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Fez 02-01-2004 07:37 AM

that is the conventant "Shadow" yes, it is the convies version of the warthog.




these are the concept sketches of it.

Xavier 02-01-2004 07:45 AM

Ferill... those rendered pics are ultra-old... you can see that video on the limited CD you could get in the bungie Store

Fez 02-01-2004 07:51 AM

the new covie bus, the "creep"



i'm still looking for an in-game pic of one, there are some out their.

i know how old those pics are Xav, i was just showing the kind of thing we are going to expect. I should have made that more clear.

Fez 02-01-2004 07:55 AM

bah, crap image but this the creep from the E3 footage.

Al the Vykker 02-01-2004 11:47 AM

Speculation is runs many topics in General Oddworld about the upcoming OW4. So I just think its all well and good to do a little bit about what might be in store for us in Halo 2. :fuzsmile:

Hobo 02-02-2004 05:53 AM


Ferill... those rendered pics are ultra-old... you can see that video on the limited CD you could get in the bungie Store

He's right ferill, those are the renders for Halo 1, which they were cut from about half way through

Fez 02-02-2004 09:06 AM

i know, i said that in my post. I was just showing what we could be expecting.

Esus 02-02-2004 09:28 AM

I would have preferred something more original than a covenant warthog and a human ghost, but there ya go... As it
on earth, do you think they'll be full freedom in what you can drive? For example, there maybe a jet or some other type of fighter plane nearby which could be used... or run o' the mill civilian cars (though this is unlikely)

Fez 02-02-2004 09:38 AM

i heard something about a human jet. It suppose to be really manuverable, like the banshee. their is also the Pelican, and i'm sure a covie dropship too. In multiplayer that is. And you may be able to drive the Creep, carrying Marines about if you cant get to a troop transport 'hog.

mitsur 02-02-2004 09:43 AM

Sparatan survival!? YES

There will be more Spartan II's in Halo 2, atleast if nothing else happens between the end of Halo:First Strike, and Halo 2. In the third book, titled First Strike, Master Chief meets up with the other Spartans Kelly, Linda, and like five or less. I won't say too much but it does look like they will be in Halo 2.

Also, another "Halo" is figured to make an appearance in Halo 2. Just like a return of the flood, etc. Theres a few other things that I'm trying to remember that you forgot to mention in your list, but its nothing totally important.

According to the book I think they survived by being in a bunker deep beneath the surface of Reach.

It also mentions the bunker in The Fall Of Reach. Remember the Dr.(Can't remember name, but she created Cortana)? She had a bunker that could survive a HUMUNGO EXPLOSION and still be standing? It was also far beneath the surface. So they probably hunkered down there. The suits and their trainning procted them as well too, i bet. The new Halo will be SO AWSOME. If you didn't love Halo: Combat Evolved, you'll love Halo2! I'm so excited! *Head explodes* SEE?!

Fez 02-02-2004 09:52 AM

was this place on reach? wasnt that glassed? that means the atmosphere is gone to, you end up with a rock, floating in space... "we are on a rock, spinnin silently, spinning violently"

Fez 02-02-2004 10:01 AM

i like the shadow, t'is cool:


Esus 02-02-2004 10:14 AM

Yeah, I like the design. But its basically a warthog, 2 seats, one machine gunner...

SeaRex 02-02-2004 11:17 AM

I am quasi-impressed by the Coviehog.

Screw the official "paranormal" name. It's a Coviehog, dammit.

Al the Vykker 02-02-2004 12:32 PM


was this place on reach? wasnt that glassed? that means the atmosphere is gone to, you end up with a rock, floating in space... "we are on a rock, spinnin silently, spinning violently"

Apparently on in First Strike, it starts off with how the Spartans survived on the surface of Reach. I think the covenenant didnt finish glassing reach because they were looking for something that the Humans had hidden there. The Fall of Reach only had stated that the planet had begun to be glassed, it never said whether it full was, and like I said in First Strike you find out that part of the planet wasnt, and the Spartans and Dr. Hasley? Hide out in the bunker, until the invasion force lands, etc.

Codek 02-02-2004 03:39 PM


how can you say that! the graphics look tons better then H1! I've played halo PC and the graphics arnt nearly as good as they are on the xbox.

No you shithead you need to play H1 PC on a DECENT COMPUTER. When you have the graphics driver set to max antialiasing quality, and so on, and set the game properties to maximum quality graphics, then you get even better graphics that what the XBOX was producing.

The Xbox only has a really low end Nvidia with the equivolent of a 1.8 ghz processor. Whereas my computer has an ATi Radeon 9800, with 256 mb DDR. It also has 1.5 gig of RIMM RAM, and a 3.8 ghz pentium 4. My computer is equivolent to the power of three XBOX consoles - it is therefore more capable.

HALO PC has more features, more guns, better graphics, and a level editor. HALO 2 PC will have the same but more.

Abe's son 02-02-2004 04:01 PM

Uh death. Halo 2 isn't coming out for PC. We'll just have to settle with a better Half-Life 2

PS: PC Pwnz all consoles.

Codek 02-02-2004 04:05 PM


Uh death. Halo 2 isn't coming out for PC. We'll just have to settle with a better Half-Life 2

They said the same for HALO 1. They said that it would be an XBOX exclusive series. But then look what happened.

We'll see it on PC yet. It'll take longer, but it'll still come. You'll see.

Abe's son 02-02-2004 04:07 PM

I hope to hell your right...Wich you probibly are.

If any of you X-Box flunkies say that X-Box is better than PC, Ill just break out my posting stick of divine intervention AKA My Boomstick.

Codek 02-02-2004 04:11 PM


I hope to hell your right...Wich you probibly are.

If any of you X-Box flunkies say that X-Box is better than PC, Ill just break out my posting stick of divine intervention AKA My Boomstick.

The X-Box is a good console, don't get me wrong, but game pads are nowhere near as effective in comparison to mouse and keyboard. Although the X-Box game pad is much easier to use than most other consoles' game pad. This is why I steer away from consoles.

Majic 02-02-2004 07:39 PM

I hate people who criticize the X-Box controller for either its size, or the giant "X" jewel in the middle. It beats the shit out of any other controller out there. You're right about the keyboard/mouse thing, but some games do go quite flowingly with a game pad.

And Death, remember, not everyone can afford a top-of-the-line-for-now computer;) For the average player, the glory of ultimate preformance is limited. You'll have you're fun with Half-Life 2, though.

Codek 02-03-2004 02:52 AM


I hate people who criticize the X-Box controller for either its size, or the giant "X" jewel in the middle. It beats the shit out of any other controller out there. You're right about the keyboard/mouse thing, but some games do go quite flowingly with a game pad.

And Death, remember, not everyone can afford a top-of-the-line-for-now computer;) For the average player, the glory of ultimate preformance is limited. You'll have you're fun with Half-Life 2, though.

I know, I got a free copy of Half Life 2 when I bought my graphics card.

Anyway, like you said, the Xbox controller is the best there is. The buttons are a tiny bit too spread out (such as the black and clear buttons), so using them for extended periods is a bit tiring on the paws, but you get used to it after a while. Consoles definately should be considered for those who want the latest games but can't afford the pc hardware to go with it.

Sausages! :D

Esus 02-03-2004 05:20 AM

Where can I get these halo novels from? Are there are online versions?

Fez 02-03-2004 09:12 AM


No you shithead you need to play H1 PC on a DECENT COMPUTER. When you have the graphics driver set to max antialiasing quality, and so on, and set the game properties to maximum quality graphics, then you get even better graphics that what the XBOX was producing.

The Xbox only has a really low end Nvidia with the equivolent of a 1.8 ghz processor. Whereas my computer has an ATi Radeon 9800, with 256 mb DDR. It also has 1.5 gig of RIMM RAM, and a 3.8 ghz pentium 4. My computer is equivolent to the power of three XBOX consoles - it is therefore more capable.

HALO PC has more features, more guns, better graphics, and a level editor. HALO 2 PC will have the same but more.

ah, okay then. I'm not to good with computers. Was shithead really nessasary? (sp)

mitsur 02-03-2004 09:43 AM


was this place on reach? wasnt that glassed? that means the atmosphere is gone to, you end up with a rock, floating in space... "we are on a rock, spinnin silently, spinning violently"

ok, three pieces of evidence prove you wrong maybe

1:Built in their armor was an enviromentel suits which kept them warm AND provided air AND the armor probably protected them.

2:As mentioned by Al the Vykker(one of my best buds) there was a chance that the planet was'nt COMPLETLEY glassed because the covenant were looking for something on reach, so maybe the bunker didn't get glassed as much.

3:What fun would it be if MC was the only Sparatan?! If they threw in the other ones, they would get a HUGE burst in sales becuase of Halo 1's popularity AND his comrades being in #2

Case Closed. *Stamps foot on tobic then runs off laughing manicaly*

Fez 02-03-2004 09:51 AM


Where can I get these halo novels from? Are there are online versions?

Halo: the fall of reach

Halo: the flood

Halo: first strike

Hobo 02-03-2004 10:00 AM


3:What fun would it be if MC was the only Sparatan?! If they threw in the other ones, they would get a HUGE burst in sales becuase of Halo 1's popularity AND his comrades being in #2

No. No. NO. It is so clichéd when a story sets you up as the only one left of your kind and then they manage to integrate the fact that you were wrong even though you saw your friends die infront of your eyes. I realise what they have done in the books, and it pissed me off. I want a lone hero dammit!

It's not as fun having other super soldiers besides you being as good as you is it? That's why Halo's marines ruled, they were crap, that's what made them good (if you follow) they wern't going to do your work for you, but they didn't leave you to get on with it.

For an example of what I mean picture the beach landing on the Silent Cartographer.

MC With Marines:

More exciting as you watch your comrades fall beside you, knowing that the more that you don't help live, the less support you'll have later.

MC with other Spartans:
You have less work to do, your comrades arn't going to fall, they're going to stay up as long as you are, no need to help them if they're already as good as you eh?

SeaRex 02-03-2004 11:15 AM

Not only would having one or more Spartans join you in the game be cliche, it would be annoying as Hell. I mean, c'mon. There is nothing I hate more than nearing a checkpoint and having your companion die... and then having to start all over. I have NEVER played a game with satisfying companion AI. And for the record, I F*CKING HATE ESCORT MISSIONS!!!

I envy Death's beefy computer. The family PC isn't quite up to UT04 standards (I know... pathetic) so I'll have to settle with my iMac. Even though it can handle the game as it is, I'll probably amp it up with a new Radeon card to balance out the fact that Macs never have been very good with games. Seriously now... how can you use Alternate fire when you don't have a right click! :D

Majic 02-03-2004 11:45 AM


Seriously now... how can you use Alternate fire when you don't have a right click! :D

You wish for it, really, really hard. If that doesn't work, put a lead weight in the mouse and chunk it at the iMac.

Al the Vykker 02-03-2004 01:27 PM

I doubt the other Spartans will be with you all the time, unless there were to be like four player coop. But perhaps they go on other missions elsewhere, etc.

MasterChief 02-03-2004 01:59 PM

a few things, 4 play co-op would be amazing and i dont know why halo2 isnt including it cuz i would like that more then ne new feature. another thing the Halo pc graphics r definitly better then the Xbox version, i like the xbox version better tho just cuz i think it would be hard converting. Another thing i ont know who said it but PC definitly owns all console systems. and as far as i know intel only goes as high 3.2 gigz, unless ur tlakin about u overclocked urs.. and who really czres much about Halo 2 graphics? maybe some do but i really dont, Rep value is wut i want and a damn good multiplayer, o ya and u can bet on halo2 reaching pc...

Codek 02-04-2004 01:18 AM

You know what I hate? Companions, AI or cooperative multiplayer, that do more killing than you. It pisses me off. What pisses me off more, is when your mate shoots you in a cooperative game "for a laugh" while you are trying to play seriously. Yeah thanks alot buddy, that helps. Really it does.

Normally, I kill all the marines before they get a chance to even begin to shoot at the covenant. I like to do the whole thing myself. Once they're dead, I take their ammo (Which is in principle more useful to you if it's yours than if it's theirs when they are still alive - the AI can't shoot for shit).

I have very few friends who will join a coordinated team with me. Most of them would rather just do their own thing. But that doesn't work. Because sometimes their may only be one sniper rifle, and one rocket launcher. Most my friends suck at sniping, so I get them to keep covies away from my position, so I can take out targets at a distance. This works well until someone gripes "but I want the sniper rifle", then when I give it to them, they run off and shoot me.

Hobo 02-04-2004 06:06 AM



I think everyone does, especially when they're unarmed, feckless, fools. If someone could create a good escort AI, which would automatically hide when it knows their are enemies, pick up guns off corpses and maybe even fire back I wouldn't mind it half as much...

oddguy 02-04-2004 08:44 AM

I agree, although it might take the challenge out of it a little, but in the long run people would have fun.

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Fez 02-04-2004 09:25 AM


I think everyone does, especially when they're unarmed, feckless, fools. If someone could create a good escort AI, which would automatically hide when it knows their are enemies, pick up guns off corpses and maybe even fire back I wouldn't mind it half as much...

i agree. I like some escort missions. It would be better if it was in MP. On person the assasin, the other the body guard. An AI could be the escort.

Fez 02-04-2004 09:46 AM

take that Majic! a "chin gun"

old halo, they had dinosaurs:

Al the Vykker 02-04-2004 12:18 PM

I also just saw a new mod for Halo PC on death Island where you can fly the pelican, and also pick up your team mates, and fly around the island, I must say it looks really awesome and the movie of this mod doesnt look like it has too many problems. :fuzsmile:

Facsimile 02-04-2004 11:42 PM

Okay, I haven't read through the rest of the thread, I don't have time, but I will correct you on some things which may have been stated already.

-Battle on Moon, less gravity so you can jump high

Battle of a moon. Not known which.


-Choose different characters in multiplayer

Only out of Spartans and Elites. It is unknown whether this will only be for Live! or for all modes of multiplayer.


-Explosive scenery more realistic than the Red Factions

Bungie has never said this. True, scenery will be able to be blown around, and tipped over and be used for cover, but it is doubtful there will be tunneling and the likes from Red Faction.


-Grenades stun

True, but it is not confirmed whether frag grenades now also stun, or if it a different grenade all together.


-Human Pistol more powerful

Once again not confirmed, and rather doubtful, considering Bungie admitted they overpowered the last pistol, and wish they hadn't.


-Plasma Pistol fires faster

Not confirmed, the old pistol could be fired as fast as you could pull the trigger, and the enemy was very good at it.


1-A rocket launcher with heat-seeking missiles?
2-Battle at the old Halo wreckage???
3-Bots in multiplayer???
4-Can shoot a one handed weapon while on the ATV???
5-Can swap guns with marines???
6-Covenant can steal your vehicles???
7-Crouch and Prone???
10-Flood will have Snipers???
11-Human fighter aircraft???
12-Human or Covinant water vessels?
13-Monitor Comes Back???
14-New Gold Jackels???
15-New kind of enemy (not just a smarter flood)???
16-New kind of Human soldier (like Air force, Navy, Army etc)???
17-Other SPARTAN-II soldiers besides MC?
19-Use fuel rod cannon???
20-Xbox Live guests???

1. No information.
2. Correct.
3. Not confirmed. Bungie never wanted them in Halo, saying they encourage playing with other people, but reports say they would like them in this Halo 2. No one knows yet.
4. Correct.
5. Unconfirmed.
6. Not sure. The Brute in the trailer didn't really take it, but he bashed everyone off.
7. Don't even know what prone is.
8. Unconfirmed.
9. 'Tis expected after Halo PC. And that it was mean to be Halo.
10. Unconfirmed. Never even heard that one.
11. Expected but unconfirmed.
12. Unconfirmed. Once again, haven't even heard it.
13. Expected but unconfirmed.
14. No idea.
15. New kind of enemy, is all we know.
16. Haven't heard of it. But it would be nice seeing more people than just marines, considering being on Earth and all...
17. I don't think it's been confirmed, don't hold me to that one, but it's expected.
18. Hopefully. Crash and burn, ya bastards!
19. 'Tis expected after Halo PC. And that it was mean to be usable in Halo.
20. No idea.

Fez 02-05-2004 08:10 AM

i copy and pasted that stuff. I didnt acutally write it all. Good points you got there.

MasterChief 02-05-2004 01:23 PM

prone means like laying down on ur stomach, and like facs said i highly doubt the geomod will be better then red faction, but i wouldnt mind :)