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Mac Sirloin 04-04-2012 03:20 PM

It's a very neat idea but it's absolutely not real. 'Legitimate' shit like is never posted on imageboards.

crimsonxking 04-04-2012 11:43 PM

Yeah, I don't buy that one bit.

I'm sure there is DLC coming and I'm sure there will be an action-y game set in this universe, as Mass Effect has become too big a name to let go, but not with that story.

Dixanadu 04-05-2012 09:45 AM

I heard the ending was supposed to be different, but they changed it to what it is now due to the script leak.

Anyway, I never played pure renegade in any of the games. The Mordin part of Tuchanka made me feel like a major douchebag.

Then to make matters worse, Wrex found out about the sabotage, and came for a little chat. It didn't make me feel any better.

Varrok 04-05-2012 01:03 PM

Oh boy oh boy it's gonna suck ^^

*waits impatiently*

Mudokon_Master 04-05-2012 02:05 PM

I think this thread should probably be turned to Mass Effect in general - not just 3.
That said, I'd like to ask you guys something that I feel shouldn't be spamming anywhere else.
I got Mass Effect 1 the other day for PC. I bought it on disk for $15, inserted the disk, run the setup, saved it to C:/Program Files/Mass Effect.
From there, the launcher was placed on my desktop. When I run it, however, I just got the error message 'Mass Effect has stopped working.' Then all I have left to do it close it and try again. I opened C:/Program Files/Mass Effect/Binaries/Mass Effect.exe but I got the same thing - Mass Effect has stopped working.
I'm running Windows 7 so I ran Mass Effect.exe in compatibility mode for XP SP1, 2 and 3 but this time I got a different error message:

General Protection fault!
History GMatrix2D::Swap() Address=0x10bb5676 (filename not found) [in
C:\Program Files\Mass Effect\Binaries\MassEffect.exe\]
Adress=0x16753ee4 (filename not found)
I've tried reinstalling many times and even got the latest patch. Still no luck.
Any suggestions? I was considering getting a Windows XP Emulator.

EDIT: I forgot to mention I looked everywhere on Google but everyone on the ME forums suck and have no clue.

Disgruntled Intern 04-05-2012 02:07 PM

So I've actually been playing the campaign over the past couple of days, and I just got done with the Rannoch mission. It sucked. Sure, the geth are now upgraded and liberated, but at the cost of the Quarian fleet and Legion sacrificing itself. I was never a huge fan of the quarians anyway, especially since they just seemed like masked space jews that somehow managed to hit every stereotype available, and the fact that Tali killed herself was sort of meh. Actually, it was annoying. Only because she removed her mask, so I assumed I'd finally see her stupid face. Nope, just her back. So, yeah. Annoying that I lost the quarian war asset[s], a bummer that Legion is no more, but on a moral scale I feel nothing. Especially after watching the history of the Geth and Quarians. That made me dislike them a lot more.

OANST 04-05-2012 02:21 PM


So I've actually been playing the campaign over the past couple of days, and I just got done with the Rannoch mission. It sucked. Sure, the geth are now upgraded and liberated, but at the cost of the Quarian fleet and Legion sacrificing itself. I was never a huge fan of the quarians anyway, especially since they just seemed like masked space jews that somehow managed to hit every stereotype available, and the fact that Tali killed herself was sort of meh. Actually, it was annoying. Only because she removed her mask, so I assumed I'd finally see her stupid face. Nope, just her back. So, yeah. Annoying that I lost the quarian war asset[s], a bummer that Legion is no more, but on a moral scale I feel nothing. Especially after watching the history of the Geth and Quarians. That made me dislike them a lot more.

I managed to upgrade and liberate the Geth, and forced the Quarians to accept it. Tali lived, and the fleet is in great shape. Unfortunately, Legion died in my game, too.

crimsonxking 04-05-2012 03:30 PM

I'm never fully paragon or renegade, always pretty much in the middle, so I was unable to stop the Legion/Tali argument in ME2 and Legion died then, so I just sided with Tali and wiped out the Geth in ME3. It's not like it matters anyway, sadly...

Also, the Mass Effect 3 Extended Cut DLC they just announced... meh. I'd rather then just try and put the whole ending mess behind them and make something new. It's not like this will please the people begging for a new ending anyway. Nobody wanted this ending EXPLAINED, they wanted it REPLACED.

OANST 04-05-2012 03:34 PM

I'm pretty fine with the ending we got. I guess I'm not nearly as emotionally involved as a lot of people are. I like Mass Effect. I think it's fun, but I don't remember ever considering it one of my favorite games, so I'm just not nearly as concerned by it's short comings.

Now, if The Last Guardian ever comes out, and it has a dumb ass, shitty ending, I will probably be pissed.

crimsonxking 04-05-2012 03:40 PM

I was pretty into Mass Effect, and I agree with people that the ending we got had serious flaws (our choices didn't matter, there were a bunch of plot holes, the logic explained at the end contradicted an entire subplot of the game, etc.), but I didn't dislike the ending itself. I like bittersweet endings and I like endings that aren't all sugar and rainbows. But I didn't want them to "fix" it, I just think everyone should move on. They told the story they wanted to tell. Like or dislike it, whatever, fine, but telling them "no, now drop all your current plans and fix it" just makes me ugh.

Strike Witch 04-05-2012 04:04 PM

I just dislike the idea of creating a character then having to kill them. It's my fucking avatar, I should fucking well decide if they live or die.

Wings of Fire 04-05-2012 04:06 PM

What Bioware is doing is creative prostitution.

Have I said this before in this thread? Probably. It's still just as true.

crimsonxking 04-05-2012 04:14 PM


I just dislike the idea of creating a character then having to kill them. It's my fucking avatar, I should fucking well decide if they live or die.

But you don't decide if YOU live or die. Being in control of your avatar doesn't mean you are in control of the entire world your avatar lives in.

OANST 04-05-2012 04:20 PM


I just dislike the idea of creating a character then having to kill them. It's my fucking avatar, I should fucking well decide if they live or die.

That's a stupid reason to not like it. Who are you to dictate the terms under which their creation should function? That's just so arbitrary. At least some people are upset because they don't think it makes sense.

Varrok 04-06-2012 12:56 AM


our choices didn't matter
If our choices DID matter in the ending (or anywhere else), that would be a revolution in series.

AlexFili 04-06-2012 03:40 AM

I felt that Mass Effect 3's high point in quality was on Mars, Palaven's moon and Tuchanka. I also enjoyed the missions with Jack and Samara. It's good to see the ME2 cast back, even if some of them got shafted, like Zaeed and to a lesser extent, Jacob.

To all that hated the ending, just keep some saves before the Collector Base and Earth. Then you're in a perpetual state of bliss and excitement!

I am interested in seeing how the Extended Cut plays out. I think a lot of people see the current ending as a bit of a shock and want some more explanation. I love multiplayer right now. It's a good mix of action and tactics that you don't get in some games. I admire the level of detail and humour in a lot of the dialogue. Particularly if you do things that people don't expect, like bring Thane and Grunt to the mission on Omega with the quarantine zone.

I love how modern games have the transmedia idea going on. For example, Grissom Academy, a location in Mass Effect 3 is a major plot point in some of the Mass Effect books, which I own. There's also the Datapad app which is quite fun and helps tie in the real world / virtual world interaction.

Varrok 04-06-2012 03:52 AM

I'm pretty sure you meant Cerberus base

Dixanadu 04-06-2012 08:03 AM


Cerberus base

Speaking of which, I just reached that part.

I imported a ME2 save where I sold Legion to Cerberus when he's recruited. He's one of the enemies you fight in there.

I also didn't do the Grissom mission; I had to fight an indoctrinated Jack.

I played on until the end, then I let Marauder Shields kill me. Seemed a better ending I think.

Varrok 04-06-2012 08:06 AM

It's the most epic one. And makes the most sense.

Disgruntled Intern 04-06-2012 10:44 AM

Bioware announces free multiplayer DLC

I enjoy the multiplayer, so this should be fun. Although the Krogan Vanguard will be 10 x more annoying than every other vanguard and krogan soldier combined.

AlexFili 04-06-2012 11:33 AM

I've made a little RP blog about Mass Effect. Feel free to post things on it if you like.

Wow, the news of a Krogan Vanguard and Geth Infiltrator is really cool.
I'm surprised at the Batarians but it's an interesting addition. New maps are always fun too.
Just bought three of those premium spectre packs this week. They cost 99k credits each! xD

Disgruntled Intern 04-06-2012 11:44 AM

I just think the Krogan Vanguard is going to be way too OP. I mean while I was leveling my Krogan Soldier I rarely used my guns [to the point that I was only having to refill my ammo every three rounds or so] because when you max out the rage perk the heavy melee is just insane.

And then...The vanguards. Playing is sort of fun, but it almost makes things too easy, especially if you max the right perks and carry a light weapon load. Every time I play with someone that's a vanguard, they get the majority of the kills just by spamming biotic charge and nova in quick succession, so it seems like the Krogan vanguards will be spamming biotic charge with heavy melee. Effective for clearing silver and gold matches? Sure, but it takes a lot of fun out of the game when you're only getting 1 out of 4 possible kills because the vanguard is charging or nova'ing some enemy you've just dumped half of a clip into.

Mac Sirloin 04-06-2012 02:41 PM


I'm surprised at the Batarians but it's an interesting addition. New maps are always fun too.
Just bought three of those premium spectre packs this week. They cost 99k credits each! xD

This reminds me, is there any explainable reason not to have a Batarian squadmate? They'd just function like Kaidan, Jacob or Zaeed, I'd think. And they're complete fucking bastardom could make them impregnable from indoctrination, or something.


edit: The wiki confirms they actually can be indoctrinated, but still. Having someone who bitterly hates Shephard and his crew but joins the team to help his people anyway would be neat. God, I'm thinking too hard.

Dixanadu 04-06-2012 11:03 PM


This reminds me, is there any explainable reason not to have a Batarian squadmate?

I'd love a batarian squadmate.

A dirty ass slave-raider. A few scars here and there. Hates humanity with a passion.

But when conversing, loves his people. Over the course of the game, comes to respect you, but not love you.

We get a Geth and a Prothean squad mate but no Batarian? So much potential!

AlexFili 04-10-2012 11:46 AM

Well, you've got playable Batarians in the Multiplayer now at least! It does feel odd playing ME3 without a Krogan squadmate, that much is true.

Disgruntled Intern 04-10-2012 12:36 PM

Really enjoying the new dlc. Haven't unlocked any new characters or weapons yet, but I'm saving my credits so I can spam the shit out of the spectre packs. The new maps are a ton of fun.

AlexFili 04-13-2012 02:26 AM

I agree. Especially if you have a group of friends you play regularly with. There's something special about putting a team together on the Gold Difficulty and using microphones to relay important information. Top class action. (Then again I never played Gears of War multiplayer much so I probably can't compare it with anything else)

Dixanadu 04-13-2012 01:07 PM

I watched my friend play the new DLC.

The Geth SMG is kind of similar to the Spitfire in the campaign. The batarian's slave-net power is pretty neat.

Disgruntled Intern 04-14-2012 11:09 PM

Yeah, my Batarian sentinel is really a force to be reckoned with. Blade armor = anyone who melees me is half way dead. Submission net = FUN. Fucking phantoms can't do shit. Handy when there's no one with stasis.

Bullet Magnet 05-02-2012 02:28 PM

I just finished it Sunday night. I'm the kind of guy who can get past the flaws in a favourite franchise, defending, rationalising or accepting them for what they are without it ruining the rest for me, or otherwise simply buying into it even if the writing or explanations aren't all that great.

Can't do it here. I'm just astonished. Surely it was deliberate? I don't know how anyone can screw up that bad by accident, let alone the writing team of Mass Effect.

At the very least I was expecting it to have something to do with Dark Energy messing up stars like that of Haestrom as we learned from Tali and Kal'Reegar in ME2, or an explanation for the Collectors building a Reaper without doing the whole invasion thing. But space magic, illogical bullshit and surrendering to the Reapers' own spoonfed solutions? It took Mass Effect's message, spirit, style, plot, lore and the fundamental rules of storytelling, tore it all down and pissed all over it. It's been three days and I still feel sick.

Havoc 05-02-2012 03:15 PM


I just finished it Sunday night. I'm the kind of guy who can get past the flaws in a favourite franchise, defending, rationalising or accepting them for what they are without it ruining the rest for me, or otherwise simply buying into it even if the writing or explanations aren't all that great.

Can't do it here. I'm just astonished. Surely it was deliberate? I don't know how anyone can screw up that bad by accident, let alone the writing team of Mass Effect.

At the very least I was expecting it to have something to do with Dark Energy messing up stars like that of Haestrom as we learned from Tali and Kal'Reegar in ME2, or an explanation for the Collectors building a Reaper without doing the whole invasion thing. But space magic, illogical bullshit and surrendering to the Reapers' own spoonfed solutions? It took Mass Effect's message, spirit, style, plot, lore and the fundamental rules of storytelling, tore it all down and pissed all over it. It's been three days and I still feel sick.

It's been over a month since I completed it and I still feel sick at the thought that this ending is real. Each time I watch something related to the ending on Youtube every fiber in my body is hoping that the indoctrination theory is right and that Bioware is going to go down in history as the greatest troll ever in video game history.

At the same time I can't imagine someone at the PR department at Bioware (or EA for that matter) would think this is a good idea. This is like commercial suicide. Right now it can go either way though, there is evidence (even from Bioware themselves) that the theory might be right. But we're gonna have to wait for the DLC, I guess.

Bullet Magnet 05-02-2012 05:39 PM

It seems that the main Mass effect writer was taken off the series after ME2 and put to work on Old Republic. If the reports are accurate, he did indeed intend for an ended revolving around the Dark Energy (even now that ME2 thread just left hanging is really bugging me). An ancient race turned themselves into the first Reapers (in the usual way) as a means of developing a solution to the Dark Energy that would consume everything, and they direct the technological evolution of other species and then harvest them in order to make new Reapers to add to their computational and implementational ability. This cycle was their last chance, and so the Collectors were made to scour the galaxy for a species that would make the perfect Reaper to complete this purpose, solve the problem and save all things. "We seek salvation, ours and yours." Shepard's choice would be to allow this, sacrificing humanity for the good of all, or destroying the Reapers and hoping modern civilisation can do it themselves. The ultimate Paragon and Renegade choice, though I'm not sure which is which.

Alternatively, this guy fixed the Reaper's origin, the star-child's identity, the purpose of the three choices, Shepard's appropriate response and the proper application of all those decisions and war assets in this spectacular re-write.

Dixanadu 05-10-2012 08:19 AM

If the Catalyst created the Reapers, why does he go on to say the created will always rebel against the created? Seriously, the ending was bullshit. I enjoy the rest of the game immensely, but the last five minutes always fucking annoy me.

Also, this:


OANST 05-10-2012 08:55 AM

But again, everyone is bitching about the logic of it not working when clearly it doesn't need to. I didn't accept that the people that set this in motion contained no flaws, and that their logic was supposed to be undeniable. Look at the governments of our world. Do they never make stupid decisions based on faulty logic? Why can't that be the case here?

Havoc 05-10-2012 09:08 AM

Because as an ending to what is otherwise an epic and solid story, it just feels like a slap in the face. You simply don't introduce new characters or new backstory on the last page of a book or in the last 30 seconds of a movie. If they wanted to introduce a flawed universe they should have done so earlier.

OANST 05-10-2012 09:34 AM

I'm not saying that it's a particularly good ending. I will never say that. I just don't think that it's as disgusting as people seem to think. And how many mediocre space operas end up having good endings anyway? It's the journey, man. It's the journey.

Wings of Fire 05-10-2012 01:28 PM


It's the journey, man. It's the journey.

Just like them Dark Tower books. Or any Stephen King book, really. Right?

Mac Sirloin 05-10-2012 01:34 PM

HEY. Under The Dome is a materpiece. You watch your mouth.

OANST 05-10-2012 01:43 PM


Just like them Dark Tower books. Or any Stephen King book, really. Right?

Except that the journey stopped being good after the fourth book, or I would agree with you.

Wings of Fire 05-10-2012 03:12 PM


Except that the journey stopped being good after the fourth book, or I would agree with you.

I thought you hated the fourth book and I loved it?

We can all agree the fifth book onwards sucked though! Let's talk about how much it did again.