've talked to a black person once.
I only know the names of the first bunch of Pokémons :(((
I recently purchased 'The Indie Pack' from fine purveyors of gaming goodness, Steam. With an eye for a canny bargain, I picked it up at the very good price of £14.99, saving myself £38 pounds. High five for value! I highly reccommend this product.
Guess what I'm playing:
Portal Already played through and got all the achievements. Now for the challenges. |
Yet some of the Achivements are unlocked by completing challenges.
I have all of the achievements in Still Alive except for Out of the Blue. I really don't want to do that one.
I had fully planned on picking up Alan Wake on Wed., but I don't know now. Red Dead Redemption just looks so fucking good.
Watch this shit. |
God damnit OANST, I was gonna post half a post about that, but for the first half:
Been playing Halo Reach Beta before it ends, my last post was after an Invasion game, which left a sour taste in my mouth. Since playing other gametyes, I've eased up a bit on the hate. Still, has a lot of balance issues, and some changes that didn't need to be made. Hopefully they fix some of my complaints for the release. Now, for Red Dead Redemption. I could get it for $20, I just have to part with Left 4 Dead 2. Which I am probably okay with, but I don't have another game to trade in, to get it for $20. I could probably find one for like $10 at a place I have coupons out, but that is a hassle, and makes it $30. But it does look so good. |
I bought Red Dead Redemption, and it's awesome. April was getting annoyed with hearing me go "Hah" every five seconds. I like shooting the hats off of people and then beating their ass when they get in my face about it.
I picked up Deadly Premonition. It''s something, alright. I really, really like it.
Awesome. I've gotten preoccupied from it, but I'm itching to get back in and finish it up. I must find out who Zack is!
I played through Heavy Rain with my flatmates a couple of days ago and loved it to bits, granted the thing was riddled with plot holes.
I mean, come on. |
Invisible and imaginary partner, maybe.
I think you'll find that Zach is not so easy to quantify as you get later in the game.
You didn't answer my question, nor did you try to, therein, I'm right. Argument adjourned.
High as a kite, I'm calling it.
I bought the "Humble Indie Bundle" recently. I've only downloaded World of Goo and Aquaria so far, and the former I've played before, but they're both great games.
Aquaria has got me extremely frustrated - mostly because there are only two more directions for me to explore in, and one of these has the hugest fucking boss that ever shot balls of electricity out of its mouth. The other is too dark to see what's killing you unless you continually stop to sing and make the little light-fish and light-jellyfish come toward you. Still damn hard though... and it pissed me off when I found a lit room with a giant boss that looked like an eyeball inside a translucent jellyfish. I got trapped inside, then the eyeball part started spawning little red jellyfish which attacked me. All this would've been really fun if I hadn't been nearly dead when I arrived there. So of course they killed me... luckily I remembered the recipe for some soup thing with a German name, which heals 3 hitpoints and gives a speed bonus as well. |
I don't get to play anything because of fucking school and god damned dorian playing fucking borderlands all the fucking time so if you see me online it's probably her. Say mean things.
Now that I've played through Portal I'm playing Garry's Mod 10! It rocks.