Mac Sirloin |
06-25-2012 12:35 AM |
I kind of like to look at this thread as like an episode of celebrity rehab, where a bunch of former stars all come together and descend into a blood-fueled orgy of thread condemnation, and I'm like Vanilla Ice or someone probably way cooler than Vanilla Ice and I egt I have to end the episode with a heartwarming speech about how fucking awesome meth is guys, oh my god the shimmers
So try and let these last three posts by the final spammy dam in a tremendously convoluted thread. Let's clean up, put down our bats and take a break from swinging at some weirdos. Let's just stop talking, thinking, associating with or overall being aware of ponies. Okay?
If I can suggest one thing, if I can try and actually take part in this thread at all, I think the thread should die here (and I know you do too, let me finish okay). Let Nepsotic's flaring obsession dwindle so that he can resume taking part in the community in a positive way. Let him talk to himself here alone and let the thread be. We have established it's horrible. We have pounded the more severely insipid parts of this fad out of ourselves, and we will have some fucking great threads once we let this one dry up.
And now, the OWF national anthem.
\grrrrrnrrrrrnnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnnrnrnrnrrrnrrrrrrnnnnnnrrrrnrrnrrrrrrnrnrnrnrnrnnrnrnrrrrnrnnnnnrrrnnnr rrrrnnnnnnrnrnrnrrrrrnrnnnnrnrrnrnrnjrnrnrnrnrrnnnnrnrrrrrrrrrrnrnrnrnrrrrnrnrrrrrrrnrnnnnnnnrrrrrrn rnnnnrnnrnnrrrrnrrnnnnnnrrrnnnnrnrnrnrnrrrrrrrrrnnrrrrnnrnrnrnrrrrrnrrrrnrnrrrnnrrrrrrrnrrrnrrn
I'm not trying to come down on anyone, either. I don't want this post to be a bunch of haughty vitriol on either side. I just thinkwe should let it alone, or at the very least, we've been running it wildly off topic, would it be out of line for me to simply ask if a mod can snip the 10 so pages of spam so that Chris, Nep and anyone else can participate in the thread without feeling it necessary to build pony bridges to other threads??????
As stated, if this continues, if people keep lumbering in here and shitting it up for the sake of shitting it up (not like the two posts I made prior to this one though oh no sir), then allllll the pony toxic waste will get into the overall OWF water supply again. We've let Joe and SW's Anime threads die like seventeen times by just ignoring them, and those guys are probably pretty smart so we should be proud of outmaneuvering them. So do the same thing here, let it go.