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OANST 01-12-2010 02:35 PM

Also, it's apparently sold out.

Hobo 01-13-2010 04:46 AM


I agree with you guys... weird.

I'm not at home but I doubt you guys would be impressed by pictures of tons of signed CD and Playlists.

I would be :(

MeechMunchie 01-13-2010 09:11 AM

Let's all laugh at my popcorn carpet again.

My banjo, my pride and joy. I'm not very good, but I think it is an underappreciated instrument and am proud to help spread its joyous twanging.


My chunk of the Berlin Wall. It sounds exciting but I just bought it from the gift shop. Pretty cool though.


My mini accordion. It's got a lot less buttons than a full size one but it still sounds as good. I can play 'Three Blind Mice' and that's about it.


LEGO DEATH. I made him out of a random assortment of Lego bits.


Now I have an excuse (thank you Strike Witch) I will also post pictures of a couple of WH40K minatures. I'm a Tyranid player mainly.

This Cthulhu-faced fellow is a Lictor. He's got the agility of a praying mantis, powerful senses of smell and taste and the skin of a chameleon. He's also three times your hieght and has frickin' great claws. I'm quite proud of him because I managed to make his foot look like it was changing colour to blend into a pile of rocks.


This is a Biovore. He's a big living cannon made of Ork DNA, basically. The Spore Mines are what the gun fires - fleshy baloons full of acid, poison and bony shrapnel.


Mac Sirloin 01-13-2010 09:22 AM


This is a Biovore. He's a big living cannon made of Ork DNA, basically. The Spore Mines are what the gun fires - fleshy baloons full of acid, poison and bony shrapnel.

Marry me.

MeechMunchie 01-13-2010 09:25 AM


Mac Sirloin 01-13-2010 09:29 AM

Actually, it was the "fleshy baloons full of acid, poison and bony shrapnel" part. Tease.

Strike Witch 01-13-2010 11:03 AM

All I remember about Spore Mines is that it's better to just deploy them as their own unit then bother with Biovores. The Spore Mines deepstrike, and according the rules, they can explode on contact instead of dying.

You can literally put them anywhere on the board and they will take out tanks for you and stuff.

MA 01-14-2010 01:23 AM

i take it you painted those yourself, MM? nice work, as i cant paint for shit. used to collect Skaven, just classic WH, but i have heard rumours they'll be eventually added to the 40K games. fucking love Skaven. unfortunately they're victim to furry stupidity.

Leto 01-14-2010 02:20 AM

have you guys not heard of dryingbrushing or something? i painted warhammer when i was like 10 and i made them hella l33t

MeechMunchie 01-14-2010 08:23 AM

Got nothing against drybrushing apart from I'm crap at it. Besides, I prefer washes on organic areas of models.

All I remember about Spore Mines is that it's better to just deploy them as their own unit then bother with Biovores. The Spore Mines deepstrike, and according the rules, they can explode on contact instead of dying.

You can literally put them anywhere on the board and they will take out tanks for you and stuff.

I prefer taking Biovores, if only because they look slightly more intimidating on the board. I'd prefer to fill my Fast Attack choices with something a bt more spiky. I love a good bio-acid explosion, but taking them with a Biovore means a) they will scatter less b) your target can't just move out of the way since you'll launch another one next turn and c) you can keep launching them at the endgame when you need them to help herd your oppenent into a corner. By all means take them as a Fast Attack option if you've got a slot to spare, but I just love my Heavy weapopns.

Leto 01-14-2010 12:08 PM

lolllllllll, you can't be 'crap at drybrushing'. that's like saying 'i'm crap at brushing'. it's just a technique.

Strike Witch 01-14-2010 02:08 PM


your target can't just move out of the way since you'll launch another one next turn
No no, you missunderstand. They explode on contact, on the same turn they were placed.

Disgruntled Intern 01-15-2010 01:03 AM

Really old shirt. Stopped wearing it when I got it autographed by the VGS boys, which I think is pretty fucking cool.

Not a fan of Jhonen's work at all these days, but meh.

Picked these up for Zoe last night.

Yeah, this one just has sentimental value for me. Parents were out of the country, I was young and had the flu, and my grandparents were watching me. My Gram-Gram went to the comic shop to pick something up to cheer me up, and picked this out after flipping through the first few pages just because she liked the art. Commence life-long obsession. It's still bagged on the original board.

Speaking of sentimental, this is Zoe. My child.

OANST 01-15-2010 05:46 AM

I didn't know that there were Lorax plushies around. That is so fucking awesome. Abbey loves The Lorax, so I think I know what my next internet purchase will be.

Disgruntled Intern 01-15-2010 10:37 AM

We got the plush and book at Kohl's for five dollars each. The money went to some charity.

Josh 01-15-2010 10:54 AM



Not a fan of Jhonen's work at all these days, but meh.

Jh- Jhonen Vasquez! *Drool*

OANST 01-15-2010 10:55 AM


We got the plush and book at Kohl's for five dollars each. The money went to some charity.

I always do the voice of the Onceler as a 1940's radio announcer.

Kareel 01-16-2010 01:56 AM

I don't have my camera on me so I had to find this on teh interwebs.

eva figurine Pictures, Images and Photos
This is a Mass-Produced EVA from Neon Genesis Evangelion. (These only showed up in the movies) This is the exact EVA I own and I love it to death.

Sekto Springs 01-16-2010 02:55 PM


Not a fan of Jhonen's work at all these days, but meh.

Me neither. Once you grow out of teen angst his work really loses it's appeal. In your defense, I Feel Sick is probably one the least annoying things he's made though.


I will also post pictures of a couple of WH40K minatures. I'm a Tyranid player mainly.
I'm an Ork man myself. I don't actually play, but I love painting the li'l bastards.

Mac Sirloin 01-16-2010 03:39 PM

Tech Deck Bob Ross:

Apparently they sell a ton of parody figures including The Dude, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Robocop. They're cheap, too. I had no idea.

lbyrd2 01-17-2010 01:03 AM

I'd like to add somthing I got this morning, a fully functional N64 and a copy of Banjo-Kazooie (it was either that or Diddy kong racing)

Hobo 01-17-2010 03:38 AM


Speaking of sentimental, this is Zoe. My child. [/b]

Still in it's original packaging I see.

MeechMunchie 01-17-2010 05:44 AM


I'm an Ork man myself. I don't actually play, but I love painting the li'l bastards.

I also dabble in Necrons, Space Marines and CSM.

Mac Sirloin 01-17-2010 10:04 AM


I'd like to add somthing I got this morning, a fully functional N64 and a copy of Banjo-Kazooie (it was either that or Diddy kong racing)

Fully functional makes it sound like you can't find a perfectly fine N64 for like 10$.

I actually think I shat one out one time. Seriously.

Mac Sirloin 01-17-2010 02:36 PM

I bought my first GI Joe Figure today. A satisfying toy for 10$, but I doubt I'll start collecting them. I like the COBRA Henchmen aesthetic but otherwise meh.





I love doing these.
Note the projectile sitting on the papers in the last picture. Fuck.

Sekto Springs 01-17-2010 02:56 PM

Your Isaac Clark and Big Daddy figures still take the cake.

Mac Sirloin 01-17-2010 03:03 PM


Your Isaac Clark and Big Daddy figures still take the cake.

Indeed, they're the nicest looking collectibles I own. I would recommend the Big Daddy to anyone who likes the game, since it's pretty cheap for its size and holy fuck is the detail gorgeous. The drill even spins.

Isaac was a huge letdown because of his leg, which immediately broke off out of the box. I fixed it, but I'm still really cautious about doing anything with him involving the legs. I've knocked him off the shelf beside my bed more times than I can count when I wake up in the morning, though, and he's always fine.

The next NECA figure I'm going to get is either a GoW Locust which are basically statues, Leon from RE4 or, if they're released in time, another Bioshock thing. Otherwise I'm saving my money for a big-ass buying spree in a month.

Nate 01-17-2010 03:07 PM


Indeed, they're the nicest looking collectibles I own. I would recommend the Big Daddy to anyone who likes the game, since it's pretty cheap for its size and holy fuck is the detail gorgeous. The drill even spins.

I want! How can I get my hands on one?

Wings of Fire 01-17-2010 03:14 PM

I'd assume they're available in any comicbook store, there's a couple in my Forbidden Planet and I'm thinking maybe...

Mac Sirloin 01-17-2010 03:17 PM


I want! How can I get my hands on one?

Look around Melbourne for comic book shops and collectible stores, you're bound to come across it that way, otherwise there's the NECA Listing for it Though I have no idea how to order from there, and of course Amazon.

The Amazon price is PREPOSTEROUS. I got mine for 20$ Brand new, and there's no way it's worth 85, however nice.

Definitely try to track it down before turning to the internet, these prices are fucking crazy.