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Esus 01-30-2004 11:14 AM

Hell yes, Fall 2004... and to think, I had began to doubt until 2005...

Fez 01-30-2004 11:20 AM

fall, that is autumn to us Brits right?

Mojo 01-30-2004 11:26 AM

Darn, I can't say how dissapointed I am, but hey, we got ourselves a great new pic!

EDIT: By the way, looks like Needlers are in the game too!

Fez 01-30-2004 11:30 AM

dissapointed by the release date? or the pic?

Majic 01-30-2004 11:56 AM

Brillant. Pure brilliance. I'd enjoy it more if I could get some playing time in during the summer, but Fall is good enough.

Esus 01-30-2004 12:27 PM

yep, Autumn

Al the Vykker 01-30-2004 01:54 PM

Thats the map burial grounds. Damn atleast it will still be out in 04, but I was looking forward to spending most of the summer playing it, and getting really good, and playing with friends and on XBL. Oh well, I'll be at a Music thing for a while during the summer practicing and such, so maybe its a mixed blessing. :fuzsmile:

Fez 01-30-2004 11:55 PM

how'd you know it was called Burial Grounds? i dont remeber that map being on PC or anything.

Hobo 01-31-2004 12:26 AM

I'm happy with the release date actually, it'll be after my exams, and at least they've finalised something.

I like:
New 'Nade texture
New Hog look
Nice level environment instead of repetative textures.
The guy in shadows with a needler (look in the distance for tiny pink spikes)
New Shield Flare

New RL look
New Armor paintjobs
Look of the BR

Fez 01-31-2004 12:30 AM

the RL is probably a new model. As for the battle rifle your right, it does look a little strange. Almost as if it's in the wrong game. The armour paintjobs are bad, they dont suite his new armour at all

Hobo 01-31-2004 12:37 AM

I also like the large amounts of Debris flying everywhere

Fez 01-31-2004 12:48 AM

thats ya destructable (sp?) enviornments for ya.

Mojo 01-31-2004 01:22 AM

I just plain like it! And I'm really glad it will be released BEFORE the release of the (possible) Xbox 2! Now I won't have to buy that!

Xavier 01-31-2004 01:36 AM

wow, that Multiplayer screen looks incredibly sweet!!!!
and Fall 2004! yeah... fall never seemed so far away!

Esus 01-31-2004 02:17 AM

I'm personally lovin' that new Battle Rifle.

Al the Vykker 01-31-2004 05:15 AM


how'd you know it was called Burial Grounds? i dont remeber that map being on PC or anything.

In the weekly Halo 2 updates, from the person in Bungie (his name evades me). Anways last weeks update talked about multiplayer and how he was learning one of the more challenging maps for Halo 2 called "Burial Grounds." Im just taking a guess that since the place they were playing at looked like an ancient place, perhaps egyptian, that this outdoor map that they showed in the new multiplayer screen is that map. :fuzsmile:

This is why I think it might be an Egyptian burial ground in the game and on Earth


Anyways perhaps this actually does have something to do with the story mode part of the game, remembering that Egypt is in Africa, and the Earth City level was in Africa also. Maybe the covnenant are looking in the Egyptian burial grounds for something.

I dunno its speculation, but I think I actually did stumble on something perhaps. :fuzsmile:

Fez 01-31-2004 06:53 AM

i dont think that pic has anything to do with it. It's more of just a funny pic.

Codek 01-31-2004 01:01 PM

Nah, that mp screen looks just the same as HALO PC. In fact, I'd say HALO PC looks a little bit better!

HALO 2 has got a looooong way to go yet. It looks utterly shit at the moment. The graphics are poor, very poor. The landscape looks awful. The detail is horrendous. There are absolutely no improvements on the last game. The textures even look the same.

And those debris are nothing new.

MasterChief 01-31-2004 05:49 PM

hey old friends :) i thought id drop by since we r on the topic of Halo 2 :D yea just to verify, i work at gamestop and i got a call from a Microsoft rep. yesterday and he said the june release date which is what its at now is just to make us belive it will be out soon , the release date we got was late fall all the way to early 05, but who knows, if i was us i wouldny be puttin money on it considering its release was july 03, fall 03, xmas 03, feb 04, march 04, april 04, may 04, and june 04. i guess we'll see

oddguy 01-31-2004 09:26 PM

Not like you guys care......maybe Al might......anyway I thought I'd come to this thread and tell you kids that I borowed Halo from a friend today and started playing. Yay for me! Very fun!:D

-oddguy :fuzcool:

Fez 01-31-2004 11:48 PM


Nah, that mp screen looks just the same as HALO PC. In fact, I'd say HALO PC looks a little bit better!

HALO 2 has got a looooong way to go yet. It looks utterly shit at the moment. The graphics are poor, very poor. The landscape looks awful. The detail is horrendous. There are absolutely no improvements on the last game. The textures even look the same.

And those debris are nothing new.

how can you say that! the graphics look tons better then H1! I've played halo PC and the graphics arnt nearly as good as they are on the xbox.

Esus 02-01-2004 01:40 AM

Bump mapping. Do you not see it? Or do you mean by "the graphics arent better" that the general shape of a nearby vehicle is the same?

Fez 02-01-2004 01:46 AM

the graphics dont look as good on halo PC as they do on the xbox version.

SeaRex 02-01-2004 04:01 AM

To a certain extent, I have to agree with Death. Although I do think some of the textures look completely new (judging from the screenshots), it appears as if the only aspect of the game that Bungie has really polished is the MC.

Of course, it is a bit early to pass judgement. Besides, the original Halo wasn't exactly a groundbreaking game as far as graphics go. And even though it's not on par with Half-Life 2 (or maybe even UT 04!), it's still Halo. :D

Hobo 02-01-2004 04:03 AM


To a certain extent, I have to agree with Death. Although I do think some of the textures look completely new (judging from the screenshots), it appears as if the only aspect of the game that Bungie has really polished is the MC.

Of course, it is a bit early to pass judgement. Besides, the original Halo wasn't exactly a groundbreaking game as far as graphics go. And even though it's not on par with Half-Life 2 (or maybe even UT 04!), it's still Halo. :D

Well said, Huzzah!

Al the Vykker 02-01-2004 05:13 AM

Well remember, this is our first glimpse of multiplayer. Bungie did say multiplayer was still in a fairly early phase of testing, and they stated they have a long way to go to get it polished and ready for release, I wouldnt worry, from what weve seen so far with everything else, I think Bungie is on a good course with Halo 2. :fuzsmile:

And hey I was just doing a little bit of speculation ferill. ;)

Fez 02-01-2004 05:37 AM

bah, i hate speculation. Speculation leads to rumours, rumours lead to arguments, arguments lead to suffering.

Codek 02-01-2004 05:40 AM


bah, i hate speculation. Speculation leads to rumours, rumours lead to arguments, arguments lead to suffering.

Clouded, this boys' future is.

Try not! Do or do not, there is no try...


Fez 02-01-2004 06:50 AM

some new pics:




Esus 02-01-2004 07:18 AM

What exactly is that?

Is it the covenant version of the warthog?