I never got past the second island; there just aren't near enough resources (especially wood) and it just gets too grindy to micromanage the villages.
Really? I always found the second island pretty easy, you just need a well-trained creature.
The levels flow as if you can pass each one quite quickly. If you don't spend an extreme amount of time on Island 1, training your creature becomes very hard
Red Faction: Guerilla. It's fun, I love to smash things. Boy I'm violent.
Whoa. B&W 2 uses a part from the opening credits music from the first two Oddworld games at one point in the Siren sequence. Was that music written originally for Oddworld or is it some stock music they used?
Clip or it didn't happen. 'It' in this case meaning 'us giving you an answer'
Hoo boy, you want to know what I did?
I played through the entirety of Heavy Rain in one sitting. I stayed over at Jordan's house on Friday, planning to watch the new Video Brinquedo movie, Gladiformers, and after that, we briefly played Resident Evil 4. Next on the agenda was a brief foray into Heavy Rain, but we ended up playing it for 9 hours straight, beating the game, and really enjoying ourselves. HUMUNGOUS FUCKING SPOILERS In the ending we got (since there's like 12)... Scott Shelby is the Origami killer. Jordan and I spent almost all of the game going "FUCK YEAH DETECTIVE SHELBY IS THE BEST FUCKING CHARACTER", but in the last hour or so things went sour. Every other character got a happy(ish) ending, but Scott is shot to death by the FBI agent, who (because of our actions) kicks his drug habit, but hallucinates that little blue tanks are following him. Maddison, the Dad and his son all pretty much live happily ever after. It was kind of like playing through a choose your own adventure book. I think I'll buy it when I get a PS3. |
The opening credits to AO: The Siren: Skip to 1:23 to go straight to the music I'm talking about. |
I can hear it, but I think it's just a coincidence. And to answer your original question:
I've heard that piece of music in a show(or ad) about some underwater thing too though. And it was exactly the same music as it was in Oddworld. I don't remember exactly what it was tho.
I rented Metro 2033 on saturday...
and beat it this afternoon. It was EASILY 5 and a half hours long, and while I did like it, holy fuck is that a short game or what? I'm going to exchange it for the 5 days I have left for Bioshock 2 or something. If you're interested in getting Metro 2033, I wouldn't bother buying it. It's not really worth replaying since there's only 2 endings and the supposed 'good' ending is just dumb. |
Played some MW2 on the free weekend, not much since it doesn't let you use a gamepad, and laptop controls suck for FPS. Downloaded America's Army 3, it sucked. Downloading the demo for Half Life 2 just to have something to play right now.
Damnit I miss my 360. |
Finally finished Psychonauts. I laughed, I cried, I frowned, I made the facial equivalent of 'Awww'.
EDIT: Just played Passage. It's beautiful. RE-EDIT: On the subject of art games, try Every Day The Same Dream. This one's a haunting commentary on post-capatilist living, and how futile life can feel in an inflexible society. |
I just noticed that 'Splosion Man decided to buy me twenty dollars worth of Omaha Steaks. I fucking love Twisted Pixel.
Is that something in the game, or actual meat products?
Actual meat products. I realized after looking at it for a few minutes that I received the email on my birthday. Twisted Pixel gave me a birthday present. I love those fucking guys.
been playing Mount & Blade. if you want in-depth story and general 'Dungeons & Dragons' shit, don't get it. it comes across as simply being a battle simulator, and that's were all the major gameplay is, anyway. its all first/third person, but the music is terrible.
the graphics are at a point were they don't stagger, even with plenty of fighting going on, and stay pretty decent. the first battle i was in, my horse was butchered, i ended up with 3 bearded lunatics chasing me, and shit myself when someone starting firing arrows in my general direction. tried to fire something back and ended up accidentally shooting one of my own blokes in the head with a crossbow. that was on 'low AI' setting, because i'm too much of a pussy to set it higher. blocking is a whole new thing in this. you really have to concentrate. but don't expect it to be amazing, either. like i said, there's depth missing to it. at times it seems too simple/robotic. anyway, i'm enjoying it. ALSO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiTLXwjQjC8 |
Trying to get the last 4 achievements I'm missing in Bayonetta, this game is way more addictive then I suspected it to be.
You've got it down to only needing four achievements? Whoooo. You're a bad motherfucker. I didn't even try to get the achievements in that game.
Bad company 2. It's awesome, trumps MW2.
Chronotron. Seriously, don't bother buying time travel platformers, this does it just great for free.
The new Left 4 Dead 2 campaign comes out today. It includes the survivors from the first game and a couple of new weapons. More importantly, it introduces Mutations. Every week there will be a new mutation to an existing game mode, making that game mode completely different. For instance, the first one is Realism Versus, and it's apparently almost impossible to make it to a safe room in this mode. Another mutation coming up gives all of the survivors never-ending chainsaws.
Should be fun. I'm just excited to see Francis again. He and I both hate stuff. |
That shit would be off the fucking hook. Anyway, I'm playing Resident Evil 4 and 5. I love Resident Evil 4. I've played through it something like 14 times. Resident Evil 5 on the other hand is mediocre as fuuuuuuuuuck. |
Experiencing Machinarium, anyone already played it?
This is far the best thing that happened to me since Oddworld! seriously! And I can't believe that the creators of this game are sitting just about 290 km away from me. |
I just finished Kanon about half an hour ago.
I cried =( |
Bad Company 2 is AMAZING
Just played the demo of Beat Hazard and was left with a resounding sense of mehness. I'm not a huge fan of Asteroid-style shooter games (there's probably a proper genre name that I don't know, but whatever) to begin with, but the link between music and gameplay seems to be fairly tenuous; it seems to only be +volume = +weapons and slightly +enemies. On the other hand, there are plenty of moments of low volume where there are tonnes of enemies but my weapons don't do shit. Also moments where the music is rhythmic and intense but comparitively quiet, so the game just decides to not do shit. I'm gonna stick to Audiosurf, thanks.
Just bought Machinarium, P.B. Winterbottom and Plain Sight on Steam, although the way my backlog is going at the moment I'll probably only end up playing them in 2015. |