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gishygleb 01-07-2012 10:01 AM

I am just happy......that editor will be soon!

JennyGenesis 01-07-2012 10:07 AM


Disappearing CAM's after saving Paramonia in editor.

The screens with the missing CAM's crash when you try to enter them in game.

kapteeni13 01-08-2012 05:13 AM


The screens with the missing CAM's crash when you try to enter them in game.

Bullseye! ;)

Paul 01-08-2012 09:47 AM


Bullseye! ;)

So which paths is it? And how does it happen? Just open > save > run and it crashes? All cams only just a few?

skychase2rebirth 01-08-2012 10:47 AM

All paths except the first one and the first cam of path 2.

JennyGenesis 01-08-2012 10:56 AM


So which paths is it? And how does it happen? Just open > save > run and it crashes? All cams only just a few?

I found it only happens if you make an edit.

I haven't tried this solution yet but, what if you were to reload the cams on the screens missing them in the editor, would that work?

skychase2rebirth 01-08-2012 03:54 PM

No, tried this before...

JennyGenesis 01-08-2012 10:52 PM

Do the cams disappear after you have reloaded them?

kapteeni13 01-09-2012 01:31 AM

Anyways CAM's disappear when using Editor for Paramonia...
It happens somehow when (editing? and) saving f1.lvl (Paramonia)

And when game crashes and you open Path 2 or 5, 6, 7, etc with Editor you can see that screens are disappeared. http://www.oddworldforums.net/images...icon12_odd.gif

gishygleb 01-09-2012 03:32 AM


Anyways CAM's disappear when using Editor for Paramonia...
It happens somehow when (editing? and) saving f1.lvl (Paramonia)

And when game crashes and you open Path 2 or 5, 6, 7, etc with Editor you can see that screens are disappeared. http://www.oddworldforums.net/images...icon12_odd.gif

I hate that too...

Paul 01-10-2012 11:07 AM


I hate that too...

Hmm will look into it, seems a bit strange really :s could be that the hard coded size of the map grid is wrong?

WolfensteinOdess 02-06-2012 08:01 AM

S2R, you give me an idea (with your map), I'm going to edit Scrabanian temple and do a sort of SoulStorm in this ^^ But not really SoulStorm...I think DrinkyDept ^^

JennyGenesis 02-07-2012 05:02 AM


Hmm will look into it, seems a bit strange really :s could be that the hard coded size of the map grid is wrong?

What do you mean by this?

kapteeni13 02-07-2012 05:04 AM


S2R, you give me an idea (with your map), I'm going to edit Scrabanian temple and do a sort of SoulStorm in this ^^ But not really SoulStorm...I think DrinkyDept ^^

Sounds cool. :fuzgrin:

And i'm just gonna "simple" edit/create something with editor + mspaint http://www.oddworldforums.net/images.../icon3_odd.gif

JennyGenesis 02-10-2012 01:49 AM

Photoshop you fool!

It will look better and be much easier!

Last time I used mspaint you couldn't even move a layer once it's been placed.

WolfensteinOdess 02-10-2012 08:43 AM


Look !

kapteeni13 02-10-2012 09:09 AM


Photoshop you fool!

It will look better and be much easier!

Last time I used mspaint you couldn't even move a layer once it's been placed.

Hehehe, as i said i use "simple" method http://www.oddworldforums.net/images...icon10_odd.gif

I would use photoshop or GIMP if someone teaches how to use it... :fuzzle:
GIMP is already installed...

JennyGenesis 02-10-2012 09:47 AM

Why do you need to be taught GIMP?

kapteeni13 02-11-2012 05:25 AM


Why do you need to be taught GIMP?

Well, my understood of image editing is not great...
Which one is easier to use? GIMP or Photoshop? :p

MeechMunchie 02-11-2012 05:27 AM

I'd say Photoshop, but GIMP is simpler in the sense that it does less stuff.

RoryF 02-11-2012 11:45 PM


Well, my understood of image editing is not great...
Which one is easier to use? GIMP or Photoshop? :p

I used GIMP when I did that level beta thing. Wasn't too hard.

fastability 02-12-2012 12:09 AM



Here is my PhotoShop results, I might finish this level later :)

skychase2rebirth 02-12-2012 08:32 AM

Like a boss

gishygleb 02-12-2012 04:58 PM


Paul 02-17-2012 10:02 AM

Would anyone mind finding out if there are any background animations in AO cameras that appear in the FG1?

So for example in AE at the start of Feeco depot there is a a fan animation which is drawn over the top of abe.

skychase2rebirth 02-17-2012 12:59 PM


These are BG animations 10, 20 and 21, that's strange, I'll look if some appear on FG...
They don't loop like Stockyards' fire anim, weird.

Edit: There's just too much animations, can't do them one by one... -_-'

Paul 02-18-2012 06:33 AM



These are BG animations 10, 20 and 21, that's strange, I'll look if some appear on FG...
They don't loop like Stockyards' fire anim, weird.

Edit: There's just too much animations, can't do them one by one... -_-'

WTF!? How've you got tons of abe animations going on? What I meant was if you ddcheat through the game are there any that are part of the FG1/Drawn on top of abe? lol

skychase2rebirth 02-18-2012 08:15 AM


WTF!? How've you got tons of abe animations going on? What I meant was if you ddcheat through the game are there any that are part of the FG1/Drawn on top of abe? lol

From what I tested, none of them appear over Abe. And all Abe's animations can be found randomly in Background animations, just try an ID between 0 and ~9000 and hope -_-'...

WolfensteinOdess 02-18-2012 08:58 AM

What what ???

WolfensteinOdess 02-18-2012 10:53 AM

When the new version ?

Paul 02-18-2012 01:49 PM


From what I tested, none of them appear over Abe. And all Abe's animations can be found randomly in Background animations, just try an ID between 0 and ~9000 and hope -_-'...

Hmmm I see, I'll have its_me_your_father run and check it.

JennyGenesis 02-23-2012 02:39 AM

Judging by the fact there are 9000 animations, I take it you can place Slig animations and other creature animations as well?

gishygleb 02-25-2012 09:31 PM

Make a small update and call it 6.1
Add grid to level editor - it comes to be impossible to place level objects in the right way.

JennyGenesis 02-26-2012 02:24 AM

For gods sake chill down!

You are getting really annoying, yes, we all want a new version of the level editor but you going on at Paul to release it is not going to speed up the time it will take for it to be finished.

Now shut up and wait patiently like the rest of us!

gishygleb 02-26-2012 06:59 AM

only one small update with grid!

kapteeni13 02-26-2012 09:49 AM

No patience i see! =P

WolfensteinOdess 02-26-2012 11:18 PM

Like me x'D

Connell 02-27-2012 07:35 AM


Make a small update and call it 6.1
Add grid to level editor - it comes to be impossible to place level objects in the right way.

Yes please do shutup. I rarely comment on here these days but you need to be quiet. Please.

RoryF 02-27-2012 11:27 AM


Yes please do shutup. I rarely comment on here these days but you need to be quiet. Please.

Your avatar pic makes this comment much funnier than it should be. :p

gishygleb 02-27-2012 02:27 PM