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Nepsotic 12-16-2016 03:29 AM


You're like one of the most right-wing people on this forum. You're completely against everything the left has to say about all social issues, and I saw you post shit from Breitbart in the past.

You're constantly defending literal fascists and attacking basic shit like mainstream feminism.

What's your point? Am I only allowed to post shit from Huffington Post? Sorry, I'll make sure I do that in the future.
"Defending literally fascists" I am? Where are your sources?
And come on now, if we can't laugh at mainstream feminism then there's nothing we really can pick apart.

I'm against the left on all social issues? Shit, you know me better than I know myself. I guess I'm against abortion, raising the minimum wage and eradicating religion, too. Damn, that's annoying I totally misjudged myself.

You're so deluded that you think your beliefs are completely default, any deviation from your own ideology is wrong and cannot possibly be liberal because that's associated with your group!
Well, guess what, dipshit. Groups are dumb. Labelling yourself something based on what you believe is always going to be dumb because the moment there's a disagreement (and there always will be) you crybaby retards tilt your head to the side like a curious puppy and shout "no! I'm the real liberal here!"
Your little groups are always going to eat themselves. Modern feminism is a good example. So is Christianity. Cults have this sort of thing in common.

So call me what you want. At the end of the day, it's inconsequential whether I'm liberal, libertarian, Muslim, gay, racist, feminist, Christian, republican, and so on, and fucking so forth.
What actually matters is what I'm saying, and since the left these days are trying to police and moderate what that is, I'd say you fucks are way more right-wing and fascist than I ever could be. Just because you're so entitled that you think you deserve a "safe space" that isn't your own coffin doesn't mean I'm going to run away from the most appropriate label, since people really fucking like labels and groups. It's a general classification for me, and generally, I'm a liberal. Despite that, I somehow don't get sick to the stomach knowing I'm sharing a political leaning with the likes of you, do you want to know why that is?
Because I'm an adult. Welcome to the real world, jackass.

Tl;Dr I'm a liberal whether you like it or not, but it doesn't really fucking matter what you call me, or anyone.

FrustratedAssassin 12-16-2016 03:49 AM

Implying I'm a liberal
Implying what you just said isn't the fucking epitome of privilege

Nepsotic 12-16-2016 03:58 AM


Sybil Ant 12-16-2016 04:17 AM

Why is women wanting equity with men a cult, out of interest?

MA 12-16-2016 04:18 AM


What actually matters is what I'm saying, and since the left these days are trying to police and moderate what that is, I'd say you fucks are way more right-wing and fascist than I ever could be.

to be honest, yeah that's absolutely fucking true. i find it sickening that no matter which way the human race goes in terms of government and whatever we will always reach a point in that scale where certain people have too much control over others. whether you go left or right doesn't matter, over time for some reason it's built into us to eventually go down that path.

Cuban fucking cigars for example. they shouldn't be illegal. anywhere. and nor should weed/MDMA etc

Sybil Ant 12-16-2016 04:39 AM

This is why we need a devolved government based upon the tenets of anarchist socialism, comrade MA.

LittleLamb 12-16-2016 05:53 AM


This is why we need a devolved government based upon the tenets of anarchist socialism, comrade MA.

You might like to meet some friends of mine.

Vlam 12-16-2016 05:59 AM


You might like to meet some friends of mine.

Gutter punks?

LittleLamb 12-16-2016 06:37 AM

No. They're a group of mentored like-minded people with more appreciation for liberty even if it damages security and stability. There's a reward at the end.

Sybil Ant 12-16-2016 08:13 AM

Could we just take a moment to lmao, at the way, at whoever used the term (I forget and I'll be fucked if I'm going to go back and find it) alt-left.

Free healthcare is just like Nazism yes.


Varrok 12-16-2016 08:51 AM


Watery liberalism is just as bad as conservatism. At least conservatives don't make pretenses of caring about things. Centrists are the unwitting bulwark of the right-wing movement, paralysed into inaction by their fear and rejection of changing the status-quo with anything more powerful than a HuffPo op-ed.

You seem like a pretty biased person, do you know that?

Well, at least you consider them people, so there's that.

Sybil Ant 12-16-2016 09:33 AM

I never said I consider them people.

Nepsotic 12-16-2016 09:56 AM


Why is women wanting equity with men a cult, out of interest?
I never said it was, I said feminism was. Specifically western feminism.

Varrok 12-16-2016 10:18 AM


I never said I consider them people.

The more bigoted person you are, sadly.

Nepsotic 12-16-2016 10:34 AM

Varrok, I agree with the sentiment but that sentence was a grammatical mindfuck.

Sybil Ant 12-16-2016 10:34 AM


I never said it was, I said feminism was. Specifically western feminism.

Uh, as I said before, don't know what spergy corner of Reddit you got your definition of feminism from, but female equity = feminism.


The more bigoted person you are, sadly.

That's me, Antonia the bigot. I don't even believe men are human, come fight me, Varrok.

Manco 12-16-2016 11:00 AM


At least conservatives don't make pretenses of caring about things.

Hey, let’s be fair here – they care a lot about tailored suits and tax cuts.


I never said it was, I said feminism was. Specifically western feminism.

those damned western feminists, comin’ over here wanting to ride horses normal instead of side-saddle and wear pants to the big shootout


The more bigoted person you are, sadly.

this 100% srs opinion from sybil is, quite frankly, shocking

FrustratedAssassin 12-16-2016 11:35 AM

I believe men aren't people and should all be killed. This is what I, as a feminist, believe. You can quote me on this.

Vlam 12-16-2016 11:42 AM


I believe men aren't people and should all be killed. This is what I, as a feminist, believe. You can quote me on this.

Should you also be killed, given the fact that you're a man?

Varrok 12-16-2016 11:45 AM


this 100% srs opinion from sybil is, quite frankly, shocking

I like to believe this is a serious discussion. Since I'm taking this:


Watery liberalism is just as bad as conservatism. At least conservatives don't make pretenses of caring about things. Centrists are the unwitting bulwark of the right-wing movement, paralysed into inaction by their fear and rejection of changing the status-quo with anything more powerful than a HuffPo op-ed.

seriously, I find no reason not to take the latter seriously. They're on the exact level of absurdity to me.

Nepsotic 12-16-2016 12:10 PM


Uh, as I said before, don't know what spergy corner of Reddit you got your definition of feminism from, but female equity = feminism.
And North Korea = the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Your definition doesn't mean shit. Actions are what counts.

Manco 12-16-2016 12:27 PM


I believe men aren't people and should all be killed. This is what I, as a feminist, believe. You can quote me on this.

quoted to underscore how serious this is

Xorlidyr 12-16-2016 02:40 PM

FA is a woman. I came here just to reaffirm this.

*waits patiently for cultural identity dissonance resulting in spite*

Nepsotic 12-16-2016 02:50 PM

She's whatever she wants to be, if she wants to be thin-skinned that's fine by me.

Vlam 12-16-2016 02:51 PM

Proof that Nepsotic is a liberal.

RoryF 12-16-2016 02:55 PM

Proof that vlam is possibly right-wing.

Xorlidyr 12-16-2016 03:13 PM

Proof that I read everything even if I agree with Varrok.

MA 12-16-2016 08:49 PM


I believe men aren't people and should all be killed. This is what I, as a feminist, believe. You can quote me on this.


Should you also be killed, given the fact that you're a man?


I like to believe this is a serious discussion.

lol ok varrk

Phoetux 12-16-2016 11:02 PM


I believe men aren't people and should all be killed

All the human species should be killed :spin:

Nepsotic 12-16-2016 11:16 PM


Varrok 12-16-2016 11:26 PM

Don't do it!

LittleLamb 12-17-2016 12:21 PM

Do it!

Phoetux 12-17-2016 12:29 PM


FrustratedAssassin 12-17-2016 04:47 PM

Literally no lives matter I want to die and take the whole world down with me

RoryF 12-17-2016 05:24 PM


Nepsotic 12-17-2016 05:34 PM


RoryF 12-17-2016 06:19 PM


Sybil Ant 12-18-2016 02:33 PM

mfw you get neg-repped for asking what's wrong with women wanting equality.



Nepsotic 12-18-2016 02:35 PM

Me? I don't remember doing that.

But it is a fucking stupid question, unless you're talking about women in Islamic countries.

Sybil Ant 12-18-2016 02:38 PM

Not you, you're a good boy.

Yeah I mean, it's not like women are getting restricted access to healthcare and abortions in first world countries or anything.