This is supposedly the technology that the new DS will use in all of it's games. It's fucking incredible and I can't wait. Basically, the camera keeps track of what position your head is in, and creates depth in it's imagery based on that. |
All that lighting and position stuff looks annoying as hell, unless they fix it, then Im not interested really.
I think it's an interesting technology and I can definitely see very great things coming out of it. But the presented game didn't catch my attention much. But I also assume it was just something simple to demonstrate the technology. I really hope they bring this to the next level :D
Dwarf Fortress. LOTS of Dwarf Fortress. And Europa Universalis. And STALKER. I have been a busy boy.
:D ... I found Red Alert the Premier edition for about 20 bucks today. it's quite awesome and the box is made out of a gold'ish metal. I just hope the game is good. Im happy with this item anyway cos it's pretty to look at. Yey.
And I found a box set of all 3 Gothic games for even cheaper. =D =D =D EDIT: Lololol ... I forgot to tell what's in the Premier box... Well Firstly I got a nice lil poster with the Red Alert girl *rarrr*. And a bonus dvd with goodies, wallpapers, bloopers and more. Also some exclusive content. And a music CD with all the soundtracks I think. |
Just found my old copy of Just Cause in a draw. I remember why I put it there now.
I'm a little pissed with FF13. After 85 hours of play, and maxing out all of my primary roles, I am still not powerful enough to beat the final boss' first form. Color me irritated.
You can grind a bit as you get further in the game, but mostly they force you to stay underpowered for the whole game.
I prefer it that way, I enjoy the extremely difficult boss fights, example; Sephiroth from FFVII. My mate said to me that the Shiva battle was really hard, pfft was it fuck...I have more trouble with the standard enemies.
Also, I'm not a big fan of the Crystarium system...just a shittier version of the sphere grid. |
I think the latter is higher up on the scale TBH...
I didn't know that "color me irritated" was a nerdy expression. Well it's actually the first time I've seen it ever!
Like any true Oddworld fan, I've been playing AE.
I finished "last story" on Sonic Adventure 2: Battle on the Gamecube today. God, the first project shadow is a bloody annoying boss when you don't know what your doing.
the big red dinosaury thing
Ah, I undestand now *shivers at the memory*
The lazers in the second fight near the end where just overkill |
Yeah, but the whole Finalhazard fight is easy shits. At least compared to that Perfect Chaos guy from Sonic Adventures 1.
Now he was a penis. |
I found the second biolizard fight much easier then the first. Never played sonic adventure 1
Black and White 2.
Loving this game. It's like my ideal RTS. The last Japanese island is holding me up though. Fucking earth quakes. |
Fucking Japan.
You would play that.
I played Black and White 1 once.
I think I would enjoy the sequel. |
I love Black & White, but for some reason I always get sick of it around the third island.