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Leto 04-25-2005 02:38 AM

Yes, I really, really am. But that's why this map pack would be good.

sligster 04-25-2005 07:12 PM


I can't believe that some people are STILL playing Halo. Aren't you guys bored with it yet?

and people are still playing Starcraft... you're point being? :p

Map pack is out, btw, and it's ****ing awesome

Leto 04-25-2005 10:02 PM

Wha..? Oh yeah, you aint here. *slaps own forehead* I think I have to wait a few weeks. Bleck. At least I've got DooM³ until then...

EDIT: Damnit! Why did I use all usable funds until next month?! Man, I should save for once.

Dino 04-26-2005 02:04 AM


and people are still playing Starcraft...

That's because starcraft has this wonderful thing called replayability. My point being that Halo has all the replayability of a tampon. It's a wonderful thing when it's new, but after a while it just begins to stink.

Leto 04-26-2005 08:15 PM

That was the single best metaphor ever, Dino. You have made my day! XD *Tips hat*.

Yes, Halo and its' sequel are a one play game, perhaps a second play for a co-op match, but it offers nothing in terms of replayability.

Dino 04-26-2005 09:40 PM


Yes, Halo and its' sequel are a one play game, perhaps a second play for a co-op match, but it offers nothing in terms of replayability.

Secret to replayability: a decent map editor that allows people to make and modify their OWN maps. This needs to have a simple, easy to use interface. Also needs enough control over the design, and enough variables to mean that there's an infinate number of possible maps. This means total landscaping control, easy building and construction 3D modeling, variable colour easily applied textures, and full control over every single other variable like weapon/ammo/vehicle/doodad placement, weather, lighting, gravity, and so on.

If someone made an FPS lan and online multiplayer PC game which had good graphics, decent/not unbalanced weapons, fun gameplay, all types of vehicles (aircraft, tanks, boats, etc.), AND an editor as described above, then it would be infinately replayable and would never get boring. Unfortunately, it seems that nobody has figured this out yet, so we are forced to carry on wasting our money on games that end up getting boring and repetative.

Esus 04-27-2005 12:52 PM


If someone made an FPS lan and online multiplayer PC game which had good graphics, decent/not unbalanced weapons, fun gameplay, all types of vehicles (aircraft, tanks, boats, etc.), AND an editor as described above, then it would be infinately replayable and would never get boring. Unfortunately, it seems that nobody has figured this out yet, so we are forced to carry on wasting our money on games that end up getting boring and repetative.
Battlefield has all of that. Except the editor is not as simple as you want, bit it's all there.

Santuary and Turf are by far my favourite of the new maps.
Sanctuary on Team/FFA Sniper Slayer or 1 Flag CTF, and a couple of my custom game types, Turf best on that popular Counter Strike custom game - BR and Magnum, no shields, no radar, one life.

SeaRex 04-27-2005 02:07 PM

Turf is an excellent map. Very unusual for the crew at Bungie... it feels more like a CS map than something out of Halo 2. In fact, like Esus, I also like using CS-style modes on it. BR and Magnum, No shields, Extra Damage, No Radar. Great stuff.

My new favorite map, however, has got to be Containment. I loved Sidewinder and this new map is turning out to be a worthy successor. The opening gate/ramps on each base are an excellent touch.

Leto 04-27-2005 05:35 PM


Secret to replayability: a decent map editor that allows people to make and modify their OWN maps. This needs to have a simple, easy to use interface. Also needs enough control over the design, and enough variables to mean that there's an infinate number of possible maps. This means total landscaping control, easy building and construction 3D modeling, variable colour easily applied textures, and full control over every single other variable like weapon/ammo/vehicle/doodad placement, weather, lighting, gravity, and so on.

If someone made an FPS lan and online multiplayer PC game which had good graphics, decent/not unbalanced weapons, fun gameplay, all types of vehicles (aircraft, tanks, boats, etc.), AND an editor as described above, then it would be infinately replayable and would never get boring. Unfortunately, it seems that nobody has figured this out yet, so we are forced to carry on wasting our money on games that end up getting boring and repetative.

Oh, God yes. I've been playing TimeSplitters: Future Perfect on Xbox for these reasons. I swear, it's the only console game with a freakin' map editor.

I <3 TimeSplitters 4 evah!1!@2

And the Map pack aint due out here for a week or so... Damn. Meh, I can wait.

sligster 04-27-2005 06:33 PM


Oh, God yes. I've been playing TimeSplitters: Future Perfect on Xbox for these reasons. I swear, it's the only console game with a freakin' map editor.

Pariah's comin out soon... it looks pretty good, and it has a map editor :p

Leto 04-27-2005 07:04 PM


Pariah's comin out soon... it looks pretty good, and it has a map editor :p

Yeah, but I bet it wont have a playable duck... :p Nothing will ever replace TS. But I'll give Pariah a go...

Anyways, what would you rate the Map Pack on a scale of one to ten?

sligster 04-28-2005 04:56 PM


Yeah, but I bet it wont have a playable duck... :p Nothing will ever replace TS. But I'll give Pariah a go...

Anyways, what would you rate the Map Pack on a scale of one to ten?

Containment: 8/10 - Very nice map. The snowey enviroment is awesome, and reminds me of Sidewinder, which I loved, and the Library in the background is beautiful. The bases are huge, and the ramps that lower and rise are cool.

Sanctuary: 9/10 - My favorite map. The Red base is dead. No life, no scenery, nothing. Blue base, however, is very nice. There's waterfalls, ponds, green grass, vines...... The middle structure also looks very nice, as do the sides.

Turf: 7/10 - When I first heard about it, it seemed pretty cool, but when I went to play it, well... it was cool, but it reminded me too much of Counter Strike. I dunno... it just felt wierd and somewhat out of place.

Warlock: 8/10 - One of my favorite maps in Halo:CE was Wizard, and I believe they did a fine job transferring it over to Halo 2.

Overall: 8/10

lets hope the next 5 are just as good

EDIT: Backwash- the last of the remaining 5 maps to be revealed has been.... revealed. It's set in a 343 GS- esque swamp!


sligster 05-06-2005 03:58 PM

new update with descriptions of the 5 next maps and pics of Relic and Backwash:





EDIT: btw, yes that is Penitent Tangent on the right in the Backwash pic.

Alpha 05-06-2005 04:16 PM

Cool Relic has sniper towers (Silent Cartographer here I come).

Sheriff-Murder 05-11-2005 02:29 AM

has somebody tried this glitch?
1 player uses a wraith, the other1 uses a ghost.
the ghost drives backwards into a wall and the wraith boosts into the front of the ghost, the ghost flies spinning through the air through the invisible wall and can land on the highest buildings! its really fun, get the ghost to shoot while its spinning it looks funny if the other player watches it.

Alpha 05-11-2005 01:19 PM

Yep it works better with a warthog and scorpian.

sligster 05-29-2005 11:22 PM

if any of you play Halo: Custom Edition for Halo PC, then you've probobly heard about the Zelda mod.

For all of you anxious to see this Zelda mod, beta footage has been released, and it looks amazing. I might just reinstall Halo PC.


Leto 05-30-2005 01:11 AM

Jesus Cristo! My first game and I was pwned by a ten year old. Zing!

Click to humilate me!

sligster 05-30-2005 01:45 AM


Jesus Cristo! My first game and I was pwned by a ten year old. Zing!

Click to humilate me!


Thats ok...

The youngest registered pro gamer, Lil Poison, is 7 years old. And I mean, PRO. I've seen vids of him playing... it's amazing... extremely hard to believe he's 7.

his site: http://www.lilpoison.com/

Alpha 05-30-2005 10:34 AM

Very bright kid yep lilpoison is great just show's yo how smart kid's are

Leto 05-30-2005 10:43 PM

Probably just a 30 year old with testicular problems scamming. (Sorry, I don't really trust much people)

Heh. I've been playing with this guy called whiteindian (We get pwned on Halo 2 together! :p), and all this time I didn't know it was the guy I sit next to in form class. Hwayo!

Apparently the Killer Map Pack thing is free on the 28th of June. It just says that at the download page.

sligster 05-31-2005 05:12 PM


Heh. I've been playing with this guy called whiteindian (We get pwned on Halo 2 together! :p), and all this time I didn't know it was the guy I sit next to in form class. Hwayo!

Apparently the Killer Map Pack thing is free on the 28th of June. It just says that at the download page.

Cool how little coincidences can happen like that, huh? :p

And actually, the Map Pack has been pushed back to July 5. The DL page hasn't been updated.

Leto 05-31-2005 11:09 PM

I mean just the maps thjat arent free are free on the 28th. It's all good.

Hey, we sucked tonight, eh? :p It's what you get from TS3 players and small indians.

sligster 06-01-2005 03:46 PM


I mean just the maps thjat arent free are free on the 28th. It's all good.

actually, the download has also been pushed back to the 5th. Quote from Frankie:


It'll be on store shelves (or available for download) on July 5th.


Hey, we sucked tonight, eh? :p It's what you get from TS3 players and small indians.
not just an indian.... but a WHITE indian!

Leto 06-01-2005 11:09 PM

Yep, he's pretty white. But his guest was even worse... I mean, for a kill to suicide ratio, he had 1:8. :p He thinks 'B' is jump. Idiot.

Gak! You know how there are four maps avaliable for download currently? The ones that cost and the ones that don't? The ones that don't are supposedly free on the 28th. Well, on the download page it says that.

sligster 06-02-2005 03:36 PM


Gak! You know how there are four maps avaliable for download currently? The ones that cost and the ones that don't? The ones that don't are supposedly free on the 28th. Well, on the download page it says that.

yea, I don't think they can update that page without an autoupdate download, which would be pointless if it was just for that.

Alpha 06-03-2005 02:47 AM

And I will just wait two days......

Leto 06-04-2005 04:34 PM

Sorry, but whadafak? Please, actually consider tetlling us what you speak of before clicking the 'post spam' button.

Alpha 06-08-2005 10:05 AM

Sorry I use to think that it was coming out june 5th but I made a mistake it's July 10th

Leto 06-09-2005 12:47 AM

Aw dang. :p And we have to wait a lot longer over here, so I do hope it hasn't been delayed EVEN LONGER.