I disliked Martha's emo lusting after the Doctor, but otherwise I liked her as an intelligent, capable companion without huge amounts of whiny baggage back home that had to be dwelled upon.
I mean, she had whiny baggage, but it was only mentioned quite briefly. |
I watched that Christmas episode of Dr Who this Christmas... The new one... It was... Cute i guess...
They could have made much better use of Withnail than that.
I miss Adric.
Adric had a rightfully deserved death. He was a nob, he was always on his period.
Still, wholeheartedly miss him as a companion more than Peri. -.-
It kind of sucks the worst companion was Australian.
Susan was also pretty bad, she was such a little pussy.
Teagan was actually good, I thought, not only because I'm an Aussie too.
At least she tried to help, nearly landed the TARDIS (well, with Adric's help), she spoke up and took authority from time to time, thought deductively and logically and co-operated with / tolerated multiple Doctors at once, so she was an actual help to have around, even if she got lost in the TARDIS corridors and sometimes was used as a bargaining tool by certain villains (like Omega). As for Susan, not only was she the youngest companion and the Doctor's granddaughter, she had a bit of an ego due to being two dimensions ahead of everyone in the thinking process. Hence, by leaving her behind, the Doctor knew she'd grow up, another reason why he did so, and when she comes back in the Five Doctors, she's consideraly more mature. She was one of the first, so she was bound to be a bit rickety. Peri just complained. EVERY SINGLE EPISODE, she pleaded the Doctor to take her back home and asked more questions than she gave solutions. 2/3 of the time, the Doctor would tell Peri to SHUT UP. Hence, far more useless, I honestly think she was the first case of "eye candy over brains" in DW. |
Yeah, Teagan was good, but Peri was awful.
Watched the new series of Doctor Who last night and surprisely, I quite enjoyed it. The episode felt like a fresh new start, what with the new companion, new TARDIS Design and the Doctor's outfit has been change.
I hope the rest of the series is good, I hated the last series and I'm glad Amy is gone. (I'm so going to get killed for that) :tard: |
Pond needed to go, but she was still fucking hot.
I enjoyed the new Dr Who episode, too. It didn't really have an ending, which is disappointing and reminiscent of the Cube episode, but the new companion is fun. I had high hopes and low expectations. I wasn't half as let down as I could have been, which is an improvement on recent series. I'm looking forward to what they make of this. |
It always bothers me when Doctor Who tries to go all technology/Sci Fi-ish, but then uses pseudomystical nonsense for its plot mechanics. It also bothered me that the Doctor kept leaving Clara alone, despite everything that had happened to her! I mean, what the fuck?!
Other than that, I thought it was a pretty good episode. And Clara is light years ahead of Amy. I just hope they don't make her fall in love with the Doctor; I'm so freaking bored of that plotline. |
From the look of things they may be doing it the other way around, which could be interesting but will probably end up being needlessly angsty.
I also really enjoyed it. Series 7 so far has been better than all of series 6 put together, and the story arc is actually very interesting.
Also, won't River start not knowing they're married in the Doctor's timeline soon? He'll be a happily free man as far as she's concerned. |
She'll know they're married, but not have lived the wedding yet. Like the Doctor did before.
Personally I think they've overused her, especially in series 6. She was in almost every fucking episode and lost a load of her mystery and things that make her a good character.
Exactly my thoughts, although she is still one of the more interesting characters they've had lately. I wouldn't mind not hearing from her until next season.
Seemed to me like that intelligence enemy in the first episode will come back again. Does anyone miss the little things they used to do where an important name was strewn throughout the galaxy, Bad Wolf, Torchwood, 'the bees are vanishing'. Though I never found out what importance that last one had.
Well I.noticed that the book Clara read where she said somethine like "you'll love chapter 11". The author was actually Amelia Williams.
The bees thing was to do with the Tandoka Scale and the migrant bees leaving Earth before it was stolen by the Daleks. It bugs me that the Silence plot was never actually resolved. The Silence creatures are still out there, probably all over Planet Earth. Madame Kovarian is still alive in this reality. And the Doctor isn't exactly being secretive about being alive any more. |
Don't you remember? Silence will fall when the question is asked. This arc should be resolved this season hopefully. |
Man, you guys remember a lot, I've forgotten half the running DW plot is seems.
I've been into Doctor Who since I was 8, I have over 50 dvds and hundreds of collectables. I know My shit.
Besides, the Silence plot is very blatently not over. They're really playing up the whole "Doctor who?" first question thing, it's almost painful. Clara is annoying, but not as annoying as I thought she'd be. |