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Dynamithix 09-11-2012 09:37 PM

Does he say "I am the law" in it?

Varrok 09-12-2012 01:40 AM

@Mr. Bungle,

This guy is Judge Dredd

Mr. Bungle 09-12-2012 03:33 AM

That looks so awesome.

So I picked up season one of Adventure Time yesterday. It's nice too see how Adventure Tame has managed to maintain it's greatness since its inception. Seriously, I don't think I've seen a bad episode.

OANST 09-12-2012 07:32 AM

The only episodes that don't really do it for me are the Treetrunks episodes. Something about that tiny, old, horny elephant kind of creeps me out.

Sekto Springs 09-12-2012 01:01 PM

Yeah, I'm not a fan of Tree Trunks either. Apparently she's the favorite character of the production staff, and I can't wrap my head around this. She just creeps me out.

I'm one of the fans that's pro-Flame Princess though.

OANST 09-12-2012 01:07 PM

I like Flame Princess.

I watched God Bless America the other day. What a shitty, pointless movie. Poorly directed, and preachy, preachy, preachy about shit that doesn't matter. They spend about half an hour discussing the evils of people who high five.

Sekto Springs 09-12-2012 01:39 PM

You mean "Falling Down" as directed by Bobcat Goldthwait? Yeah, it seemed just a bit too gratuitous.

I've yet to see a truly satisfying "fed up guy goes apeshit" movie. Falling Down was too softcore, God Bless America was too hardcore, Wanted had shades of it but not enough. Super had shades of it as well.

Mr. Bungle 09-12-2012 05:11 PM

I've been watching Trailer Park Boys over the past couple of days. This show is brilliant. I don't know how I didn't realize it sooner. The acting is phenomenal, and the comedic timing is great. The lack of jokes makes room for some great character acting. Bubbles never fails to make me smile.

Mac Sirloin 09-12-2012 08:57 PM


I watched God Bless America the other day. What a shitty, pointless movie. Poorly directed, and preachy, preachy, preachy about shit that doesn't matter. They spend about half an hour discussing the evils of people who high five.

I really really wanted to get something from this, because it tried so fucking hard to have some kind of point to it, and I loved his last movie, but God Bless America just fell short. It was entertaining, but I feel like it didn't have the right to carry on as it did. I think Bobcat sat down and thought "Wow, here's a really cool idea that would work in a modern setting!" and didn't build anything on top of it.

Strike Witch 09-12-2012 09:04 PM

I watched Prometheus finally.

I... don't understand what happened to it. It had all this interesting build up, mystery, and amazing sounds and visuals.. then it just loses the plot.

The whole thing felt pointless and incredibly, I guess, stupid?

So if I'm understanding correctly:

The Engineers kickstart life on Earth. Then they leave a message that leads back to some military base/starport that they were based from. Then at some point the Engineers changed their mind and decided to destroy Earth, but unfortunately some of their magic transformation goo got loose and started infecting people which caused some disaster or something, resulting in them having to go into hibernation. Then the Humans followed the trail they found and found the military base and woke the last remaining Engineer up, who then is like "fuck this shit" and gets back to his job, which is to fly back to Earth and bomb it to hell.

There was no big moment of understanding, no gotcha, no big surprise... Hell, I was at least looking forward to all the Giger design porn but even that was mediocre.

And The Alien in the last few minutes was like the only cool bit.

So yeah, what a disappointment.

Varrok 09-13-2012 02:55 AM

You've already analyzed the story more than the actual storywriters. It was a stupid movie

Dynamithix 09-13-2012 04:35 AM

I thought it was a good movie but somewhat disappointing because some of the shit just didn't make sense and they did a poor job explaining any of it. But yeah, let's not start with the Prometheus shit again.

I watched the Back To The Future trilogy for the first time in my life. I really enjoyed all of the movies, the second one the most. However I do think that they aren't as great as everyone keeps saying, they are really enjoyable, fun films but I don't think it's the best movie trilogy ever made. I loved the part in the third one where Marty says 'Great Scott!' and Doc replies 'That's heavy!'.

Nate 09-13-2012 05:10 AM


I watched Prometheus finally.

I... don't understand what happened to it. It had all this interesting build up, mystery, and amazing sounds and visuals.. then it just loses the plot.

The whole thing felt pointless and incredibly, I guess, stupid?

So if I'm understanding correctly:

The Engineers kickstart life on Earth. Then they leave a message that leads back to some military base/starport that they were based from. Then at some point the Engineers changed their mind and decided to destroy Earth, but unfortunately some of their magic transformation goo got loose and started infecting people which caused some disaster or something, resulting in them having to go into hibernation. Then the Humans followed the trail they found and found the military base and woke the last remaining Engineer up, who then is like "fuck this shit" and gets back to his job, which is to fly back to Earth and bomb it to hell.

There was no big moment of understanding, no gotcha, no big surprise... Hell, I was at least looking forward to all the Giger design porn but even that was mediocre.

And The Alien in the last few minutes was like the only cool bit.

So yeah, what a disappointment.

Your analysis is accurate. My guess is that they did have full and complete explanations, but then decided to leave that for a sequel.

My theory is that the Engineers seed planets across the galaxy in order to use them as testbeds for new and exciting weapons. That's why they were sending the Aliens to Earth. It doesn't really explain why they came back and left the hints, though.

Still, that's better than Ridley Scott's explanation, which is that they wanted to wipe out planet Earth as revenge for killing Jesus, who was an Engineer. Which is fucking stupid.

OANST 09-13-2012 06:58 AM


Still, that's better than Ridley Scott's explanation, which is that they wanted to wipe out planet Earth as revenge for killing Jesus, who was an Engineer. Which is fucking stupid.

I really wish I hadn't scrolled across that spoiler bar. That will surely be the dumbest thing I'll read today.

GLaDOS 09-13-2012 08:37 AM


I'm one of the fans that's pro-Flame Princess though.

I hate Flame Princess, storming in. I'm Team Princess Bubblegum, Finn's loved PB for ages and then he suddenly started liking someone else. I guess the real reason I hate her so much is because I've grown to know the relationship Finn and PB had.

GLaDOS 09-13-2012 08:39 AM

I also got the Adventure Time season one dvd, and I'm happy to announce that my wound does not to be filled with diarrhea as it works on the television in my bedroom and on my laptop. The short "The Wand" was rather interesting, especially at the end when Ice King's face resembles a duck.

OANST 09-13-2012 08:41 AM


I hate Flame Princess, storming in. I'm Team Princess Bubblegum, Finn's loved PB for ages and then he suddenly started liking someone else. I guess the real reason I hate her so much is because I've grown to know the relationship Finn and PB had.

This is an example of taking things too seriously. Stop it, or I'll break your arm.

Plus, PB is totally a lesbian anyway.

Nepsotic 09-13-2012 08:42 AM


I hate Flame Princess, storming in. I'm Team Princess Bubblegum, Finn's loved PB for ages and then he suddenly started liking someone else. I guess the real reason I hate her so much is because I've grown to know the relationship Finn and PB had.

That's stupid.

GLaDOS 09-13-2012 08:48 AM


Plus, PB is totally a lesbian anyway.

I'm pretty sure Susan Strong and Muscle Princess are more likely to be lesbian.

Sekto Springs 09-13-2012 09:53 AM

It's been established time and time again that not only is the "relationship" between Finn and PB completely one-sided, but PB is at least five years Finn's senior. If they intended on fleshing their relationship out more, they would have kept her young after her run-in with the Lich.

I like Flame Princess. She's fun, interesting, and the "we love each other but can't touch" aesthetic is a goldmine for future plot devices. I'm glad the show keeps things fresh.

I also like how all of Finn's potential love interests so far have been portrayed as being completely insane one way or another.

Nepsotic 09-13-2012 10:04 AM

He is 13, though. He'll want to fuck the first female he sees.

Varrok 09-13-2012 10:12 AM

Even if she's a pony? :3

Sekto Springs 09-13-2012 10:20 AM

Something tells me that won't come up in the show.

Mac Sirloin 09-13-2012 10:24 AM

God fucking damn it, people.


Still, that's better than Ridley Scott's explanation, which is that they wanted to wipe out planet Earth as revenge for killing Jesus, who was an Engineer. Which is fucking stupid.

Aw c'mon I was having a good day until this.

I saw Abduction. A bizarre movie with Taylor Lautner where he makes excruciated faces and his mom (or not his mom???) kicks a bunch of ass. It sucked and I didn't like it.

EXCEPT for the part, where Taylor and his girlfriend are beating a CIA agent to death, and he suddenly says 'I won't die, here THERE'S A BOMB IN THE OVEN!!!!!' and sure enough the two kids check, and it's a stupid Wile E. Coyote pack of dynamite strapped to an alarm clock down to 3 seconds, and they run away as it explodes, and my new puppy chose that moment to chew on the satellite cable so it was basically EXPLOSION!-Cut to black. I was laughing until the little fucker started chewing on my face instead.

Mr. Bungle 09-13-2012 10:41 AM

Regarding Adventure Time, I think Marceline is the coolest of the princesses. I mean, she's a vampire who plays bass and sucks colours. Pretty dope.

Also, I'm gonna be watching the second season of The Wire of the next few days, so I'm looking forward to that. Let's see if this show can finally live up to all the hype.

Sekto Springs 09-13-2012 10:51 AM


I saw Abduction. A bizarre movie with Taylor Lautner where he makes excruciated faces and his mom (or not his mom???) kicks a bunch of ass. It sucked and I didn't like it.
Yeah, that was actually filmed in Pittsburgh too. Our small but prominent Twilight fanbase made a big stink about signing up with the local casting agency so some of them would have the off chance of being an extra in a scene WITH JACOB OMGOMG. I'm certain none of them made the cut because they're all smelly land whales that should never be put on HD film.


Regarding Adventure Time, I think Marceline is the coolest of the princesses. I mean, she's a vampire who plays bass and sucks colours. Pretty dope.
Technically, Marceline is the Vampire queen. I'm pretty sure her title is self imposed though.

OANST 09-13-2012 11:12 AM


Also, I'm gonna be watching the second season of The Wire of the next few days, so I'm looking forward to that. Let's see if this show can finally live up to all the hype.

Third and fourth seasons live up to the hype. The second is an important part of the show, but is still the weakest season, or at least as weak as the fifth.

GLaDOS 09-13-2012 11:27 AM


He is 13, though. He'll want to fuck the first female he sees.

He's 14 now, probably one of the best things about the show, the characters actually age whilst in other shows they stay the same age.

Sekto Springs 09-13-2012 11:49 AM

I remember one of the production staff mentioning they're going to age Finn accordingly to accommodate the voice actor's changing voice. I think that's pretty neat, and it certainly guarantees some staying power.

GLaDOS 09-14-2012 10:04 AM

Not sure if this should go here. I'm terrible at looking through threads. I've just seen the Adventure Time DS game, and it looks amazing, it reminds me of Zelda 2: The Adventure Of Link. (I'm terrible at links so here's the URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDyIwTDjENc