There's a comic!?
No I'm lying, I knew there was a comic. |
New Dr Who episode was average yet again. There was more good stuff here than last season, but on the whole it was crappy. Smith is developing that mean streak that Tennant developed when they acknowledged that it was time to kill him off, which is nice.
Yeah, I couldn't believe he killed that guy, that was out of the ordinary, but on the whole I enjoyed it. Much more than any of season 6's. They seem to actually be putting effort into it again, I think.
It's bad, misguided effort though.
I'm really disappointing about these. I used to love watching Dr Who with my dad, but I don't think I can stomach this episode again when it actually airs here. |
You really thought it was that bad? It was far more original than any of 6's, even if it was a little over the top. Also, I like the new opening.
I thought it was pretty good. All of y'all need to remember that Steven Moffat sees Doctor Who as a kid's show. And whilst I didn't love Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, it was fun. Which is all it needs to be.
There was a tonne of innuendo in that episode, though, which I haven't seen since Eccleston. And some with Tennant.
Make a Dr. Who thread already, jesus christ.
EDIT: nvm, missed a page
I still thought the end was pretty grim. Had some definite adult ties to it.
It is such bullshit. |
I watched District 9 yesterday. I didn't really like it.
I watched The Many Deaths of Ian Stone (or whatever it's called). It was interesting until the second half, then it got super lame. I also was lucky enough to get my hands on the workprint of Doug TenNapel's Mothman, which he made some three years before that Richard Gere abortion. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to talk about it. I JUST WANTED TO BRAG ABOUT ALL MY COOL CONNECTIONS. Has anyone seen "Lo"? It's some movie about a friendly demon or something. Anyone seen it? It's been recommended to me by a few people. |
Rewatching The Matrix films. Good times, they remain awesome even after so many years.
I thought the new episode was kind of stupid really. Felt like a mishmash of gimmick episodes held together with tape.
I watched Dredd 3D last night, firstly I want to say that this is not my type of film so I feel I'm the wrong audience for it.
Watching it in 3D was totally pointless as there were hardly any 3d parts in it, but I enjoyed the movie, I just felt it was too restricted, Dredd's monologue at the beginning builds up this massive city environment yet 95% of the entire film takes place in one building. Maybe Judge Dredd fans would enjoy this more but I give it an 8/10. |
An 8/10's pretty high, though.
True, but like I said, Judge Dredd fans may enjoy it more.
An 8/10 is very high. An 8/10 is 'Great'.
Did you find the Judge Dredd movie 'Great'? |
Yeah. From how you described it I would have expected more of a 4 or 5 out of 10.
Well if you wanna get precise, I'd say around a 7.9/10.
I enjoyed the story, the characters and action, they all kept me entertained and wanting to find out how it all ends. |
But if you actually liked Judge Dredd it would have been more like an 11?
Don't ask me why, but Dredd 3D isn't getting released in Canada until September god damn 27th. No, don't check IMDB, because I already know it says Sept 6 on there. IMDB is lying. I have to wait another 2 full weeks to get my Dredd on and it is KILLING me. I need my Dredd.
I guess you've bean Dredd-locked, HO HO!
I'll show myself out. |
What the hell is Dredd and why haven't I heard of it?