Is the Cosmic Owl a boss or something? Cuz that seems slightly shark-jumpy. Then again, it is a licensed video game.
Scott's also making a sequel to Blade Runner. Why couldn't he have killed himself instead of his brother? |
I'm still crossing my fingers.
Saw Kick-Ass. It was pretty good actually. There were a lot of funny moments and good action sequences. I also watched The Grey, which is a great little survival film with Liam Neeson. The wolves were done well and there's a genuine fear factor as each person is picked off. Also saw the new version of The Karate Kid. Jackie Chan does a good job and the fighting sections are ace.
I saw The Simpsons Movie. It somehow managed to be even worse than my already extremely low expectations.
I thought it was alright. I enjoy it whenever I watch it. It's not phenomenal, but not bad. Certainly better than the seasons that had been airing 'round the time it was released.
Pfft fetishes. Anyway, it seems rather stupid to have the Ice King as the final boss. Or the Cosmic Owl as a boss, because the cosmic owl is like death really. Oh wait, there's already a Death. Hm oh well. |
The fact that new episodes are still being made is what hurts the most though. Painfully unfunny. Granted, they've been on TV for roughly 600 seasons, but South Park isn't far behind and they manage to keep it pretty fresh. The Simpsons now runs exclusively as a flavor of the month showcase; they write an episode around whatever soon-to-be-irrelevant celebrity guest star(s) they could snag that week. The worst part is, said cameo almost always plays him/herself. Where's the fun in that? Remember the episode with Michael Jackson's cameo? Or Rodney Dangerfield's? Those were amazing. Paying Justin Bieber a million dollars to walk on as himself, however... |
New Doctor Who episode was boring. I like the monster, though. Reminded me of Nemesis from Resident Evil 3.
I enjoyed it. It was a huge cliche, but I didn't mind it as much as I thought I would have. It wasn't hugely serious about the really cliched scenes and they just slotted in without detracting anything. I feel like they've locked into this doctor at loooong last. It did a better job than the first episode because it just focused on the episode. There was no side-plot nonsense.
It all comes down to the episode being good because there was a well developed monster who was actually intimidating. |
I thought it was okay, but found the ending unsatisfying. It made no sense to me that the other doctor (I've forgotten his name) would be prepared to put his 'friends' through as much shit as he did, then suddenly have a change of heart when he had a chance of escape.
Also, I kept expecting them to discuss The Doctor's own war crimes. It seems odd to me that they could theme an episode around that topic and not bring it up at all. |
But they do. He when he pushes out the Khaler he says (paraphrased) "How many have died... Daleks, Time Lords... How many have died from my mercy? I say no more!" The point they're making is that if he's snapped now then he must have snapped before.
The upcoming episode looks pretty cool, though. |
That's a brief mention and described as mercy, not war crimes. It's not drawing an equivalence between the two doctors.
But the other doctor also claimed his actions were merciful, that he saved countless lives by creating and utilising WMDs.
They're very similar, both doctors.
I watched some Adventure Time yesterday, after constructing a great pulsating trough of poutine to engorge myself with. I saw the 'Croak Dream' episode, which felt deep and delicious. I find some of the lingo they use a little excruciating. Not the rampant truncation of words or phrases so much as lots of nothing-words being used to describe essential things. 'Glub glubs' 'Glob world' 'Gloobs' just a lot of that garbage. It doesn't take away from the overall quality, it's part of the world that they inhabit. I just find it tiresome.
South Park is still cool. Apart from I hate Cartman. He wasn't so bad in the first seasons (which were amazing) But now he just annoys the crap outta me, though I guess that's the point of him. |
Cartman is My favourite character, besides Randy.
Cartman is the reason South Park is as bad as it currently is.
Maybe. |
I hate Cartman too, for the same reasons as C.P.
Are you kidding? Cartman is the main reason that show is still great. All the others are just straight men that are caught in the web of his selfish, racist, sociopathic shenanigans.
After hearing everyone here rave about it so much, I just watched the first episode of Adventure Time. I am both confused and amused.
I thought the first few episodes weren't that good. The show really finds it's away a littler further along.
Nuh-uh. There are some truly great episodes in the first season. The first Marceline episode is amazing. The zombie episode is also pretty great. It's true that the show does get better in later seasons, but even in the beginning it was pretty damn special.
In related news, I watched about ten episodes of Adventure Time with Abbey yesterday. |
Can I also put Gravity Falls out there? I’ve only taken the time to watch the first episode but it has all the trappings of a great cartoon. A lot of folk seem to mention it in the same breath as Adventure Time.
Yeah, I've heard that it's supposed to be one of the few good Disney shows, people are talking about it all over Equestria Daily so I might give it a go.
I saw french film Irreversible recently.... mindblowing masterpiece.