Look, I'm not saying that the ending was great, but some of you guys are just making up new reasons for it to be bad that don't exist. There are plenty of reasons to not like the ending. There's no need to make shit up.
Or maybe you genuinely don't understand what happened. |
Actually some parts of that explaination do make sense to me. Part of me wants to believe that this ending is just Bioware being extremely clever and bringing the indoctrination to the player. By revolting the bad ending we're massively fighting the indoctrination.
I would really like to believe that, but I really doubt it's actually true :( |
The best thing they can do now is to pretend that was their whole point from the beginning and base ending-DLC on that
As far as I can tell, the only ending where the galaxy is screwed is the 'Bad' Red ending where the citadel laser obliterates ALL LIFE. In the other endings, the reapers die and/or the synthetics die and the Mass Relays break. They don't explode violently like the Batarian one that kills 300,000 of them.
One thing I think most people can agree on, the music on the first mission with the shuttles where Shepard looks at the kid, is one of the best pieces of Mass Effect music. |
I think the 'Future for the Krogan' music is very good as well.
Leaving Earth and The Fate of the Galaxy are also good tunes. I like the ending music for ME2 also.
I haven't started the main game yet while I wait for the face import patch. It seems silly, but it's like unexpectedly replacing an actor in a TV show. I spent the last week redoing ME2 and all the side quests without using the EXP glitch.
I am having fun with the multiplayer, I particularly like playing the Salarian Infiltrator, he's the only Infiltrator with powers worth using. I'm looking forward to the character DLC that was leaked a few days ago. It will add Geth to Engineer and Infiltrator, Batarians to Soldier and Sentinel, and from appearances, whatever Asari Justicar and Krogan Battlemaster will be (not that that makes much sense given what we already have). I'm hoping for a biotic Krogan comparable to a Vanguard. |
Quarian Infiltrator is useful against the Geth. What is this EXP glitch you mentioned? I never saw it.
Footage for the latest proposed Mass Effect DLC. I'd rather play something like this, actually. |
Everyone hates Joker!
Also I hate the people who try to cut and paste the TF2 voices together to make a decent sentence. It's fucking anoying and sounds horrible, stop fucking doing it!! :( |
I like it. :>
Makes more sense than ME's plot. And the music is cooler.
There were two EXP glitches, though I only bothered to use one. It will only work now if you clear your cache to get rid of the patches (which does mean going back to slow planet scanning, but you can always download them again once you've leveled up. Basically, if you press select and cancel at the same time when choosing level 4 of a power, the points are reset but you still go to the power evolution screen. Choose one and the bar is filled back to level 4, but you keep the points. If you level all the way from nothing then you get all ten points back. All you have to do is not level up for about two missions and then you can max out them all. Is helpful on Insane difficulty, and lets you try out good versions of the powers you never use. However, it may make a mess of things for the character import for ME3. I don't know what it will do. I actually thought it was responsible for the face glitch, I replayed ME2 without even looking it up. Apparently the face glitch is fixed, but the patch still needs to be tested for secondary glitches before it is ready for release. Then Microsoft takes another week to approve it. |
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This thread honestly sucks and isn't going anywhere, it's just a war against people and the ending.... Just throwing my two cents here. |
How about favourite squadmates? Mine are Tali, Garrus, Grunt and Zaeed!
Uhh, in Mass Effect 3 or in general? I think this should be a thread for Mass Effect in general, not just for the third one.
Anyways, my top three squadmates are definitely 1. Wrex 2. Garrus and 3. Mordin. Tali is the best romance in ME2 though... |
Garrus and Williams, gotta have some ass to look at while shooting bad guys.
Then choose Miranda or Tali. Ashley is the worst squadmate.
Mordin, Garrus and Legion. Mostly because Legion's real fuckin' neato.
I will say that I found the squad mate selection in Mass Effect 2 to be very disappointing. I ended up bringing Liara with me into every battle because I felt the need to have a good biotic, and I fucking hate Kaiden.
I actually liked ME2 better but it was cool that you never had to scavenge for ammo in ME1. |
For all you Mordin fans out there:
I kinda like the thermal clip idea, it's cool having powers that recharge pretty quickly. Especially for something like ME3 multiplayer as a Quarian when you're trying to Sabotage as many Geth as you can, while remaining cloaked. |
Apparently an ex employee leaked the plot for the DLC (which he says has been planned for months) and even a new series of games set in the same universe as Mass Effect, continuing the story where Shepard has actually become the catalyst. From what I've read so far, it would be really really really lame if they went down that path.
Check it out: http://i.imgur.com/bcSRH.jpg (Heavy possible unconfirmed spoilers) |
How can you tell it's legit ex employee and not some random guy spreading shit?
His reasons for sharing this information are vague, and kind of stupid.
Hence why I said it hasn't been confirmed anywhere.
It's so shitty that I hope it will happen