Ahh, I see it now, Arxryl. Nilsworth O Shafty, and then the common Outlaw Minion... I think.
I don't know what the last on is, though. |
I believe that is the guy with the machine gun and the mechanical arms. one of the common outlaws.
Brilliant little sprites, I love the animated and Christmas ones!
Hope to see some more soon :) |
If this was ever made into a game i'd like to have a copy of it :) I like the sprites! How about some Vykkers or Slogs or Snoozes?
arxryl: your sprites are turning out great so far. ^^
Thank you for your kind comments! I'll try to make some new sprites or more animaitons, but... well, you know.
I also look forward to it! :)
I made some glukkons out of the glukkon sprites.
Woah... those look very good! I like the different color palletes! :)
And as a side note, if anyone wishes to edit any of my sprites or make any new ones, feel free to do so! |
Heh heh, you even thought about creating lulu's costume. :D
awww those little glukkons are so CUTE!^^ good job!:)
Whoa!!! Bigface is sweet! Great job.
Yes, good work! I also like the outlaws. :)
Especially the ones with the hats. :D |
yee that Big Face is so cute^^
Thank you for all your comments! I really appreciate them! I might be able to make an animaiton, but I'm doin' things right now, so I'll be back later!
Great work on the sprites, Arxryl. They look fantastic :D.
Arxryl: very brilliant! i like the big face sprite you've done, plus the outlaws. :)
*Squeals* Awww ^.^. They are so adorable. I especially (sp?) love BigFace, Abe and Munch as sprites *Huggles the sprites of Abe, Munch and BigFace*. I like these. Keep up the good (And adorable) work.
Well thank you again for your comments.
Any ideas of an animation I could make? I'm out of ideas for now... :) |
Slig depossession.
heh heh... that does sound like a good idea. I'll begin work on it soon!
That big face sprite is cool, I like how you made his mask.
Edit: More glukkons http://www.oddworldforums.net/attach...1&d=1167343085 |
Heh, those are pretty cool! I like how you differenciated between the different classes.
Thanks, here are some more I made cause I was bored. Minus the last one.
http://www.oddworldforums.net/attach...1&d=1167353625 |
Ignore this post i made a mistake.
Thats cool Arxrly.
Im want to try and make myself as a sprite too. :) |
It's fairly easy to do so. And thank you for your comment!
That animation is funny. It gave me a giggle when I watched. And Big-Face's calm-ness in the situation adds to the humour. Nice one. And you look cool as a sprite. I like it. Thumbs up.
Woot! thank you for your comment. I know that Big Face and I don't move very much, but... New reporters aren't supposed to. :)
haha that was so funny:lol: nice animation Arxryl!:D
Funny animation indeed! :)
Arxryl, you made a great job while I left for a while. Very nice animations and lovely sprites! I like the outlaws too. :)
Keep it up! |
Thank you! Thank you all for your kind comments and I'll see what I can do about a slig depossesion.
Cool. I look forward to it!
Arxryl: that sprite animation was funny. :)