No, just on hold because we're obviously solving shit way too quickly.
I guess we're just too dedicated
*shrugs* I think Manning mentioned something Soulstorm to be reveal in Fall. *more shrugs* |
Well, tbh we did solve a massive code 5 hours after it was found, and the biggest reason why it was done so quickly was because nobody at OWI expected people to know a code from a horrible and not very well known DS game, let alone have the DS game at hand with the translator for the code itself. (Decode the Future)
Also the fact that they barely dodged a bullet, since we found that spirit of 1029 twitter well before all the pieces were even revealed, and decided to skip over it. I'm glad that they aren't doing Halo 2 ilovebees type stuff that would force us to go to a location at a specific time, at least anyone can participate without paying thousands in plane tickets. |
Don't you know that America is the only relevant place on earth
I think that's a bit of a stretch. |
Are you sure we haven't solved the whole ARG already? That's my impression, actually. Solve all the puzzles and, as the reward, you get access to a secret site.
They really pushed us to solve the last few clues on that one day; if you look back at Ed's tweets, he basically guided us right there as much as he could without giving it away. They wanted us to solve it at that speed and I also feel like it is done, although I hope it isn't. It would've kinda been cool to see a game screenshot or something, but it was really fun nonetheless, and if there is any more to come, it'll be a bonus.
Their entire social media presence seems to have slowed down somewhat, compared to a few weeks ago when there were a barrage of behind the scenes photos being published from various old games amongst other tidbits. There have been a few surveys every now and again which I find quite interesting, but it seems like everyone at OWI have their heads down working on something else (Possibly that new Soulstorm thing) ;) . Perhaps there will be a second part of the ARG in the build up to the games actual release? EDIT: Now I think about it, I don't think it'd be out of the question for the to play host to some mini-puzzles to unlock screenshots etc. once Soulstorm has this "Official unveiling" Lorne has spoken about. (The unveiling was meant to have been done by E3, but it's coming within the next few months according to Lanning) We'll just have to sit tight and see. Until then we must keep sharing pictures of dogs that fart like Oddworld characters. It appeases the gods. |
Unless this is literally what happened to the ARG
Maybe there was supposed to be something else that happens before the next phase starts, like a new Soulstorm announcement or screenshots or something, but there have been delays on the game development side that have forced a stop?
sigh, I got my hopes up when i saw that you posted. s'ok |
Every time there's a games conference like Gamescom was just now I get hyped and then I get disappointed because they're either not there at all or they don't show anything.
Has anyone tried slowing down the video of the background of the site, maybe there is something hidden in the frames?
Maybe there is something in there that we missed, but its unlikely. |
I just straight up miss Ed. I hope he's doing okay.
What if the reveal is that Ed is an actual Mudokon that exists IRL
I hope his only mudokon friends are Edd and Eddy, and they scam people for money
TIL Mudokons like jawbreakers
Sorry for double-post, but I found something in the latest video on their twitter page.
![]() Can anyone read the first word? It's "[something] this way". Edit: I played around with it in Photoshop and it seems to be "hold". ![]() |
It looks like a clue!
i see also "spirit" one sec before:
![]() |
Nice find! I hope this means phase 2 of the ARG is about to start! :)
There's something more , but i can't understand.
![]() EDIT: i've tried to fill up with white color, and seems that there's "ain" , "will" and "be", but i'm not sure. Probably it's better if someone else try to use a different way to find them out XD ![]() |
How did you download the video? I want to have it too so I can go frame-by-frame.
Also I can read "[???]ings we will not be". It's actually clearer in the unedited version. |
copy this link : And paste it here |
I think the word after "be" is actually the beginning of the first word, the one before "we", I'll try to edit them together, see what I get.
Edit: it fits! ![]() We will not be remains? Or is the remains part of something else? It seems to tie in with the 1029 website too. |
to me it looks like "endings will not be" in that frame ^^
: Once the video is playing you can right click on it to save it. |